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Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-18 21:35:03

Level 61
Thanks for the nice, succinct game analyses :]
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-19 09:06:17

Level 62
Stats 2nd , MH last , Outlaws first..

Anything is possible, follow your dreams kids.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-19 13:53:39

Level 62
lol georgie
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-19 15:29:38

master of desaster 
Level 66
I feel like joining MH in B next season. Maybe georgie and i can play strat me 2vs2 together
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-19 19:54:11

Level 58
I feel like joining MH in B next season. Maybe georgie and i can play strat me 2vs2 together

Sure thing. I mean the joining thingy, about the B stuff we will see.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-19 20:15:45

Level 61
Why not join ONE! if you want to play in B next season?
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-20 21:09:29

Level 64
Plat your predictions are looking impressively bad.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-21 00:13:15

Level 61
Your face is looking impressively bad. Other than that, I agree.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-22 13:14:01

Level 63
Just let CL end here and outlaws win.
It feels like certain players would be very satisfied with being able to shove that into plats face... ;)
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-22 13:39:03

Level 62
The most important thing for me is the relegation battle, stats got a good start and they're gonna soon get losses and catapult down the league and so will we, its just important to enjoy the high for aslong as luckily possible, however we're definitely getting the most out of it by beating Lynx our relegation rivals on Guiroma 2v2 as they're surrendering rn.

Edited 3/22/2019 13:39:28
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-22 22:43:15

Level 61
I'd pay 5 coins to watch a Lynx+Outlaws clan battle.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-22 23:02:17

Level 64
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 01:12:06

Level 61
I've never bought a coin in my whole life.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 01:23:00

Level 62
You sure act like it.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 05:17:09

Level 62
To the current players who are playing in the 2v2 Guiroma tournament, I have simply one question to ask you. Would you prefer playing this template on random move order or cyclic? Because my personal opinion is that random move order is too much of a deciding factor in most games in A and it feels like it's a question of who's going to get those crucial 50/50s then actual skill and prediction.

It should've been cyclic and not random move order in my eyes.

Edited 3/23/2019 05:17:24
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 06:07:21

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
All competitive games should be cyclic imo.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 09:55:29

Level 61
Even 1v1 Ancient Greece?
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 09:59:18

Level 63
i don t understand we can let a place to the luck in this competition
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 13:10:05

Level 61
Random move order alone isn't really the issue. But with the lack of blockade and gift card you really don't have any options if things go wrong early in the game. Personally I am not a big fan of games where one player has to march with big stacks for 10 turns from one side of the map to the other just because the opponents are teaming up on your partner and you got eliminated in that area early or missed out on a pick there.

Gift and / or blockade card would improve 2v2 Guiroma a lot in my opinion. I feel it might have been intentional to have a template that is a little bit different from the others and that requires a different approach (no cards, random move order). However a gift card is something I'd really like to have.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-03-23 22:13:37

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
"Even 1v1 Ancient Greece?"



I think RMO is a bigger annoyance. It takes an integral part and skill in the game and turns it into a coin flip.
Plenty of 2v2s work well with no cards (Szeurope and China), so i think some that may improve the template, i would not say that is a big issue.
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