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Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 10:53:15

Level 58
Dear fellow Warzonians,
yes, i made a mistake and participated in a number of raffles and WZ idle battles concurrently from 2 accounts in an attempt to make faster progress. It was dumb, inconsiderate, and a clear "no no".

I got a strong and well deserved warning from administration for my misdemeanor. And a lot of public shaming ... funnily by a character who has cheated and deceived others a lot more in many more ways and now sees his chance to play "avenger of the disinherited". But, not important.

Important is: I would like to sincerely apologize to all of you and assure you it will not happen again.

Also I shall be happy to accomodate any (reasonable) claims you want to make for (potentially) lost coins in raffles. Just send me a mail and we'll set up a lotto game to compensate you. Irrespective of whether or not you already got some coins from "Mr. righteous avenger". ;-)


In order to overvome my previous "no no" - I have changed my nick, in reference to one of my favorite bands of the '80s. Yes, Yes, you may cringe now.

Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 11:16:03

Level 63
Important is: I would like to sincerely apologize to all of you and assure you it will not happen again.

Everyone makes mistakes, and I'm glad you learned from your mistake :)

Also I shall be happy to accomodate any (reasonable) claims you want to make for (potentially) lost coins in raffles. Just send me a mail and we'll set up a lotto game to compensate you. Irrespective of whether or not you already got some coins from "Mr. righteous avenger". ;-)

I appreciate your efforts in fixing your mistake. Lavrov game most people their losses already, see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16r1J-Ese_f_IDSQsWiz6oZMIFoLGOiOIugiHPcqKbqo/edit#gid=715047953. It might be more efficient to just refund lavrov, but if you want to provide double refunds, thats up to you.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 11:19:49

Level 59
You simply did what we all have thought of doing at one time or another nono... only difference is most of us asked or saw someone else get busted trying to do it, so we had the foreknowledge not to (cause i sure as heck didn't read all the fine print)

Inxs all's forgiven here and as always look forward to seeing ya always

ps... anyone who says they have never made this kind of mistake is either lying or hasn't lived long enough yet 8)

Edited 10/14/2021 11:24:04
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 11:23:16

Level 61

Just kidding, have a good one :)
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 11:29:15

Level 63
What I'm concerned about is mobbing and lynch-law making.
Public shaming is a terrifying weapon, especially because it gets out of control and makes things worse.
If the matter was already cleared with Fizzer, then there is no matter.

Nono (let me use it for the last time), I don't see a reason for you to change your name, and I respect you for coming clean.
Life goes on!

Edited 10/14/2021 12:12:03
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 14:34:34

Level 58
as long as u knonow not to make that mistake again

Edited 10/14/2021 14:34:44
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 14:37:26

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
I don't know what this is about but I disagree with you because your music is mediocre at best
This is what high quality music sounds like

Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 14:43:53

Level 60
This song is better than both of your songs
- downvoted post by (deleted)
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 15:01:53

Leia - Princess of Coinwheels 
Level 61
🤔 So, Let, after +190 raffle and wzib cheats you say "it will not happen again"? 😂😂😂 After 1, 2 or 3 times you should have quit it already!

But I guess you're poisoned by the system, I bet y work in a bank environment? 😅
... Hope you learned from it, l4v.r0v fixed the potential raffle losses, so let's move on... AND NEVER CHEAT AGAIN !!
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 15:11:20

Level 63
I once entered a raffle with my alt account (just that account, not a double entry) and got handed a one week suspension.

now I don't know how mods operate but that's some serious differences in how things were handled

Wasn't that alt called 'Hi Dan' or something along those lines? I doubt it had much to do with that raffle and much more with the name.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 15:12:32

Level 60
Maybe the mods are racist, or maybe they are different mods. Maybe Rick is stirring up trouble, or maybe nonolet is black...
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:03:06

Level 59
funnily by a character who has cheated and deceived others a lot more in many more ways and now sees his chance to play "avenger of the disinherited"
Does this refer to me? If so, please substantiate your allegations. I do not wish to make this personal, so let me just put everything I know on the record to prematurely terminate your allegations.

