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Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 08:38:22

Level 59
Also I shall be happy to accomodate any (reasonable) claims you want to make for (potentially) lost coins in raffles. Just send me a mail and we'll set up a lotto game to compensate you. Irrespective of whether or not you already got some coins from "Mr. righteous avenger". ;-)

Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 08:46:34

Level 58
So far i only received mails telling me "disappointed by what you did, but no coinpensation needed". Interestingly l4v.r0v was the only one demanding 3.4 or so potential raffle coyns from me. After all he did - and more importantly: how he did and does handle it - I am likely to declare his demand unreasonable and decline it. But not fully decided yet.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 08:48:26

Level 59
What would be your method of accounting of a reasonable demand, other than to not demand anything? You offered. Did you plan to actually follow through or was it just to set up the fake apology so you could demonstrate your genuine remorse by insulting "mr. righteous avenger"?

I'm giving you the easy way out. You can give up 4(!) coins... or you can keep demonstrating the sincerity of your "sincere apologies." I don't actually want the 4 coins, so you're doing me a favor if you prove my point about you instead.

Edited 10/15/2021 08:51:30
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 08:50:48

Level 58
i am inclined to deem your demand unreasonable b/c you already got what you wanted - and then some. So I'm going to cut you out. "Exceptional cases require exceptional handling". Deal with it. :-)

Edited 10/15/2021 08:51:38
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 08:51:32

Level 58
did you call me an alt account?
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 08:52:21

Level 58
yes, Loxi, I did. Might be the case you consider this your main account. But hey, who cares.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 09:11:24

Level 63
diety you realise that your images aren't being posted?

Fizzers clients (mobile apps and standalone PC clients) dont render gifs, but all (modern) browsers are able to render the gifs.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 10:03:51

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Wow this erupted!
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 10:09:35

Nice Guy 
Level 62
l4v counted EV of how many coins he lost in raffles because of inxs? Hilarious.

Edited 10/15/2021 10:10:05
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 10:14:49

Level 59
l4v counted EV of how many coins he lost in raffles because of inxs? Hilarious.
Not just me. Everyone: https://bit.ly/nonolet-victims

He nearly cost JK_3 92 expected coins! Raffle fraud is a serious coinancial crime, Balthromaw!

Edited 10/15/2021 10:18:07
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 10:45:02

Level 58
Why is everyone still shouting!!

this forum has went off in a weird direction


*Rolls on floor crying*
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 11:46:34

Level 60
inxs cheated on an online game coin raffle for months, writes up a superficial apology thread with a title to generate sympathy, goes on to trash talk about the guy who helped everyone realise this thing in the first place for rest of the thread.. not cool.

Edited 10/15/2021 11:47:45
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 19:56:48

Level 63
inxs said he's working on something for the recompense phase of his plan. So wait 10-14 days, and if nothing happens, THEN say he has done nothing.

I mean, sure, you can say he hasn't done anything _yet_ ... but given that he's said he has plans to do so, isn't that kind moot? I mean if I say I'm going to buy you a new car next week b/c I trashed your existing one, would you counter with, "Yea but you still haven't bought me a new car yet."? I hope not, b/c there's no value in doing so once the agreement has been made.

Who are these TSFHers who are sticking up for Nono? You make it sound like all TSFHers have banded together to hide what happened here. Not at all ... it was wrong, and yes he came clean only after being exposed. Those facts do not change. No one (at least I don't think so - correct me if I'm wrong) is saying that "all is well now", but at least he did apologize and he's indicated that he's making a plan for recompense. I don't see any attempts to hide what happened or fully exonerate him from it, just people (and not constrained to TSFHers) indicating no not dwell on it and move on.

And likely you're incessant accusation that he's lying about having intent to repay for lost potential winnings may be what 100% guarantees in the end that he does in fact execute on it. Let's hypothetically say he actually had no intent to carry out his offer (and tbh, what player would actually write to someone to say, "Yes I want the 4 coins I might have won on raffles" - just seems so small; unless someone actually goes as far as you did to actually set up the game, most will not bother, so I see your point here). But by being so adamant about him not being genuine in his claims, you may in fact be what makes it happen in the end. Because we all know you're not going to let it goOOOooooo let it gOOOOOooo b/c you can't hold it back anymOOOooOOOre, so he will 100% have to either admit guilt (no intent to pay), agree to recompense, be the bad buy (elaborate some convincing scheme to either fool people that it's still on the way, or just accept the bad image), or quit WZ. lol.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 20:12:31

