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Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-10-02 19:35:02

Level 62
The WG vs MH game was marked as a loss for WG against MH. But judging from the chat it seems Smoove subbed himself out?

So, somebody will need to find the timestamps and compare them to the time the game was created.

Regardless if WG loses there remaining 3/4 games. They are relegated. As I have Stats down winning the head-to-head. And they don't have easy games left to say the least.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-10-14 08:42:27

Master Meldarion 
Level 63
Platinum is right, the game in the tournament was played despite a sub, so either I or Cowboy must have gotten confused and noted the result down.

Please do play the game you linked Guest, and start doing it asap.
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-10-22 17:32:08

Super Smoove 
Level 61
Clan League 11: Division A - Official Thread: 2019-10-24 14:07:53

Super Smoove 
Level 61
[9:52 AM] Super Smoove: definitely want to credit stats for making A demotion come down to the wire for that though
[9:53 AM] Super Smoove: because throwing out the nauz and verz stuff it was a close race and both teams managed to compete despite all that
[9:54 AM] Super Smoove: mw and the stats europe team managed to get a big win at the end against ONE to widen the gap, Jackie Treehorn had the CL of his life, Yeon played really well, and the people that subbed in for Nauz got thrown to the wolves and both got out with a win each
[9:58 AM] Super Smoove: and on our side to spin it positively, nobody was really a weak point for us, literally every slot except the tournament we essentially booted from 4 games in won 2 games at least (and even that one won 1) so everybody put in something

this should go here cuz its true
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