For the record, to wit and memory (since I don't have actual access to these records), my warnings & suspensions to date have been for:
- in 2021, a warning for multi-voting on QM on duel lottery 1.0
- in 2021, a 24-hour disrespectful language suspension for mentioning Srebrenica to Boka B in a word association thread (Boka B is a Serbian nationalist who denies Serbian war crimes; Srebrenica was an act of ethnic cleansing committed during the Bosnian War by Serbian irregulars)
- in 2021, a permanent ban on one account for quoting the The Last Men Standing clan biography (which required an "above-rubbish skill level") and asking Bobby when he would kick all of his existing clan members
- in 2021, several mutes and finally a 24-hour spam suspension for counting to 1000 on Global Chat
- in 2020, several warnings for describing fictional transgressions by Anonymous Moderator on Global Chat (to check whether he was online), like "Anonymous Moderator personally killed John F. Kennedy"
- in 2016, a warning for "abuse of the report system" after I sent a lot of reports asking the moderators to handle toxicity and racism not presently within the scope of the rules
- in 2016, a disrespectful language and spam warning for copypasting copypasta, including some with obscene contents, from /r/copypasta onto the Clan League 8 Division C thread (long story)
- likely several other disrespectful language and/or spam warnings; I have been told I have a "long criminal record" when asking why I have received suspensions for content that others would not even get warned for and personally believe these suspensions have been motivated by non-rule-violations (like correctly deducing Mercer's identity from the widely-available public record corporate registration for Warzone, LLC)

I have never cheated on the ladder. If anything, I have been incredibly consistent in an anti-cheating stance throughout the years. If I see cheating, I report it and push for the perpetrators to get more than a slap on the wrist:
- I have never broken ladder rules, multi-accounted in Clan Wars, etc.
- in 2016, I publicly shamed moderation into taking action against AI's ladder cheating: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/152349-cheating-1v1-ladder
- in 2016, I unsuccessfully reported sock-puppeting in Clan League 8 Division C: https://bit.ly/mh-cheating
- in 2020, I helped get "We want Strat ME and Elo" (Beep Beep Jeep's alternate account) permanently banned for ladder cheating (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=19129760430)
- in 2021, I reported Clan Wars Season 1 cheaters including Clan Wars cheating by my own clan mate, which would have benefit me: https://i.imgur.com/LoT67B4.png
- in 2021, I unsuccessfully publicized the rocky1/BusDriver Seasonal Ladder multi-accounting (2 back-to-back seasons, after which rocky1 was warned and allowed to remain on the ladder during the second tainted season) on the forum, but the thread containing this post was deleted
[I had an activity hiatus between 2015-2016 and 2020-2021)

I have used alts in less-than-condoned ways, like multi-voting on QM (until I learned it was against the rules; but I won't lie- I did it intentionally because I don't believe QM votes have any merit that multi-voting would harm and because multi-voting on QM had been openly tolerated in the past and because I find it somehow funny that it's not actually against any stated rules) or testing the limits of Warzone's technology. But even back in the heyday of clan hijacking, when I was supposed to "infiltrate" the Falcons and leak their secrets, I couldn't: I simply told them who I was and got accepted into the clan anyway. Back in the heyday of OT (2015), when I created an alt to try and troll players by pretending to have ridiculous views, I couldn't keep that up and gave that same alt away.

If by "cheat[ing] and deceiv[ing] others" you refer to my comments around the lawsuit, support for Activision, and professed belief that Fizzer stifles this game and this community deserves better, I do not hide anything here. "Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer." is literally in my bio; anyone who has the vaguest idea of who I am knows that I openly wish for a future in which this game is run by someone other than Fizzer. Regarding the lawsuit specifically, I have meant every comment and made it in good faith- this is why you can find changes in my stated views, as more information about the case and the facts of the matter came out in the documents. I quite openly believe that Fizzer misled us when he claimed the "only" thing he did was to file an opposition to the cease-and-desist letter, when since then even his own lawyers have admitted on the record to doing far more: warning Activision since November 2020 that there would be "massive damages" if they continued using the word "warzone", having at least one round of settlement negotiations prior to the case, ending that round of settlement negotiations in March 2021 by refusing to entertain further offers (setting off the lawsuit in April), and demanding monetary compensation amounting to millions from Activision simply for using the word "warzone" in the title of their game. I don't lie or hide my intentions: I'm upfront about believing that Fizzer has persistently misled the community to raise funds for a legal battle that the player base has no actual stake in (contrary to the GoFundMe's implications, Activision is not suing to get Warzone shut down; they're suing to have the court make Warzone shut up and go away).