Level 60
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 20:22:25

Level 63
That's a Fizz/admin discussion, and they've given him a warning. No point in discussing that further, we're not even at the table for that discussion.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 20:46:04

Level 59
Who are these TSFHers who are sticking up for Nono? You make it sound like all TSFHers have banded together to hide what happened here
I have no quarrel with TSFH; I think it's on aggregate a vehicle for improving the experience of many players, as well as the value they derive from the game. Because the conversation has been stripped from its original context, it has become easy to mis-label as some sort of categorical accusation against TSFH.

Instead, it was a loosely economic counter-hypothesis to KG_3's claim that TSFH is some sort of unique force for worsening human behavior (unique not on just WZ but on the internet as a whole). My response was to point out that his observations about behavioral changes caused by TSFH, even if taken at face value, have a far simpler and less accusatory explanation: Humans enjoy acceptance, and this incentive to seek acceptance can outweigh the moral or social costs that generally make them less likely to try to belittle and diminish others. They furthermore create biases (both via information flow and just general cognitive biases) that make people, on aggregate, more likely to stick up for members of the in-group and respond aggressively to external threats, in ways that seem more reasonable to insiders than outsiders (e.g., Parsifal's "public shaming" argument, that likely made perfect sense to him and made more sense to people who're friends with nonolet than to random observers, who in turn likely found it more reasonable than did people like investment and KG_3 and Smith who have prior reasons to dislike TSFH and/or nonolet; you can say the reverse for investment's murder & stealing arguments, which too were easier to see reason in for some of us than for others).

In short, social identity undermines models of human rationality. At the micro level, we generally experience ourselves as reasonable beings coming to sensible conclusions and making defensible moral judgements. However, at the macro level, group trends emerge. For example, I believe I have good reasons for my views on American foreign policy, while TheNoob also experiences rationality when he critiques American foreign policy in Israel and Palestine. But aggregate by identity and you'll notice that my views can be largely predicted from a demographic profile (privileged, American, in many social groups with disproportionate Jewish representation), as can TheNoob's (Palestinian).

I think this happens due to marginal incentives that motivate trade-offs. I am not interested in singling out TSFH; rather, this is part of my larger point that people aren't actually real (my broader argument against innate human worth). We have this individualistic model of "'human" that we think we are, but it's just a model. Rather, we're just vertices in a graph, roles in a play, parts of a system of systems. This doesn't mean that all or most people (in some group) do something, or that some people (in some group) always (or mostly) do something- clearly, there's even Israeli Jews who oppose Israel, and people of Arabic heritage who support it. Demographics aren't destiny. But there's marginal trade-offs, biases, network effects, etc., that lead to strong correlations between identity and behavior, especially on high-valence and polarizing issues.

I hope this makes it clear that I'm not interested in maligning any person or group or trying to undermine their reputation or character. I try to avoid reducing people to nouns ("sociopath", "social engineer") or simplifying them into adjectives ("manipulative", "deceptive", "extremely online"). Rather, I'm interested in describing and analyzing their behavior and tying it to systemic hypotheses that avoid the pitfall of personalization (on that note, I have no quarrel with Fizzer as a person either; I think his behavior predictably reflects his position and incentives, rather than some innate tendency to do what he does. If you know Anon Mod's identity, you should understand this point: Anon Mod's behavior isn't due to some character traits on his part but simply how he fits in the system- from his vantage point, his behavior seems not only sensible but moral). I don't know if I've been consistent about it, but this is at least my intent. I'm not here to start clan drama or to bolster my reputation at others' expense or to make myself feel better by putting others down and trying to get everyone to point and laugh at the guy who types long paragraphs; I'm here to think about structures, how "people" fit within them, and how the outcomes affect the human experience. The thrill I get from playing the associated games is merely an incidental benefit of the contempt involved in the process (my view of the world is necessarily dehumanizing, but I find this to be practical).

You (not krinid, just the general reader) are probably reading this and drawing your conclusions about what kind of "person" I am, reducing me to adjectives and nouns as you read this. Maybe you're sharing this with your friends or talking about it to poke fun at me together and talk about how crazy or conceited or pathetic I must be. That's fine; it's human, and I won't pretend to be above it either. I'm made of the same meat as you.

