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Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:48:56

Level 59
no, my argument is that public shaming should be forbidden.

The "public shaming" you complain about consists of:
- a verifiably true, well-sourced, objective forum post
- me using my coins to help make the victims whole (including you, who accepted them without complaint: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=28536981), and
- open discussions, like this one, by a player who can easily (and often does) face community consequences, making no attempt to hide from it by burying information or operating in the shadows

The authority you defend, on the other hand:
- buries information, which only leaks to the public through rogue mods
- couldn't even detect the two accounts being the same user, due to underinvestment in cheating software (time spent instead manually clearing profile bios on a Friday afternoon or writing scripts to stalk players or incoherently arguing with Rick and doubling his suspensions)
- was on the verge of ignoring the reports
- issued a warning after the facts became public
- let nonolet keep his coins, and
- made no effort to make nonolet's victims whole

you won't be there to take the responsibility for it.
I'm here, aren't I? This conversation alone contradicts your narrative about accountability.

The priorities you express are not those of the community's interests.

Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/14/2021 17:53:43
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:50:36

Level 58
and btw. being admitted into TSFH clan at such an early stage was beyond my wildest dreams. i feel extremely honored and very happy to be associated with such seasoned players and first rate folks. will do anything i can to redeem their trust in me.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:51:27

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
There are so many Warzone communities crossing over in this forum
It's really amazing
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:54:22

Level 63
- was on the verge of ignoring the reports

No, it was always going to be a warning or short suspension

- issued a warning after the facts became public

That's just the usual delay in the 2-tier report system, but thats not visible to users. The public information did not speed up anything.

- let nonolet keep his coins, and

Thats a thing that might could be done, but idk if only Fizzer can do this or if the other admins can also do this. If Fizzer didnt handle the 2nd stage of this report, the admin who did it might not even have the power to remove coins.
I hindsight I could have suggest this in the notes for the admins.

- made no effort to make nonolet's victims whole

Thats simply not viable to do.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 17:57:48

Level 63
@ l4v.r0v

you are taking here a lot on yourself.
I have known a guy who commited suicide because of some self-proclaimed-Sherlock, who thought he can be the detective, the prosecutor and the judge all in one.

Are you ready to take the responsibility?
Are you ready to deal with the full consequences?
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:02:37

Level 59
Are you ready to deal with the full consequences?
The worst outcome of your nonexistent witch-hunt is public awareness of nonolet's cheating. This has already happened and without consequence to nonolet.

You're crafting theoretical scenarios and ignoring actual harm to go after a person who tries to start discussion in favor of one whose MO is to instead shut them down.

Thats simply not viable to do.
There's a list of victims and coin amounts. The mechanism already exists to give people coin gifts; it's how RaffleBot works. If I'm able to restitute players, this excuse doesn't fly.

Edited 10/14/2021 18:03:42
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:09:51

Level 63
... those rare moments I am glad to be a part of the European culture and not the American one
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:11:02

Level 63
I originally did not wan to comment here.

First things first:
thank you, l4r.r0v for the offered "coin restitution".
Since I lost nothing (raffles are free, after all), I declined.
(and while I like having coins, the monetary value is ridiculous, it's ultimately just a "wanna have", I have no actual use for the coins, besides coin games. and that was where my first raffle wins were useful)

congrats on finding such correlations in the data, I like the effort you put into it.

thanks for the apology, inxs.
Since I don't have a second account myself, but my son plays from the same IP, it may be we also joined raffles at the same time. I do have access to his device, and do use it to keep his idle timer running in the evening.
So, I may have breached the same rule already, and therefore saw how easy it is to fall into the rule trap.
Furthermore because I initially linked it to games and tournaments, and less to raffles.
So I accept your apology, and will remind my son again to not join tournaments/raffles I habe joined, and vice-versa (with the raffle time constraint, that's less easy to do, but with tournaments we did recently join both...)

while I dislike the inconsistent approach to "bans"/"warning"/ etc. by the mod teams, I like public finger-pointing even less.
At least you had data that supported your allegations.
But can we please stop the finger pointing, and move on?

There are better topics for our time to be wasted on.
Thank You!
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:18:18

Level 60
krulle the attitude of "ignore this and move on" is what leads to abuse of the moderation system. discussions like this are what help in bringing about change.
I was also of the "ignore and move on" type till it happened to me and developed into an obsession to suspend me over any single message
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:21:55

Level 63
still, this discussion could have been done without a name. The data could be given to a mod for,the prosecution.
In this particular case, the data would allow the public to find out who anyway, but to those wishing to discuss consistency of mod actions, a discussion could've taken place without any names attached to it.