Even your own clan mates, who finally kicked me over my statements about the case, would not have learned about any of this had I not been too candid for my own good (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/540130-master?Offset=327). I don't even have a stake here: the money I have spent on or donated to Warzone (directly and indirectly) has essentially zero value to me ("everything rounds down to zero"), some portion of it has already been refunded by GoFundMe after I reported the deception, and regardless of the outcome of the case my life will stay the same. I have only been providing case updates and sharing information that I gain, and focusing primarily on making court documents more accessible, because it's in the public interest. Since June, I have also been running my commentary by personal friends who are lawyers before making them public. (Similarly, yesterday, before claiming that iOS has good anti-fingerprinting measures, I spent an inordinate amount of time testing this with domain experts.)

If you have a quarrel with me, be honest about it. I do not cheat at this game. I have stood by my convictions, even back in 2014-2015 when all that meant was honoring alliances in diplomacy games even if they would cost me a win or get my country wiped off the map. I do not deceive others. I am entirely transparent about my motives, especially when working against others, and answer people honestly when they ask why I am doing something: I even told Anon Mod how I was deanonymizing him, while I was doing it; he wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Even here, I've made it quite clear since I decided to do this disproportionate data analysis on your cheating that my intention was simple: to make the issue public so it can't be buried, then wait for Fizzer to give you a slap on the wrist like always, and- given the public record of moderation on this site- make it more blatant to others what the priorities of this site's moderation are. My entire stance is that the easiest way to decouple Warzone from Fizzer is to simply shed light on Fizzer; my working theory is that Fizzer and Anonymous Moderator avoid transparency because greater public awareness of what they do with their positions of petty authority would be devastating for their support within the community.

Even now, I'm being honest to the point of writing a lengthy post that, at best, invites ridicule and accusation of selfishness and, at worst, will get quietly deleted or get me a suspension or ban for "disrespectful" criticism of Fizzer (although, to his credit, he has to date not done this).

Have I been at all secretive about anything? This whole time, I could have simply actually deceived others about my understanding of the world, remaining quiet or rehabilitating my image by pretending to back popular players (like Deadman, Beren, Farah, and others who have cheated in positions of power and yet have been forgiven so easily that even calling them "cheaters" comes at a social cost) or Fizzer's lawsuit instead of alienating myself from the community and becoming easy to brand as "toxic" or "criminal." I could be chilling in M'Hunters right now, making it a lot easier for me to get training in the game; instead, I chose to be candid and overly outspoken even when it burned bridges like that one. I have extreme moral and political views, including not believing in the concept of innate human worth, and instead of hiding all that I'm honest with people even about those. I would probably be a lot better off had I been the deceptive cheater you accuse me of being. If anything, I've learned that cheating and deception is forgiven incredibly easily by not just the staff and the community of this site, while the crimes I have committed in being true to my views have so far not earned much, if any, forgiveness.

Our commitment to our convictions is simply the price we are willing to pay to stand by them. Did I need to make this post? Do I gain anything from being this transparent?

I choose honesty and upfront-ness at any cost.

Edited 10/14/2021 20:19:04
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:08:27

Level 59
You made a crime and you will be punished

cuz I am the punisher

and I'm coming for ya
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:16:45

Level 63
Did anyone else LOL at this?

- in 2021, a permanent ban on one account for quoting the The Last Men Standing clan biography (which required an "above-rubbish skill level") and asking Bobby when he would kick all of his existing clan members
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:18:33

Level 63
I think its a rather sad ending for an account.

Permbanned for quoting a clan bio...
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:27:26

Level 59
for quoting a clan bio.
And for having a "long criminal record."

