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Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 21:37:04

Level 61
I'm the 6th person ever to get ranked on MDL and so got a nice 5th place. Does that count?

Edited 3/31/2021 21:39:54
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 21:47:34

Roi Joleil
Level 61
If i can join Masters i will make angry posts towards alex and plat
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 21:48:59

Corn Silver 
Level 62


i think my turn 6 is my highlight. my logic was that i thought my opponent would let me retake illyricum

as for why I'm applying?

- I really like your healthcare plan. having lived in America, I know how important good co-pay plans are. sounds like from Min you are also use good doctors, which is reassuring
- I also really like McDonald's (good job you guys have a great healthcare plan!)
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 21:52:39

Corn Silver 
Level 62
- Also, once a Master always a Master <3

Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 22:00:33

Level 16

This game I played. I may not have chosen South Asia for my picks but I planned for an attrition war for expansion. I started strong and ended strong. I hope you enjoy. Actually that was an older game above. This is the one I meant.


Watch the games from the opponents perspective for extra emphasis on my sheer invulnerability. Thanks.

Edited 3/31/2021 22:08:09
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 22:05:12

Level 56
It seems the "Masters" have really fallen downhill ...
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 22:25:18

Level 16
Now you listen here, buddy. We both drew straws and mine was longer. Sometimes the games need a 2nd pair of eyes but the judger forgets who they are and it what it means.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 22:28:04

Level 62
I joined because they said they were selling chocolate

a kidnappers dream
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 22:31:30

Level 16
- Also, once a Master always a Master <3

I'm here to serve my life sentence.

Edited 3/31/2021 22:31:54
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 23:36:48

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
I'm really hoping the games posted by "Elite" are troll-bait, because that is some awful picks and expansion.
Be a MASTER!: 2021-03-31 23:41:37

Level 16
Explain your reasoning for thinking that. What would you have suggested? It's pretty easy afterward to have had a simpler resolution based on how the game turned out. But dealing the cards you're handed and without the knowledge of an outside force? A plan that's based on the after the fact!

Edited 3/31/2021 23:47:07
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 00:32:42

Level 6
There's space for you in Weenie Hut Jr, Elite! <3
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 01:27:33

Level 61
I used to dismiss Masters as stuck-up elitist pigs, but after the many moving testimonies from their members, I now see the light! They really are a loving, McDonalds-themed depression cure that sells chocolate!

Now if only I was enough of a stuck-up elitist pig to join...

Edited 4/1/2021 01:28:05
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 02:13:43

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59
> Explain your reasoning for thinking that. What would you have suggested? It's pretty easy afterward to have had a simpler resolution based on how the game turned out. But dealing the cards you're handed and without the knowledge of an outside force? A plan that's based on the after the fact!

Still pretty sure those games were bait, and not actually intended to be examples of good play, but sure, I'll bite:

Maybe this analysis will help other players:


Let's start with picks:

1.) North Africa is terrible. It's 3 income, and the same amount of territories as most of the 4 income bonuses. It doesn't counter anything particularly good either, and even if it did, blind countering with first pick is a bad strategy.
2-3 are okay
4.) Canada is terrible. Inefficient, doesn't counter anything but Greenland, which is also mediocre on this distribution due to having a bad warlord.
5.) West Africa is a bad warlord.
6.) East Africa isn't a great warlord either.

These picks aren't just not amazing, they're genuinely awful. We're talking 1200 elo on the ladder-tier.

Now, on to actual play:

Wasting armies to move into West Africa is silly. Libya has better position to counter East Africa, and only a complete noob would have started in South Africa (or North Africa for that matter).

Not completing Central Russia turn 3 is hilariously bad.
Going into Alaska is silly. No decent opponent is going to be there. Indonesia and East China are both much more likely. Hitting Japan is a much better move with the leftover armies left after taking Central Russia.
Hitting the warlord in West Africa is once again, more stupid wasteful army usage.

Expanding simultaneously into West Africa, Canada, and Caucasus, all while not having completed North Africa is horrific.

Honestly at this point I've got no motivation to continue watching the rest of the game, you played like crap every turn so far, and I don't see that changing any time soon. If you want to improve and genuinely are seeking to improve, I'd be willing to play vs you and give you pointers, but as is, you're not good.

Edited 4/1/2021 05:54:10
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 02:15:04

Level 59
Nauz are you going to put your win rate where your mouth is by accepting a best-of-11 series against Elite?
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 02:17:03

Level 56
Nauz have you got your ladder achievement yet?
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 02:23:32

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 59

Bad picks, didn't take Caucasus first. Took Eastern Kaz before Western Kaz. Done watching. This is 1000 elo play. It makes the first game almost look good.

Edited 4/1/2021 02:25:42
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 02:55:11

Level 56
ignore Nauz, he's just salty that he's terrible at Warlight after an entire decade of playing
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 03:09:16

Level 63
I would like to apply for Head Trainer for Nauz's Sense of Humor.

Here is my game application:

As you can see in the chat, my opponent all but says "You should be in MASTERS some day"
Be a MASTER!: 2021-04-01 14:30:39

Scrooge McDuck 
Level 62
I was in Apprentice First, then i swapped to Master when we needed more active Players.. Then i stopped playing Warzone for something like 2 years (what a kind of active player lol), they never asked me anything about my behavior they were just ready to welcome me with open arms when I started playing again.

As well as the best players they are (we are, i didn't played all the games i could in CW1 but no one asked me to play more
) also extremely fair, and this I think is something to be taken into consideration (we also want fair-player when someone joins our Clans). I'm curious to see how you will organize to beat us in the next seasons, it could happen, but I don't know how many players who will come together to beat us for how long will they be able to stick together :) so the choose it's about you, join the best clan in WZ ever or try to organize you and try to kick our ass in the nexts season, we will appreciate both of your decisions :)
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