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Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 00:54:53

Level 38
wow, so PARsifal rly is a CLOWN lol. i have nothing decent to contribute? i stated facts. like how he was caught way before he 'came clean' as some call it lol, and apoligize, what is that of good if he doesnt return ALL THE GOOD he still stole? also, he didnt steal? what is manipulating odds then? u blame lv4 for showing us the results? xD migod what blind man
bruh, plz indeed, stay silent if u have nothing good to say.
i agree with you, public shaming is unfair, i never said it was fair, i said it wasnt public shaming if you have proof, and the godamn thief denied it until he was proven to be caught, not even caught the first time, but simply the first time he could no longer pretend it was 'none of his business' even tho obvious to many, including HIM, already lol. defend him all you want, you just losing any value on ur biased opinion either way, srsly, sometiems better to shut up. this has nothing to do with lv4, he simply showed facts, nono made those fact come true, not lv4. how is that so hard to understand? it isnt, so stop acting braindead and trying to appeal to the masses or whatever.
also, is apologizing even good in any situation unless you redeem your bad-doing? and i mean honestly. tell me how. so if i kill some1, if i apoligize im ok? if i steal, i dont need to give money back, just apoligize? show regret? whbat regret did he show while he kept stealing and ignorgin ppl who told him he should stop cuz it was clean already of what he was doing? o.o plz... just let him talk for himself, there's no reason for u to come make up shitty arguments about him, if he already said sorry, at least let him 'have the decency o saying 'alright what i did had no excuse at all, im a fker and that's it' why are you fking evne defending him as if he was some victim? you just wanting to prove yourself to be an even bigger CLOWN that he is tbh. cuz at least he had a plan to at some point, admit all guilt, you're still somehow BLIND to the fact lol.

Edited 10/15/2021 00:56:58
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 01:11:00

Level 63

what a charming use of language, respect!
you probably have some sort of a problem understanding simple texts: I wasn't defending anyone, just expressing my concern about using public shame as a method.
but you made that typical banal point of: "you are either with us or against us".
you also made that logical fallacy by comparing murder to playing WZ from two accounts, which is so ridiculous that It should be framed and sent to a museum of human stupidity.
if you carefully read your post, you'll find there mostly aggression. and that is exactly what public-shaming does and ever did: just more violence. that's not how you solve problems
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 01:35:32

Level 59
you also made that logical fallacy by comparing murder to playing WZ from two accounts
What you're describing is simply called an "analogy": a comparison between two or more things that are like in some ways but typically unlike in many others.

investment used an analogy as a rhetorical device (this is called an "argument from analogy"), which requires the things compared to be similar in ways relevant to the conclusion. Let us take another look at his argument:
so if i kill some1, if i apoligize im ok? if i steal, i dont need to give money back, just apoligize?

Breaking it down into the structure of an argument from analogy, here it is rewritten with some implicit reasoning made explicit:

P1: Warzone Global Chat raffle cheating, murder, and stealing are all transgressions which cause some form of harm to occur to innocent parties
P2: Allowing someone to commit murder, apologize, and gain forgiveness without restitution would be ridiculous
P3: Allowing someone to steal, apologize, and gain forgiveness without restitution would be ridiculous
C: Therefore, inductively, allowing someone to cheat on the Warzone Global Chat raffle would also be ridiculous

