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Artifacts: 2020-11-14 15:44:48

Level 56
Can anyone explain the Army Cache artifact? "Instantly get an army cache of size 7%" 7% of what?

Edit: Sort of answered my own question by trying it. It's terrible. I'm currently halfway through Roads of Silk and Iron and my normal draft is worth about 6M. The artifact gave me a draft of half that, 3M.

Edited 11/15/2020 17:37:33
Artifacts: 2020-11-24 17:37:33

Level 44
Me too . . . I have "Money Cache - Instantly get a money cache of size 5%" (Usable once every 24 hours).

5% of what?

And this artifact is different from the passive artifacts "Bonus Money Boost", "Money Cache Boost", "Territory Money Boost".
Artifacts: 2020-11-24 17:48:19

Level 60
What artifacts are people upgrading? Starting to have a few commons now, not sure what I want to upgrade first.
Artifacts: 2020-11-24 17:53:13

Level 64
The artifact I focused on was the Army Camp Boost. I've upgraded that to rare, giving me a 20% income boost. I've also upgraded the money cache one to uncommon.

Edited 11/24/2020 17:54:13
Artifacts: 2020-11-24 17:56:12

Level 57
the artifacts that give you 7% of money/ army cache work just like power-ups, but only part of them. For example if you will gain 100m by normal cache, you gain 7m using the artifact. To upgrade artifact you just have to click on artifact, then click upgrade, pick 4 artifacts of the same rarity to sacrifice them and finally click ok, or sth like that. Upgrade of common to uncommon artifact-12h(you can run more than 2 upgrades at once), uncommon to rare-24h
Artifacts: 2020-11-25 09:04:35

Level 61
can you please explain me the artifact thts is : "Instantly get a resource cache of size 20%"
what does it provides as i dont really understand it - 20% of What ?
Artifacts: 2020-11-25 09:08:26

Level 57
of free cache power probably
Artifacts: 2020-11-25 09:28:42

Level 61
you think so ? all free cahes are of the same value ?
but it says "resource cache "

anyway lets forget it
Artifacts: 2020-11-25 09:33:34

Level 63
no, Fizzer should fix the description of the cache artifact, since everyone is still confused what they take X% of....

Based on what I've seen so far, you would get X% of what you would get if you would activate the free cache power, but only the armies/money/items (based on the artifact you are using)
Artifacts: 2020-11-25 10:26:04

Dj Storm
Level 59
My guess, the Free Cache powerup is the base for all percent-based supplies artifacts. The supplies obtained from the Free Cache powerup vary depending how far you advanced into the level - early in the game you get few supplies, later you get way more. The amount is probably your money/armies/resources income for a specific amount of time, but I haven't studied it yet.
There aren't Money Cache powerups, as there aren't army and resource ones either; had these existed, they would provide you with 3x the amount from the Free Cache powerup, but only of the supplies they represent.
The artifacts provide a percentage of what these powerups would provide.
Artifacts: 2020-11-27 23:12:46

Level 35
Now playing two maps with multilevel thing and got myself caught with an idea that would help players, who are playing different maps simultaneously!

Please, make the game save equipped artifacts not for the whole account, but for the map you are currently playing. Like, having different setups with artifacts for each map.

Why I suddenly want to get such a possibility is because one map can be progressed much further than another and require different artifacts equipped! Like, mid-game that require double craft / craft speed / efficient smelters and early-game that require efficient smelters / army camp boost / double smelt or something, like, other artifacts to work with when idle!

It'd be cool if we could save different layouts for artifacts on different maps that are currently in play!
Artifacts: 2020-12-03 12:57:21

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
I have a supercharge army camp power up
Artifacts: 2020-12-20 22:51:13

Mark Govnik
Level 21
I have Idle Time artifact that I've upgraded to Rare and it gives an additional 80 minutes of maximum idle time (instead of the 2 hour max). I like it a lot. I did all sites I can as the ones you dont like you can use to upgrade the ones you do like.
Artifacts: 2020-12-20 23:20:03

Level 54
I've seen a dig site on pelopenision war
Artifacts: 2020-12-20 23:42:37

Level 67

My guess, the Free Cache powerup is the base for all percent-based supplies artifacts. The supplies obtained from the Free Cache powerup vary depending how far you advanced into the level - early in the game you get few supplies, later you get way more. The amount is probably your money/armies/resources income for a specific amount of time, but I haven't studied it yet.

As i've noticed, armies given from Free Cache are strongly corelated with current army camp production. You can see signifacant difference when using FC while Supercharge Army Camp is in effect (especially during early stage of game as with very few army camps boosting one of them make bigger difference)
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