But I've found more value in trying not to resort to fundamental attribution.

you may in fact be what makes it happen in the end
This would be a quite positive outcome, no? I'm clearly not interested in 4 cents, so either outcome is great: either nonolet walks back on his word and corroborates my hypothesis about this "sincere apologies" thread being an insincere attempt to rehabiliate his image and tarnish mine, or he gives people back the coins they lost to his cheating. Both are great.

he will 100% have to either admit guilt (no intent to pay), agree to recompense, be the bad buy (elaborate some convincing scheme to either fool people that it's still on the way, or just accept the bad image), or quit WZ

Edited 10/15/2021 20:56:35
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 20:59:14

Level 63
I admit it did sound like singling out TSFH, though perhaps moreso in GC than in the forum but it was along the same topic ... forget the exact quote, something like: All TSFH members are jerks ... I forget what you said, it wasn't 'jerks' but something like those lines.

Anyhow, for what you wrote above, got it.

you may in fact be what makes it happen in the end
This would be a quite positive outcome, no?

Yes, good outcome, agreed. My point was that you are forcing him to make you wrong, and in some people's minds, that is a loss. But I agree, it's actually a positive outcome. And sounds like he's doing the 'right' thing, and not the bad guy/bad image/quit WZ routes. So a positive outlook we have.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 21:08:10

Level 59
My apologies then. I did not intend to single out TSFH and should have been more careful about how my claims came across to people other than KG_3. I use shorthand sometimes because fleshing out my full statements, using my rules around verbs, can get rather verbose.

All TSFH members are jerks ... I forget what you said, it wasn't 'jerks' but something like those lines.
I do not recall saying this. Either way, I do not believe this, simply that- in this thread, TSFH members face marginal incentives for being jerks (shorthand, sticking to verbs is hard) toward those critical of nonolet, not because they're bad people or anything but just because of how social groupings work.

My point was that you are forcing him to make you wrong, and in some people's minds, that is a loss.
I'm not interested in "winning" or "losing." I don't even really care what you (not krinid, general reader) think of me, or of nonolet.

Most of you I don't even view as human, and my behavior on this thread is wildly inconsistent with trying to build or preserve a good image; if I were a sociopath, I would probably not be actively undermining others' perception of my by revealing things that humans tend to judge or committing to long paragraphs abundantly knowing they invite ridicule. If anything, I'm making it considerably harder for me to manipulate people- if I asked you (krinid) for a favor after this, surely knowing how I really see you would make you more suspicious and reluctant to oblige. Rather, the end-game for me is to improve the quality of my own experience, to derive greater enjoyment from this game. So far that has been delivered in spades. It's not about the coins or the reputation, just the meme value, so to speak. Like I said, I get a kick out of these interactions in and of themselves, and the little things they help me learn about the ways in which I am wrong about the world, social strategy be darned.

Edited 10/15/2021 21:12:23
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 21:59:50

Level 63
Good, b/c 'winning or 'losing' isn't what's important, it's improvement of the game/community that matters. You said 'to improve the quality of my own experience' and perhaps that's true, but I think some people strive for 'to improve the quality of the experience (for all)'. I suspect but of course can't be certain that you're actually more of the latter despite claiming to be the former. Pass it off as personal enjoyment 'for the meme' factor, but I see an element of just doing the right thing.

Most of you I don't even view as human

That statement is some Michael Moore presentation at it's best, LOL. Not even sure what this means tbh. What could you possibly view us as? I suppose you could make a kind of abstract statement like we are just characters, concepts and behaviours ... but what does that mean? Those are all things that associate to humans.

, and my behavior on this thread is wildly inconsistent with trying to build or preserve a good image; if I were a sociopath, I would probably not be actively undermining others' perception of my by revealing things that humans tend to judge or committing to long paragraphs abundantly knowing they invite ridicule. If anything, I'm making it considerably harder for me to manipulate people-

Almost as if you were trying to do the right thing even at the cost of your own reputation.

if I asked you (krinid) for a favor after this, surely knowing how I really see you would make you more suspicious and reluctant to oblige.

Have you not been listening? I said you were one of 'the good guys' just your MM-style presentation issues really rub some people the wrong way. (; Go ahead, ask for a favour.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 22:04:15

Level 63
and I'm out of toilet paper again!
I'll have to do some ugent shopping tomorrow....

Edited 10/15/2021 22:04:32
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