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Membership price: 2012-10-08 11:14:28

The Duke of Ben 
Level 55
Fizzer would probably be better off just adding a Donate button somewhere, so people can donate whatever amount they want. Adding a gold star would be optional for donating. Requiring a minimum doesn't seem necessary in that case.
Membership price: 2012-10-08 11:20:24

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
Ahhh... but when he has awarded the gold star for the first additional $30 he can offer a blue diamond for the next additional $30... ;0) :P
Membership price: 2012-10-08 12:45:53

Vladimir Vladimirovich 
Level 61
and how much would i have to pay to ignore those ridiculous suggestions?
Membership price: 2012-10-08 15:32:11

Level 60
Wilfred that is the worst idea i have ever herd on warlight.
Membership price: 2012-10-08 15:34:47

Level 54
Why make people wait a year and also associate membership will never work,and will upgrading from that take $20 dollars or $30.Donating to warlight should be free it sorts of defeats the purpose of donating if you had too pay $10 first it basically means normal players will not be able to donate more than $10.
Membership price: 2012-10-08 15:46:32

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
The point is some members will happily donate more even if others choose not be members.

I dont know why some of you are so against the idea.

Smaller donations for lesser membership might encourage more players to donate something in return for limited benefits. Some have complained at the price. Im just trying to develop a solution to bring them in. I recognise there are some who wont pay however cheap you make it. I still agree that the current membership at $30 is good and should stand. Im just offering alternatives to help generate revenue for the site and sustain it.

Ironheart: The 1 year wait for gold membership was just a frivolous option.
Membership price: 2012-10-08 15:58:28

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
If you are getting benefits back it is no longer a donation but a payment. Donation implies that a gift with no expected return.
Membership price: 2012-10-08 16:03:26

Wilfred Owen 
Level 61
Ok if you call a gold star a benefit then we wont use term donation
Membership price: 2012-10-08 17:18:35

[WG] Reza
Level 60
Or you can just donate a membership to me? :D (As i am unable and it seems you all have so much money to donate)
Membership price: 2012-10-08 17:18:43

Vladimir Vladimirovich 
Level 61
I believe any extra amount fo money should bring some kind of benefit (and an extra stupid sign beside the name doesnt count)
Membership price: 2012-10-08 17:19:23

[WG] Reza
Level 60
that was a joke.
but if you actually do take it seriously then woohoo
Membership price: 2012-10-08 21:51:57

Level 54
Yep if you want to donate to warlight then send me a membership.
Membership price: 2012-10-08 21:54:18

{rp} Julius Caesar 
Level 46
how long are you all going to harp on this
Membership price: 2012-10-09 03:14:00

[WG] Reza
Level 60
Ironheart first come first serve (as in bringing um the idea) :P
Membership price: 2012-10-10 13:41:26

Level 60
I don't have any problem with the membership fee, it's offered great value to me considering the amount of time i play this game. However, i do think the fee is a big step for a non member with limited resources. IMO a better solution would be to have individual 'perks' available for purchase. Such as:

Want to join the 1v1 ladder? $10 lifetime
" " 2v2 ladder? $10 lifetime

Want the ability to create a clan where you can reserve seats in tourneys, have an individual page for team discussions? $10 lifetime

Want to join a clan? $5 lifetime

The ability to join a clan team ladder? $8 lifetime

Want the ability to create larger games? $5 lifetime
" " change luck settings? $3 lifetime
" " create tournaments? $3 lifetime

There would be a list of "perks" symbols displayed below the username on the profile page. Other ideas off the top of my head (which could be charged for)

Custom colours?
Gold Silver Bronze belts besides username for players high up in ladders (like title holders)
Reserve seats for teammates for time period
Ability to take over ai's
Ability to designate teammate to take moves, etc etc

I realise some of these ideas may be useless but just throwing them out there. Think of it like in-app purchases for ios.
Membership price: 2012-10-10 14:29:43

[WM] แต€แดดแดฑ๐“•๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ฐ๐“ฎ 
Level 60
@Ribena - oh come on - this would end up with "no credit: to commit next turn, please insert coin" and that is by no means good for the site. and regarding some of your ideas - Fizzer clearly stated he does NOT want any perks that give you in-game advantage.

In my opinion the membership price is well balanced. I would buy membership for sure if i could afford it, but I cannot at the moment and for the time being no change in price can change this. I, alike many people out there, simply have far to many expenses compared to wages and those unfortunately have higher priority..

Donation button would be a great addon, and i think at least some people would use it even without fancy "look-at-me-i-donated-and-you-didnt" stars, medals nor badges. Others on the other hand at least would stop pretending that they <would pay more BUT...>
Membership price: 2012-10-10 14:55:01

Level 60
I don't think any of my suggestions implied that. My overall point was that benefits could be purchased which did not offer a playing advantage, with perhaps the exception of taking over ai's.

I think the point for discussion is whether someone would pay the $30 if, like me, they only wanted to play the 2v2 ladder.

I suppose a different question would be..would any of those players who do not intend to buy a membership pay the figures i have suggested to take advantage of one of those features?
Membership price: 2012-10-10 16:10:22

Level 54
@ribena i disagree with all your points especially having to be a member to join or make clans. And Ability to take over ai's ,Ability to designate teammate to take moves,if members could do this no one will ever want to play against one.
Membership price: 2012-10-10 16:42:19

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
If you are getting benefits back it is no longer a donation but a payment. Donation implies that a gift with no expected return.

If I were to buy a membership on the basis of getting something back from the direct benefits, I would never buy it. I would only pay $10 for the benefits I received. This means I willingly donated $20 at least from my perspective.
Membership price: 2012-10-10 16:52:58

Level 60
Ironheart with regards to paying to join a clan - this is with a formal clan structure incorporated within the site - i.e. not just a change of name tag. for example a clan symbol next to your name, a clan leader who can add and remove members, formal clan ranking systems etc
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