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The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-28 18:57:28

Level 62
The WW2 Diplomacy host augustolord is cheating the emergency blockade cards they are working in reverse and are negative cards. When I used a emergency blockade card with over 2000 army's they were reduced to just 500 armys. The host did not have the emergency blockade cards marked as being negative. Nor did he put in the rules of the game that the emergency blockade cards were negative!

WW2 Diplomacy
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-28 22:19:56

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Wait until you find out that sanction cards can be negative.

Edited 7/28/2021 22:20:44
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 00:14:00

Level 62
Look dude I know the sanction cards can be negative. Played many games where they are negative. But in all those games the cards are stated as being NEGATIVE and the rules in all those games that the host puts down state they are negative. The emergency blockade cards in this game are not listed as being negative they are listed as being positive, and no where in the rules does the games host state they are negative. Players that don't read the rules and cards are one thing, but hosts that change cards to a negative but leave them up as positive that is cheating!
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 15:55:34

Nice Guy 
Level 62
The card is not negative, it just multiplies the army count by 25%. Exactly as is written in the card's description.

Edited 7/29/2021 15:57:55
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 16:15:22

Athena's Child
Level 61
If the emergency blockade is negative, it will make the territory have negative number of armies.
I suppose, that will break the game.

The card clearly states the percentage, so I don't see what's the problem?

Edited 7/29/2021 16:23:10
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 18:27:01

Level 62
because the % decreases the army's it does not multiply them as the cards states a play on words! Read it it say's multiply your armys like every other blockade card does. It should read divide's your armys! And it should also state it works in reverse. Which is what is stated in a Negative card!

Edited 7/29/2021 18:33:50
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 18:40:50

Level 57
because the % decreases the army's it does not multiply them as the cards states a play on words!

It does multiply them. It multiplies them by 0.25.

It's an utterly useless card like that, but it's obviously not cheating. The card does exactly what it says it does.
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 18:57:40

Level 62
It really is cheating because the web site rules state blockade cards are used to increase armys unless stated. The cards and the rules of the game do not state the cards decrease the armys. This is a play on words to cheat. rules should clearly state when something works the oppose of what it is which I have always seen in games with negative sanction cards the cards say they work the opposite and the host states so in the rules. Neither of those are stated here. There is no explanation on how this card works when there should be.

Edited 7/29/2021 18:57:55
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 19:53:14

bliss machine
Level 62
i get your point. it is unsportsmanlike. it's not cheating, because the settings are there for you to review before you accept the game, but it is unsportsmanlike and I wouldn't join a game again from someone who made these kinda settings. reminds me of when i joined a random 1vs1 game before, happened to check the settings and notice that one territory was given 1000 income per turn where the rest of the map was at its usual, i checked, picked it first, got it and won. wouldn't join that player's games ever again cos i would have been pissed off at the behaviour, but the settings are there for everyone to see. i suggest finding and dveleoping your own group of reliable players for more interesting matches
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-29 22:52:42

Level 57
I get and agree with your point about him not clarifying the unusual rule.

If you saw the "multiply armies by 25%" bit and still thought it was an increase though, that's kinda your own fault.

Augustolord should have been more clear, and you should have read the fine print and known that multiplying by less than 100% is always a decrease.
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 00:35:56

Roi Joleil
Level 61
This logic is so ridiculous.
"The host is cheating because he didnt write in the rules that Blockade decreases Units"

Meanwhile in the settings..
"multiply armies by 25%"

So you are complaining that the function of the card is not written by the host in the settings while the card itself tells the function in the settings.
I always found it ridiculous to blame the host of games for someones self incapeability of reading.
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 00:57:48

Level 62
As I said it is a play on words. And any company that makes a game knows your make the rules simple and easy to understand. You don't trick the players. This is a trick and is cheating.
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 02:07:26

Level 63
read the settings before you join, its your responsibility.
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 04:21:54

Level 62
and tricking players is wrong so this is cheating!
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 04:37:10

Level 63
It's not cheating, and shouldn't be called as such. "Cheating" is reserved for instances where there is an unfair advantage to 1 or more players. Nothing of the sort is happening here - the info is available if you view the game settings.

Nowhere does the host state that the cards will increase your armies. The description is simply how the game mechanics work, and you're expected to know that 25% = 0.25, and multiplying by some value 0<x<1 is a reduction, x=1 is no change, and x>1 is an increase.

If you want to make an argument that the description isn't clear, take it up with Fizzer - but I personally think it's clear enough once you understand how the math works (the x<1 is a reduction part), and you should never run into this problem again unless you don't read the game settings.

In short, if you don't read or don't understand the game settings, pls don't blame the host or accuse the host of cheating. Take ownership of your own lack of diligence to read & understand the settings.
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 05:25:32

Level 62
You post rules for a game but you don't list the nature of changes you have made to those setting so it is cheating. Same as the New England football team deflating there footballs. They were still using a football but never told anybody it had a lower air pressure then it was suppose to! BUT IT WAS STILL CALLED CHEATING!
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 09:35:05

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Assuming that wasn't a typo by the host (it looks like so): Is it dirty? Yes. Cheating? No. Blockade multiplier is one of the settings you would expect players to read before playing. 1.4 multiplier e-block and 5 multiplier e-block are basically two different cards, used in different situations.

The reason why many players "defend" the host, is because we are tired of players who don't read settings. Lots of players surrender turn 1 in the custom scenario because of bad starting position. Or join the game without reading rules. "Negative" blockade cards are somewhat common in maps with negative bonuses. Many players are able to play that as a normal blockade, even if there is a warning in the host's message. That really destroys the flow of the game.
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 13:25:33

Level 62
Which it is why it is cheating. You get new people and low level people in here all the time they are new! And when this happens to them how do you think they feel you talk about people been playing a while. But you don't want to care about the new players. There are other gaming sites all over the web. You want to keep players not lose them. New players come in gets screwed over because of a cheating host and guess what he does he leaves this site for another gaming site where cheating and tricking players can't happen. So you tell me new people join this site run into being tricked by a cheating host. Do they stay here or do they say well let me try Activision or some other gaming site. You want people to stay not get them mad and leave. And you talk about reading but this is a trick card and a way of tricking people because it is not described there is nothing there to say what it really does, you talk about people not reading. But what is there to read when there is nothing there to tell you what the card really does! There is no explanation saying use this card and your forces get reduced by 3/4. What is there to read? Nothing no explanation. Which it will always be called CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The host augustolord is cheating WW2 Diplomacy: 2021-07-30 14:21:36

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Because of issues like this, on coffee-to-go cups stand "Caution: hot!" or on microwaves "dont dry your pet"

EDIT: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited 7/30/2021 14:23:58
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