why would you leave 2 of your bonus and stop attacking towards one of my larger bonuses just to blockade mexico?
What do you think is the correct play there? I had a 20 in antarctica vs your 1/1. And you had the opportunity to take Central America and break my bonus in South America. I knew you were in Australia but I didn't know if you knew that I knew that.
Even now that I'm thinking hard about it, I don't know that I'd have put all of my troops in antarctica and try to break through to Australia and if I don't put a bunch of them in Central America there is a high probability you are going to take it and then have an extra bonus + 2 fronts to attack South America, even if I can hold it for that one turn.
Given all of that - what is the best play? The blockade, as with our first game, was not intended to be so big. I assumed (incorrectly) both times that you would attack me hard there, so it would be a smallish blockade.