I admit my methods are unusual, and that my degree is from an uncredited school (The Western Maine Institute of Mixology and Also Psychology), but I get results, dammit!
And I never said someone had a "weak", in fact I don't think anyone can possess any adjective.
What is wrong with me? I enjoy to cut down tree after tree each afternoon till the forest is completely clear. Next, I gain a strange sexual love for the trees and begin to weep at their deaths. Finally, I get a container of gasoline and pour it on the trees and light them up. Why do I destroy trees when I love them so dearly?
Billy W. experiment results: one of my predictions was correct, he committed and then booted me 5 minutes later.
Later, on the forum, he was aggrieved to find out that I was the one he booted (my change of username confounded him). Evidently the anonymity is integral to his arousal.
Upon first glance the patient appears to be a healthy, functional individual. However, as I delved further into his psyche, this normality is improbably revealed to be an aberration.
The straight-forwardness of his actions originally suggested to me that little Yuri was a well-balanced child. But the lack of any defects extended to a lack of any eccentricities, and furthermore, to an absence of any personality traits whatsoever. Though he successfully engages with his environs, it is a highly facile way. Behind his perfunctory movements is a disturbingly blank mind. Although there is no specific indication of any threat to society, I am indeed terrified by the boy's potential. To my mind, he is capable of anything.
I have forcibly confined the child, lest his psychopathy became manifest. Surprisingly, his family appeared relieved by my diagnosis and intimated that it was a confirmation of their suspicions. They gladly allowed him into the care of the nearest psychiatric unit. Sadly, he may never be freed.
... Subject responded with violent outrage to his incarceration ... drastic measures taken ... seems to be resistant to tasers ... I am quadrupling the dosage ...
Oma, me too have inquisition about ye tribe. you name is apex, little four artis. potens. experior. but y it apex and no ape? me think apex try trick junkeys (jungle monkeys). but Lion here ye leader dunga ape talk. he definitely ape no apex. y u big monkeys no call self ape?