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Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:39:01

Level 57
Big UH-OH... I don't mind chat raffle stealing because heck, our odds don't change that much anyway!
Can't join Idle battles yet so I'm glad you quit breaking the rules before I got there to play...
Nice job stopping, more good players on WZ!
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:46:05

John Smith
Level 56
I still think there should have been an actual punishment instead of just "social shaming". Why? It's because nonolet, you are a likable person, that much is obvious, as you've already noticed several have pretty much already forgiven you even though you cheated 192 times in total for raffling (while also being a person who has noted other people's "luck" (considering l4v.r0v's global analysis, even the luckiest people aren't too lucky) from time to time).

The sad part is, you knew what you were doing and yet chose to continue doing it, even though you made it clear you have a good moral compass (I can't think of the exact words you used, so feel free to correct me if you think I am badly misparaphrasing some words I believe that you have said) and have said things along the lines of "knowing a scumbag when you see one" and "I have my own list for people I dislike". I will state once more, those may not have been the exact words you have used, but it is close to the ballpark right? Feel free to correct me if I somehow misremembered, but I'm pretty certain of this.

Another something to note, you were asked several times by different players if #Uno was your alt, yet you chose to pretty much ignore the topic on it on all occasions! What's worse is you kept raffling on both accounts anyway! Anyway, I'm a person who dislikes doing any confrontation about things like this because I generally like to be on likeable terms with everyone I talk with, but this was honestly just blatant disrespect and behavior that is extremely disappointing. I feel like it would have been more tasteful with an actual punishment instead of "hey, we'll just warn you". What if several other people who aren't as blatant as you start raffling with alts? It's basically impossible to tell, especially if they opt for the easy approach of simply not responding! The odds are that even if they get caught, they will also get a slap on the wrist, and if they don't, then they can refer back to this right here attempting to appeal the injustice brought upon them in comparison to how nonolet received better treatment.

My conclusion? Personally, I think this is a botched job for just having a warning, I think it would be much easier to forgive nonolet if their idle progress was fully reset and the coins they won in overdose on #Uno at the very least be removed from nonolet's main account, along with a permaban on the alt account and a warning stating to nonolet's main that if any type of cheating occurred again that it would be met with a permanent suspension on all accounts they used and will use.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:47:29

Level 59
okks, pls tell me more what's going on here? xD

knyte joined the dark side?

knyte the sith

knyte the drug kingpin mastermind

....why is anti-fizzer pro warlight? rofl

even in 2021 kyte doesn't cease to amaze us..... I'm impress..... this is exactly the kind content I was waiting for :P

Edited 10/14/2021 16:50:27
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:49:44

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
nono cheats

knyte tricks nono

nono gets caught and punished

knyte commits genocide

nono gets punished but knyte doesn't
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:53:02

Level 59
Nice job stopping, more good players on WZ!
He did not stop of his own volition. Even yesterday, when made aware that others had connected #Uno/unoturbo/JennyA to him, he continued to join raffles with that account with the knowledge it was wrong, against the rules, and in the process of being handled by the report system.

Only after the "public shaming" and a warning from moderation did he stop. Now he attempts to write it off as a mere "mistake" to rehabilitate his image, taking pot-shots at others in the process and reshaping the narrative into an attack against me. I am amazed y'all are so okay with this.

If he wants to restitute those who lost coins to his double-raffling, I have kept a tally at https://bit.ly/nonolet-victims that has a list of the remaining unrestituted victims and the cost of restitution (coin game creation cost). At this moment, 150 coins' worth of restitution has been carried out. An additional 730 coins would be require to restitute the players who have already received partial restitution (for expected coin losses but not expected artifact/power losses) and a further 515 would be needed to restitute the players who I did not attempt to restitute.

If nonolet would like to make people whole, he has a list of their usernames and the exact amounts for which he needs to make coin games.
Also I shall be happy to accomodate any (reasonable) claims you want to make for (potentially) lost coins in raffles. Just send me a mail and we'll set up a lotto game to compensate you. Irrespective of whether or not you already got some coins from "Mr. righteous avenger". ;-)

This is not going to actually result in anything. If he actually wants to accommodate lost coins, he's got the list of names and amounts. If, on the other hand, he simply wants to quickly rehabilitate his image, only offering restitution on-request is far, far cheaper.

EDIT: oh, I almost forgot the signature thing-

Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/14/2021 16:55:50
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:55:34

Level 59
Should we punish inxs or show mercy?

Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 16:57:48

Level 59
Should we punish inxs or show mercy?
We don't have the authority to punish nonolet. This is Warzone staff's prerogative, and they've made it clear exactly how seriously they take cheating and alt abuse even when it amounts to coin losses. Bobby had coins taken away for labeling lottery games "lotto"; nonolet still gets to keep illicit winnings far greater in magnitude.

Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:02:10

Level 63

We don't have the authority to punish nonolet

and yet you did. You took the matter into your own hands and published it for everyone to see, instead of sending all the materials to Fizzer for him to decide.

Now it became a witch-hunt. Was that your intention?
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:08:28

Nice Guy 
Level 62
See what Warzone Idle can do?
They should ban that staff.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:09:12

Level 59
instead of sending all the materials to Fizzer
The report had already been filed and up to that point was on the verge of being ignored, per insider sources.

