The missing connections are a symbol of distancing between nations
How about making a map of Earth (or just Europe; that'll be messy enough as it is), with connections between countries that "get along"? Since everybody hates their neighbours (*) and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" it'll be like Fizzer's "Hopscotch" map..., but worse. Because "getting along" is so extremely subjective, Moros and Skunk will have eeeeeendless opportunities for debate. And the connections will be so utterly messed up only the AI (which doesn't get confused) can make any sense at all out of it (should give it a nice advantage).
(*) Except during the EuroVision Song Contest..., obviously!
To prevent any misunderstandings:
This is a rhetorical suggestion, please do
not actually make such a map. And if you do, don't blame me for it being unplayable, I'll just point to this post and say "I told you so!". :p