In this case, investment made an analogy between Warzone raffle cheating and violent crime in the real world as part of a game-theoretic reductio ad absurdum pointing out undesirable outcomes of a forgive-and-forget-no-consequences approach to transgressions, akin to the arguments made around excessively forgiving strategies in evolutionary biology or the iterated prisoner's dilemma (https://heritage.umich.edu/stories/the-prisoners-dilemma/). In general, his conclusion matches academic consensus in these recurring discussions around handling cheating: the repercussions for cheating have to reflect the probability of getting caught and the benefits reaped from cheating, or otherwise it becomes a rational (net-beneficial) decision to cheat. For example, if I can get away with murder by just saying sorry, then it's a rational decision that a majority of people would make because the consequences they face multiplied by the odds of facing those consequences are outweighed by whatever reward they would reap from murder. Similarly, if one can cheat on the raffle and keep the coins, the calculus shifts in favor of rational decision-makers cheating: the cost of consequences multiplied by their probability is arguably easily outweighed by the net benefit of cheating (although there's a stronger deterrent in that nonolet's cheating got him ~$20 over ~180 hours, so the opportunity cost of allocating his time on Warzone cheating is pretty high).

In order for arguments from analogy to work, the two things being compared simply have to be meaningfully similar in relation to the argument being made. In this case, the argument investment is making does not require the two things being compared to be like in magnitude; his analogy about accountability still works even though cheating on Warzone Global Chat is obviously a far, far worse crime than murder.

if you carefully read your post, you'll find there mostly aggression. and that is exactly what public-shaming does and ever did: just more violence. that's not how you solve problems
This is an example of a false analogy, which is simply an argument for analogy that does not satisfy the similarity requirements.

To see why, let's state it out:
P1: Angry forum posts like investment's are akin to violence because they contain aggression.
P2: Violence (presumably physical violence) is very bad (presumably because it causes great harm to others, creating massive economic inefficiencies)
C: Therefore, angry forum posts like investment's are very bad and a reason to avoid "public shaming"

Clearly, the flaw here is that angry forum posts are not like violence in a way relevant to the conclusion. As you seem to have recognized when you responded to investment's posts with primarily a series of insults, angry forum posts inflict little to no harm upon people. The comparison to a witch hunt is similar a repeated false analogy you make throughout this thread, because of key missing similarities relevant to your conclusions about the harm associated with witch hunts.

You also seem to understand that you can formulate an argument from analogy that compares two things vastly unlike in seriousness, since you formulated an argument from analogy that compared my behavior to state crimes committed by the Soviet Union, when of course my behavior on this thread causes significantly more harm than the sum of Stalin's actions.

What's your degree in? I thought they cover analogies at some point in a humanities curriculum. If not, what else do they do with the time they get back from not teaching math?

Edited 10/15/2021 01:49:14
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 01:55:37

Level 64
knyte is just extremely online.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:08:35

Level 59
knyte is just extremely online.
What tipped you off? Was it the pamphlet-length overkill post proving nonolet was #Uno (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/579556-global-chat-raffle-analysis?Offset=18) when I could've just said: "He plays from an i████████ in ████████, Austria, from the IP address ███.██.███.███. No, it wasn't the mail thing; those were ordinary mails as distractions. Here's what my source, ██████████, who's much smarter about this stuff than I am, did: https://bit.ly/██████████. Here is a photo my source snagged off his webcam when he was on the toilet raffling from JennyA. Here is how you can catch people like this yourself: https://bit.ly/███-█████-███, and here's a technical explanation of the flaws in Warzone's device fingerprinting: https://bit.ly/████████-████████-███████-███████"?

(disclaimer: no, that photo doesn't exist.)

Ceterum censeo: Anti-Fizzer is pro-Warlight. Pro-Warlight is anti-Fizzer.

Edited 10/15/2021 02:10:47
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:12:18

Level 64

Edited 10/15/2021 05:13:14
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:16:50

Level 59
I appreciate your concern. However, in your streams, I've seen your life and how it compares to mine; I would not trade for yours, and I believe, given the option, you would trade for mine.

Your time would be more efficiently allocated on worrying about the sakes of those other than me. Let me derive my enjoyment from inefficiently allocating my own.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:19:46

Level 64

Edited 10/15/2021 05:13:04
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:20:21

Level 59
you should both sleep unless you are mentally-unstable 40 yo. which i assume you are not.
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:20:50

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
I tell you

Californians have a really high opinion of themselves and are very condescending (that means they talk down to people)
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:22:17

Level 59
Oh, I get you mixed up with Cursona. My bad. I don't watch your streams for poverty theater, just great map-making.