I thoroughly verified nonolet and JennyA were the same person before making any allegations and made my information as public as possible so others could check it for themselves instead of simply trusting me (unlike official channels, which are able to use this lack of transparency to get away with lying). Unfortunately, on a site where cheating is not taken seriously and often buried under the radar, the "proper" channels provide no recourse. Who here knows about rocky1 and BusDriver? He joined the Seasonal from two accounts for two seasons. After weeks of having reports ignored, public pressure finally resulted in a warning and a slap on the wrist. rocky1 is still on the ladder, allowed to finish his tainted season: https://www.warzone.com/LadderTeam?LadderTeamID=28963

The last time I called attention to this, my post was quietly deleted without explanation.

for him to decide
It's the community's prerogative to know about these things, even when moderation gives slaps on the wrist and buries the information. Today, the community is in a sorry state where cheating is unpunished, forgiven, often even rewarded. There is no path out of this if we choose to remain quiet when we have damning evidence. The "public shaming" was the only thing that stopped nonolet. Even after the "public shaming," moderation let nonolet off with a slap on the wrist. He came out ahead from cheating, getting to keep all his coins. His 140+ victims gained no restitution except through me.

When the proper system fails, the community needs to fix its problems itself. We saw this before, when the "official" channels for Clan League cheating chose to ignore sock-puppeting in Season 8. The very next season, the people running Clan League- Deadman, Beren, Farah- themselves sock-puppetted in Clan League. Today, almost no one even remembers this and, except for Deadman (who voluntarily left the community), they have risen back up to take charge of the community, in charge of enforcing the rules they break and themselves get to skirt repeatedly (see: DanWL). I do not see this as a tenable system for a site that purports to have a fair, skill-based set of competitions. It's my prerogative- and yours- to at least be open about this reality of ours, for the community we have a stake in.

Now it became a witch-hunt
Are you sure about this? From what I can see, I am getting more flak for making this cheating public than nonolet is getting for cheating.

Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/14/2021 17:17:48
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:16:24

Level 59
How does raffle work?

I just don't get it.

If two accounts join, it meants that they pay two times as much to join, and can win two times the price. So 2x = 2x. How can you cheat this?

I don't understand what raffle means can someone explain it? It looks stupid.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:17:09

Level 63
If two accounts join, it meants that they pay two times as much to join, and can win two times the price. So 2x = 2x. How can you cheat this?

you pay 0 to join, so you double your chances to win compared to everyone else
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:22:18

Level 59
You don't strictly double them, because you grow the denominator and the numerator, although the impact of joining on N accounts approaches an Nx win probability multiplier as the number of participants approaches infinity.

That said, if you double-join a raffle, you benefit more from joining smaller raffles. Even though the proportional impact to your win probability is smaller, your absolute expected winnings increase by a greater magnitude. For example, if there's two 6-coin raffles- one with 2 participants, one with 5- joining the smaller raffle with an additional player increases your odds by a smaller multiplier (1/2 to 2/3 for 4/3 vs. 1/5 to 1/3 for for 5/3) but gives a greater absolute increase in expected value (from 3 to 4 coins for 1 expected coin vs. from 1.2 to 2 coins for 0.8 expected coins).

The Global Chat raffle is free to participate for anyone who has chatted in the past 60 minutes. You can find more details on it at https://bit.ly/raffle-analysis

EDIT: almost forgot again
Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/14/2021 17:23:23
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:25:03

Level 63

It's the community's prerogative to know about these things

who decided that? you?

Fizzer is the only authority on the matter, because he is also accountable for his actions.
You have proclaimed yourself as the prosecutor, yet you bear no reponsibilities for the consequenced of your actions.
And there may be further consequences you didn't think about. Public shaming is a dangerous and unjust weapon
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:31:53

Level 60
parsifal you should stop publicly shaming knyte, that is upto fizzer and not you
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:34:45

Level 63
Fizzer is the only authority on the matter, because he is also accountable for his actions.

Is he?
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:36:20

Level 63
Is he?

legally yes. It's his platform
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:38:07

Level 59
who decided that? you?

Is your argument that the public should be forbidden from discussing matters like these? Fizzer has no accountability. He buries information and gets away with lying because the facts are not auditable, e.g.:

I, like every other player, have the right to share information and voice our opinions. Doing so does not amount to playing prosecutor. This is just like how things work in the criminal justice system- the "accountability" you describe arises from public discussion and the so-called "court of public opinion." Although, of course, Warzone does not work like the criminal justice system- there's no separation between enforcers and judges, no credible system of appeals, no public record, no auditability of even one's own record, no system by which to choose those who hold power, even no public record of who is a cop or judge. The "criminal justice system" is just a flimsy rationalization thrown around to defend excesses and abuses, by a man who so misunderstands the justice system he poked a 75 billion dollar bear with a nonexistent case.

We can see its results for ourselves, in cases just like this one. The "authority" not only fails to deter cheating but in fact is responsible for enabling much of the cheating (e.g., via the design of the 1v1 ladder, the lack of basic countermeasures against alt-abuse). Shedding transparency on this is not only the right of the community but the only path forward if we want cheating to actually decline. This pattern of slaps on the wrist and quick forgiveness for cheating but long criminal records for flimsy rule violations and moderation enforcement of personal vendettas (see: DanWL) built on a foundation of no transparency, accountability, or even consistency (explicitly by design) is fundamentally untenable and deserves to be challenged.

legally yes. It's his platform
That's not how the law works. Others can use the platform to express themselves and share information as well.

Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/14/2021 17:49:06
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:43:45

Level 63
legally yes. It's his platform

Yes, he is the authority, but I was more questioning the accountability.

The moderation system is completely opaque, which results in inconsistent moderation.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:44:38

Level 63

Is your argument that the public should be forbidden from discussing matters like these?

no, my argument is that public shaming should be forbidden.
It can have severe consequences, and you won't be there to take the responsibility for it.
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