That was merely the stated reason for the ban. I do not believe it should be taken at face value.

The same person behind that ban sent me this message when I chastised TianO for being careless when alt-voting on the Seasonal Ladder and told him to git gud if he wanted to cheat, telling me to quit Warzone:

In light of this post, it's quite clear he was not being honest here about how seriously he takes cheating. If anything, I should have been the one asking him if he's okay with cheating, because his demonstrated behavior takes it far less seriously than mine. We similarly can't take the "long criminal record" statement at face value: there are many others with a similar history of "disrespectful language" (see: Nauzhror) or ToS violations (see: DanWL), and plenty with the same "record" of warnings and suspensions. But last I checked, it took two months' worth of reports to get Boston his latest short suspension, and for at least several weeks moderators were aware of the warnings but spent their time "explaining" why the system hadn't done anything about Boston. Meanwhile, the latest two suspensions for me required 0 reports, took <30min each from post to ban, and clearly had a different treatment than Boston. Similarly, Rick got a 2-day yesterday for calling someone st***d (stupid; Rick censored it himself for effect) and had a 3-day suspension (for "Nazi symbolism"- i.e., posting a swastika-shaped Dharmic temple with no relation to fascism) extended to 6 days when he appealed.

To suggest that Fizzer is being sincere with his stated reasons for warning, suspending, and banning people would be tantamount to accusing him of zero self-awareness or even stupidity. The more plausible and respectful alternative is to simply assume he's being insincere, in light of the actual operations of his system.

Edited 10/14/2021 16:33:14
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:29:26

Level 58
@l4v.r0v - yes i mean you. a character who sends me a mail asking a rl question, which I am nice and naive enough to answer. While in reality it was merely some decoy to get more (meta)data about me/my accounts to help with your analysis of my "crime" as you immediately labeled it.

I also refer to your recent bragging about faking a mail from (then) clan leader darklord, claiming he would retire from WZI (a blatant lie) to "hundreds of darklord clan members", suggesting they should leave that clan and join another one (of yours, Prime).

"Transparent"? Straightforward? Oh no, Mr. Lavrov, you are nothing but a behind-the-scenes-schemer, a troublemaker, an evil "social engineer", a manipulator by nature, a bad apple! Secretively stalking everyone, lurking in the shade like a poisonous snake, digging thru mountains of data, only to find the splinter in the eye of your next, while you got an entire beam in your own. Maybe you're getting a hard-on when you can "publicly shame someone".

People like you really make me puke. If I were Fizzer I would definitely remove you and your dozens of alts permamently from the game. I really hope i never have to encounter you in real life.

Yes, I made a mistake and did not play by the rules. It was definitely unsportsmanlike behaviour. I regret it and apologize for it to all the honest and nice players here. But not to you tho, l4v.r0v. Bye Bye.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:36:59

Level 59
I made a mistake

Mr. Lavrov, you are nothing but a behind-the-scenes-schemer, a troublemaker, an evil "social engineer", a manipulator by nature, a bad apple! Secretively stalking everyone, lurking in the shade like a poisonous snake, digging thru mountains of data, only to find the splinter in the eye of your next, while you got an entire beam in your own


"Transparent"? Straightforward? Oh no, Mr. Lavrov, you are nothing but a behind-the-scenes-schemer, a troublemaker, an evil "social engineer", a manipulator by nature, a bad apple! Secretively stalking everyone, lurking in the shade like a poisonous snake, digging thru mountains of data, only to find the splinter in the eye of your next, while you got an entire beam in your own. Maybe you're getting a hard-on when you can "publicly shame someone".

People like you really make me puke. If I were Fizzer I would definitely remove you and your dozens of alts permamently from the game. I really hope i never have to encounter you in real life.
This language is by far more disrespectful than what Rick and I have faced suspensions and permanent bans for. However, I can virtually guarantee that reporting it would result in an ignored report, not even a warning to add to your "criminal record." Another piece of evidence for the "rules aren't real" pile.

Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer. (I think I'm going to start signing my forum posts with that now, along the lines of "Carthago delenda est.")

Edited 10/14/2021 16:42:38
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