Edited 10/15/2021 02:22:45
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 02:49:32

Level 64

Edited 10/15/2021 05:12:07
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 03:01:05

Level 59
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 03:04:34

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 03:06:40

Level 59
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 03:26:29

Level 59
All right, so knyte is having sensory overload

I know it.

I've been there.

Symptoms: Extremely high or extremely low activity levels[1], Getting overexcited, Having trouble with social interactions

It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

Also, knyte please don't get mad at me. Consider it a friendly roast xd
I am overloaded all the time


Give the man a break. He deserves it after all these long posts for some rest and to calm down -.^

Edited 10/15/2021 03:28:57
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 03:34:12

Level 60
👁️ 👁️

Edited 10/15/2021 03:35:01
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 03:44:02

Level 59
Interesting hypothesis, but no. I'm just monopolizing this thread (deliberately) because interacting with some people makes me feel considerably better about my own life, sometimes to the point of addiction. If I feel insecure about my intelligence, I laboriously explain the concept of analogy to Parsifal. If I feel insecure about my own sincerity, I give nonolet the opportunity to follow through on his word, knowing that he won't. If I feel insecure about my ability to convey information and ideas, I bait a moderator into a lengthy, half-coherent rant that evidences basic struggles with reading comprehension. I wouldn't exactly say I keep records of others' writing samples to read over lunch and laugh at, out of sheer bafflement that of the 7.9 billion humans on this planet, the vast majority are somehow less competent than even me!... but if I said I didn't I'd also be lying. There's just something titillating about giving people the opportunity to be themselves, in the worst ways. And something beautiful about creating opportunities for everyone to share who they really are- good or bad, without the social masks we wear- with the world.

I'm a quite horrible person. I have shut out most "normal" people from my life, because their lives bore and depress me (not that I'm particularly exceptional- I think I'm just intolerant of inability). So I make up for it by finding outlets like these forums to interact with ordinary people and derive enjoyment from people who I perceive as my inferiors in ability. Sometimes, of course, there's also people much smarter than me in these places (DrApe, Alexander) or people who understand things that I don't (Beep Beep Jeep, Math Wolf), so being absurdly transparent and verbose has the added benefit of occasionally galvanizing these people into sharing their own views and helping me find gaps in my understanding.

This is definitely incredibly unhealthy, but I can afford the cost. Before you ask, sociopathy has disappointingly been ruled out in my case. Narcissism and autism too. This isn't something I can't control or do out of habit; I've found not worrying about embarrassment and being honest with people about what I really think of them to be an effective strategy for life. Sometimes people even respect you more if you're honest enough to let them know (when they ask) that you don't even view them as human. If you're looking for a descriptive label, let me offer one: delusional misanthrophy.

Edited 10/15/2021 03:57:58
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 03:59:59

Level 64

Edited 10/15/2021 05:12:20
Nonolet - sincere apologies: 2021-10-15 04:10:01

Level 59
That's the paradox, isn't it? Some of you look down on me, while I do the same with some of you. Societal norms tend to agree with one of us, and measures of human ability and success with the other.

For example, here you are, attempting to punch down, yet none of your blows land because you never bothered to check if you were actually on top. I even get a kick out of the character attacks and avoid responding in kind, because only one of us has demonstrated the ability to drive a person to suicide through language alone. It's like being hit by a kid and restraining yourself because you know you'll do actual damage if you hit back.

Bane, take that judgement or whatever emotion you feel toward me and try to distill it into an image in your head. Focus on it for some minutes until that orb of dislike becomes clear, powerful, almost commanding. It's only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the contempt I feel for you. You only think it's pathetic because you've never felt this high- it's like heroin except it does the opposite of destroy your life.

Edited 10/15/2021 04:12:53
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