the game is this , tell me this is luck instead a pick mistake...
If you pick 1/2 in west areas, why the hell he put his 11th there? make 0 sense...
he should have picked lusitania or sauthern gaul.
Blame pick luck can have sense if you lost your 1st pick. And this is a FTB and/or crucial place.
But there i see only GS don't cover well the map, and his 12 in GB is bad too. Like i said before, 11 and 12 should be lusitania (that coutner his 10, that make sense) and sauther gaul (a long term counter).
P.S.: to be honest, i think you should say you be pretty lucky, bc i mirrored the FTB in South italy, and you take it. 66% vs 33% ;)
Edited 7/11/2014 10:00:51