Looking at other clans in A...
Frank and grona play 4 games for apex. Miyagi plays 4 for Master. Good Kid, Darkpie, 76myth play 4 for 101st.
All the rest are pretty spread out. So really only apex and 101st top loaded their teams. Apex probably had to (they have some semi retired people as well and are not a big clan.
Almost forgot to say something about this.
Aye we have this spread atm:
4 - Frank, Grona
3 - Lolowut, Widzisz
2 - Piggy, Brisk
This is due to a couple things. Coming into this clan league Apex was 8 members, but Noobschool and Miyagi will only participate in the clan they have leadership in. So in reality we had only 5 to bring to clan league, but were able to get in piggy. Next clan league you should see a slightly deeper spread as hopefully Timi will participate so we have 7 people to work with. 4 tournaments is too much, so is 3 imo. XD.
As for Ultimate Teamplayer: You guys downvoted my original idea for it, I guess we'll do something like Frank originally did after Clan League has only 3v3s left. :)