Anyway, I'm off to look for other topics.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:26:44

Level 58
tsfh is having a cyber bullying gaming moment
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:27:42

Level 60
tsfh is having a cyber bullying gaming moment
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:40:19

Level 38
1- this was no MISTAKE
anymore than saying any1 can fall in tempation of stealing a car, under the right opportunity, sure, but guess what, even if they were then caught, and AVOIDED JAIL with the best lawyers in the world, he would never be allowed to KEEP THE CAR. so...
2 - how is this 'public shaming' unfair or uncalled for, when he was the 1st person, in my own experience, who used to do this to even STRANGERS in global, making a list of all and grade ppl based on their CHAT BEHAVIOUR, now from becoming this self-appointed and self-righteous 'judge' to criminal, on even the exact same matter (CHAT).
3 - there was little public shaming in fact tho, other than stating the truth about a cheater. most importantly, there was NO WITCH HUNT lol. would it be a witch hunt if i saw a guy doing some crime, and i simply asked him, are you stealing that ol' lady, and he simply ran off..? on a number of occasions? also, if given enough time after precisely NOT directly confronting him or call na,mes or shame, you get PROOF, and he still denies it till the very last moment he's condemned? also, he didnt kept on doing it cuz he thought he'd get away with it nor by 'mistake', he just wanted to steal as much as possible till he went to jail, i guess to pay for good lawyers or allies, or even perhaps to spend what he had already unfairly gained, who knows...
4 - I see some ppl can even see how 'he changed name' as a bad thing, like a punishment, as if, 'the witchunters made me do it, im such a victim', well tbh, whether you gave your coins back or not (and i doubt u gave the whole ammount you benefitted to all the victims, also most likely because you might've spent it overtime too) chaging name is something you chose to do to RELIEF YOURSELF of some judgement, personally, i think you shouldnt even had changed your names to get away that easy, now even pretending to be some1 else to any1 new, instead, you should forever be stuck with Nonolet and Uno's names to be forever remembered as 'Nono the self-righteous S-hole who DECIDED to openly steal from all for as long as he could', not as a poor victim caught by a still slightly flawed system, one which you CHOSE to abuse, when all can, but most are DECENT PEOPLE not to. you, of all players, should know better. there's no point in playing victim now, nor pointing fingers at, for example, lv4 for showing us proof, when it wasnt even himself the one who first caught you or confronted you, he just exposed you for who you are because you kept on openly stealing, after already been caught, just because you feel to be so godamn above every1 else around. plz, sincerely, now add yourself to your santa's bad-chat-behaviour list. you deserve it more than any1. thanks all!

Edited 10/14/2021 18:47:11
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:41:52

Level 63
tsfh has dissolved itself and does not exist anymore.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 18:52:13

Level 63
@ Loxiiv, Rick Sanchez

shouting slogans in a choir makes you the bullies. If you have nothing of sense to contribute to a discussion about a very serious matter better stay quiet.

1. nobody stole anything. You are a victim of l4av.r0v's manipulation of the situation.
2. public shaming is always unfair. Because a formed strong opinion overshadows the facts
3. nono apologized, but some players decided to react strongly to it, demanding further sanctions based of some feeling of self-justice.
4. read points 1-3
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 19:04:55

Level 60
parsifal pls do not bully or try to intimidate people in thr forums, we can post what we want. I need not take instructions from you whether to be quiet or not.

Edited 10/14/2021 19:05:25
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 19:30:38

Level 63
Rick Sanchez pls do not bully or try to intimidate me in the forums, I will strongly articulate my opinion and I won't stay silent in front of a mobbing against another player. Doesn't matter what the reason is.

If you are misusing this forum to troll, I will comment on that as well
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 19:31:03

Level 59
The data could be given to a mod for,the prosecution.
This has been attempted before. It doesn't work- even posts about how it doesn't work get deleted (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/570995-message-considered-toxic?Offset=4). Absent transparency and public awareness, the moderation system faces no incentives to carry out the best interests of the community; rather, it tends to enforce the personal whims of an unaccountable moderator class with personal axes to grind against specific players. Rick got a 3-day suspension (extended to 6 days) for "Nazi symbolism"; he posted a single photo of swastika-shaped Dharmic temple, on a site where "Adolf Hitler" is an explicitly protected username. Prior to that, he got a permanent ban because he was "actually asking" to be banned (because Fizzer had misread "If Fizzer doesn't ban you"), which would never have been fixed had the details not been made public. Fizzer of course rationalizes these by saying he's got a "long criminal record" (like Boston?) but that's the rub: this criminal record is not auditable anywhere (due to policies against transparency around "discipline"), not even by Rick, and so the userbase just takes his lies at face value.

