Since I'm still kinda disturbed by this achievement let me look at the games one by one since they aren't too many.
- - Elise --> Boot freebie
- - New.Recruit --> Booot freebie
- - Nickytuss --> The opponent here should also stick with Fizzer picks
- - Scandalnavia --> Immediate surrender freebie
- - JP --> Pretty much a freebie again
- - raftibaba --> The level 60 opponent hasn't learned yet how to take a bonus turn 2 in a 0 luck game. This kinda invalidates MoDs point that the old ladder was better, at least for the average John Doe.
- - V@n --> The first opponent who actually fights back however still not competitive.
- - Brian the Brave --> MoD gets lucky with his Fizzer pick however the opponent tripple picked in Europe so MoD wouldn't need that lucky pick I guess. Still too bad of an opponent.
- - [NL]Philippe --> Opponents picks were too flawed.
- - Wiredaq --> Opponent also went for Fizzer picks. As for Wiredaq there should be an option to also pick the first 3 picks and random which should lead to a better outcome.
OK, so so far all opponents were very bad. Since the next ones are quite known players they should be better. So far I was relatively surprised at the poor opponent play, I expected more middle tier play like clan league div B or C level. However I haven't seen anything fishy, just plain bad play. Now should come the games which actually surprise me.
- - Bigchips147 --> MoD gets his first 3 picks. Bigchips147 hiting Central America is a kind of play which just never works.
- - x --> Finally an opponent who knows what he is doing. However MoD gets his 3 picks and they are very good. Superior 2x5 income and the strong Southeast Asia pick in order to attack the first turn bonus + Europe.
- - schmidt --> One of my old buddies. Too bad that schmidt played this on autopilot else he must have realized turn 5 that his opponent was actually also at 16 income. Maybe this is MoDs secret. He only picks 3 however his opponent also handicap themself by playing on 0 minute autopilot without being capable of doing so.
- - Octance --> First game where I don't see the opponent taking it seriously
- - Show_No_Mercy --> I guess trying to border the opponent in 2 spots immediately is smart if you risk a bad Fizzer pick. Smart and legitimate win despite the random pick being perfect.
- - NZPhoenix --> Jeah, Japan is the downfall of East Russia and even more if you pair it with East China. MoDs Fizzer pick was lucky however I guess he could have also won with a worse pick.
- - ianwin --> Good picks by MoD. However I don't know about his opponents skill level but opening 3 bonuses parallel seems like a bizarre throw. So far his opponents would do very well if they would stick to my picking guide where I call those picks "hopeplay picks" where you have to guess the opponent direction.
- - Mister Glass --> Mister Glass' pick number 4 is his downfall. The games are starting to get better. Sad that turn 5 Mister Glass didn't just hammer MoD.
- - Tjoex --> Only loss so far. Intersting that here MoD gets his first 3 picks + randomly intercepts the first opponent bonus and still loses.
- - kent --> Boot freebie
- - Kaerox --> Finally an opponent with reasonable picks + in addition a bad Fizzer pick. However the problem with 3 +3 bonuses is that only 2 +5 bonuses already give more income. I understand kaerox failing to guess where to find MoD. This seems like the best opponent so far, really a sad loss.
- --> Andersault --> Good picks by MoD designed to counter the first turn bonus with superior income the turn you meet. Also a close game, with a reinforcement card comeback from MoD turn 10.
- - ACL Tears --> That's the first game where I have problems understanding MoDs picks. With a bad Fizzer pick he wouldn't have gotten a bonus turn 2. Those picks seem like a wild counter guess to certain opponent picks.
- - DOM365 --> Good picks by MoD and a good Fizzer pick. He has some advantage already after turn 2 with just straight forward play.
So to sum things up:
- Is the run legitimate? --> Apart from the game against Octane I see nobody trying to meme MoD back.
- Was there disgusting Fizzer pick luck involved --> Actually I have to disagree. Sure also in some more close games the random pick was quite lucky however there I could also see MoD winning the game with a worse random pick by playing differently.
So imo MoD has won because of 2 reasons:
- MoDs random pick number 4 often wasn't way worse than his opponents actual pick number 4. His opponents were lacking a winning strategy when placing their 6 picks.
- With me randomly checking some samples each and every opponent from MoD was also meming by trying to set 0 minute speed records. Apparently me looking over each game for about 3 minutes is taking me more actual thinking time than them playing their whole game.
The only really bizarre win for me was the win against Kaerox.
Edited 7/1/2020 01:49:54