There was this woman who went to sleep at midnight...
she hadnt slept or ate for 3 days...
her dream was an eqvalent to a normal world but there was one thing diffrent , evrything that happend in real life was the opposite , she found the world was diffeent , she tried to wake up but she did but still the same she found a note next to her clock saying
' Plz wake up :) '
she tried to but she cannot
the next day she found a another not saying
' have u found this note? Please read what says below... Plz wake up '
she did eventully.... only a few months later
she woke up on a top of a building and when she managed to climbdown to her bed and went to the toilet to do a number 2 :P she found a woman standing an a bathtub , slipped her foot and died she soon died of a gas attack
There was this boy who went to a new town to live... one night he was attacked but he managed to defeat them... He soon relised he like inflicting pain to others so... erm .... 1 night his mum heard a scream in the toilet a guest was murderd (dindundun) and in blood in the mirror saying 'smile :D ' and the boy turned around to his mum and what she saw was him putting a pernament smile and removing his eyelids so he can prevent sleep and then he said ' mommy , u lied ' and then he killed her
he was married soon after and he also put a pernament smile on her wife insted of killing her and after that he ran away into the forest looking for his next victim his vife is trying to kill him now
one day about ten years ago, man goes to work in (joint-)largest building in cityof new York, man finished work for morning and takes his lunch brak, decide to do som personal computing, on messageboard have argument of politic, somebody online says America must invade countries to be powerful, man in office says no, we must help the foreigners, it is not they're fault they r towelheads, we must be nice to them & let them take our jobs + women, man thinks americans are not greatest country on earth
at that moment a plane crashed into the man....
it was actually the world trade tower and it was inen eleven ...