It's not so much a game result ruining problem for me, but a Quality of Game / Ease of Use problem for me. It's certainly ruined my personal experience in the game, b/c of (I forget exactly) there were Tuscany and Copper Rose near one other, or across different sides of the map and I couldn't tell without clicking/inspecting/changing colours if it was the same player or not. And I have to repeat this every time I go back to that game b/c I'm playing multiple games and can't remember if this was the particular game where the 2 similar blues/browns/greens were the same or different players, etc.
But that's with 40 colours. With 80, I don't think an interface based on current WZ would work well.
Example . . . who _doesn't_ have an issue with these 2 colours?
Anything that causes me to spend more than 0.1 secs trying to figure out what player it is = Quality of Game lowering element.
Edited 6/16/2021 20:46:43