Neither of these went through the 2-day slow process JK describes. It's abundantly clear what the moderation system actually does on this site, and it's not actually serving the community or benefiting the player base. I get a DM telling me to "quit Warzone" for supporting cheating (another apparent failure of reading comprehension); meanwhile, actual cheating rarely, if ever, gets actioned against. The priorities are clear, and they're not the priorities of the community. Absent transparency, Fizzer has two easy options: just ignore stuff like this, or come to this thread, respond once with a smattering of lies about what's in the non-public record, and lock it if he feels like it. Or redirect the conversation to unrelated "crimes" (maybe his habitual search for someone saying the n-word will have results this time). Or delete the thread. Absent transparency, he gets away with lie after lie, hiding behind his "authority" and facing no accountability due to a strong benefit of the doubt.

There's a reason the real-world criminal justice system has transparency and audtability- and it's the same reason Warzone doesn't (and actively refuses to introduce these concepts).

Only user-driven transparency can fix what we have. In this case, rather than driving nonolet to suicide (like in Parsifal's very active imagination), it's added to the public record and spurred discussion.
You are a victim of l4av.r0v's manipulation of the situation.
If you're going to preach about not making public accusations of bad behavior, at least stop maligning me with wildly speculative unsubstantiated claims of ill intent.

a formed strong opinion overshadows the facts
This is beyond ironic. We have an absurdly large body of facts and instead you've decided to ignore them and speak out against the messenger due to a strong opinion that I suspect was formed by poorly-substantiated and secondhand conversations about me behind my back (e.g., TSFH Clan Chat).

a part of the European culture and not the American one
There's a reason American society is far more prosperous than European, and it goes directly to our liberal democratic values, including our near-absolute protections for free speech. But your point about laws isn't pertinent: European laws generally create more stringent requirements on those hosting online public spaces, so, between the two, if Fizzer does shut down public discussion of cheating, it's more likely you'd find a legal basis to challenge it in EU law than in American law (although neither is likely), because American law is very laissez-faire around how companies like Warzone.com, LLC, operate on the market, trusting the competitive free market to solve consumers' problems better than most regulatory approaches.

Neither European nor American laws, however, prevent people from public discussions of wrongdoing. If you're looking for legal frameworks that might agree with your stance on what people can speak publicly about, you should look at India's, where truth is not an absolute defense against claims of defamation (because Indian political philosophy includes protections against social death under its framing of the right to life).

Of course, as you seem to understand, in general the ordering of these places (India, Europe, the US) by quality of life for a reasonably economically productive individual is inversely correlated with the degree to which their legal frameworks align with your personal philosophy. In a way, your attitudes around societal design have been tested repeatedly in the real world and they don't actually work. This is unsurprising, of course, since decentralized and open societies have vast structural advantages, especially in the realm of economic production but also in their ability to provide fairness, justice, and quality of life in the the long term for maximally large populations of humans. In the real world, transparency provides value while appeals to authority lead to failed societies. In the United States, for example, public criticism of government officials, law enforcers, and even judges of the law has led to vast, concrete, long-term improvements in the ability of our society to pursue its ambitious goals; in societies where people respect the absolute "authority" of law enforcement to the point of refraining from criticism or even public discussion of active or resolved cases, you get societies like the former East Germany, where erosion of checks and balances led to an incentive structure which lost track of the responsibilities of government and not only failed its citizens but actually dehumanized them.

If you want to get philosophical about how society should work and how people should behave in them, there's millennia of discussion and centuries of experimental results you should stop ignoring. The societies that build themselves around your view of the world tend to fail. Even here, we see your proposed approach fail miserably and the one you criticize far outperform it. The theoretical risks you conjure don't occur: nonolet is just fine and free to insult others like me (you don't seem to have any concern about who takes responsibility for yours and nonolet's random accusations). The actual harms you ignore have: a quarter of the raffles in the month of September had a participant who'd nearly doubled his odds (on average, 1.73x).

nonolet gets zero consequences for cheating, and you're concerned about whether those who brought this matter to light are going to be held responsible. You'd fit right in, in an Indian panchayat.

Ceterum censeo: Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/14/2021 19:58:30
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 19:56:23

Level 65
Why are lavrovs posts always so long I cannot get myself to read it? I can't recall finishing reading one of his posts
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-14 20:00:50

Level 59
Why are lavrovs posts always so long I cannot get myself to read it? I can't recall finishing reading one of his posts
That's a very productive, respectful, and topical deflection.

But since you asked, it's by design. I've noticed Fizzer tends to skim over (or just not read/understand) longer content (see: the INSS debacle, where he repeatedly responded to only the first sentence until I broke it down into picture book format; his understanding of the Activision lawsuit; most of the content on https://reddit.com/u/fickerra, including his little fight with /u/wilfra), so I gamble on this reading comprehension hypothesis to make my posts less likely to be quietly deleted or result in arbitrary suspensions. So far it's been wildly successful, in conjunction with Damocles. Beyond the moderation defense benefit, it also helps prevent off-topic discussions because people like you typically give up and don't respond rather than derail the discussion. The idea is to create posts that organically filter out low-value respondents.

Ceterum censeo: Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/14/2021 20:07:07
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