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Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 00:39:10

Level 62
Inspired by krinid's "ascension leaderboard" thread.
Comment below on how many super-ascension did you do.

Current ranking:
∞: Xeno, Ivan0
Note: By "∞", I mean that the player spent at least 1340 super-ascensions on the +100AP bonus. The player now starts with at least 134k AP after each super-ascension, which is enough to unlock phase 4 (requires 1k+8k+25k=34k AP) and then spend 100k AP on phase 4. So the player can instantly super-ascend again and again without playing any levels.

This is Ivan doing super-ascension within 3 minutes after 1500 super-ascends, with 131700 starting AP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs7hqkuiZjI
318: krinid (retired)
100: PkmX
59: here
50: Zinthos
42: mr_fancy_pants, awaythro
34: Mathematician
30: Aimix
20: Senecar
17: Mindori
16: otto, ChillHouzVanHoutn
14: Tulsi 2020
13: TheGreatLeon
10: geforce
8: Hugge
6: Master Jz, DH, Doctor K, panieri, Howie
5: Gunk, Jeff Trait, Lord Pal'horde., Carrot Wax, swchanghee, koning
4: Ragnar Lothbrok, colossus, Jeffo8
3: MWL, The Gunslinger, Cosine Malady, SapK, nupogodi, Gincompetent
2: TR-8R, L.L., Norme, Morg'th N, JK_3, asdfgh, DieVertaler, Lord Bolton, dongpa
1: Parsifal, Olja, graemes, Z, Juan, laurent987, Darryl Chow, Lefty, MGO, Lord Pal'horde, Costanza, aw1908, Mr_Perfect, SlapChip, 1410c, mdg22, WarTog, stiffmeister, drillerk, 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375, R, Meow/], Tom Brady, jajonnz, El steveo XIII (THeCo), Golebievicus, el conquistador, Killcreek2, [V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !, MonkeyShines, Santa Claus, JV, accountkon21, riskboy88, zixtuq, Arcorann, MkTsu, berghy, Sergeant808, Neo Monastic

Edited 3/3/2025 10:16:03
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 01:36:18

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Congratulations, you are all #1 (tied for it, anyway)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 01:38:06

Level 64
Fizzer the Ultimate Troll
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 01:41:33

Level 59
I think Super Ascension Rates a new Unique Color
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 09:46:56

Level 58
lol fizzer

i do think u should get colours based on really hard achievements for example completing single player, getting to phase 4 on idle, super ascending 2x, etc

Edited 11/25/2021 09:47:52
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 10:03:45

Level 63
So ... anyone actually done a Super Ascension yet?

Interested in info on the new levels as well. And we need to know if powers on maps respawn. If we're losing all AP, I would hope so, otherwise starting again will be very slow with limited SACs & FCs. I'm trying to work out in my head how difficult relative to 1st playthrough (pre-1st Ascension) redoing all the levels will be, given only 2 Legendary artifacts.

Mulling over the same thing as Math though ... is it better to persevere on current stage to get some Insane artifacts rather than just taking 2 Legendaries forward. As that is the only thing you can carry forward. I have 3 Leg, 1 Epic, 7 Rare, etc ... not enough to make even another Epic, let alone 1 Insane. But it seems a dame shame to just throw away 1 Leg, 1 Epic, 7 Rare!

Sounds like this will force you to upgrade past 5.14 so as not to lose Super Ascension status.

Also makes me wonder how this will affect the psyche of people who actually bought a bunch of artifacts and now have to decide whether to throw them all away, or buy a bunch more to consolidate everything so far into 2 or 3 higher levels artifacts.

Edited 11/25/2021 10:06:46
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 11:26:30

Level 63

Sounds like this will force you to upgrade past 5.14

sure thing. I'm missing 10 tech achievements, 1 rare artifact (needed for the creation of my last legendary artifact) and 35k AP, which I'll get pretty fast using my good old 5.14 version.
after that I'm super-ascending super fast
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-25 22:31:54

Level 63
Can you imagine if someone doesn't upgrade mobile, Super Ascends on web, loses AP & Artifacts, Syncs on old version on mobile, erases Super Ascend status. ugh!

What artifacts will you have when you SAsc & what reward are you going to choose?

Seems like the cycle will be:
1) Start game
2) Finish all levels
3) Ascend & repeat until spend 100K in phase 4 - this may be 2, 3, 4 Ascensions
4) Super Ascend
5) Play new levels (or do you have to start back at the Tutorial first?)
6) Repeat from step 2

This SAsc process of losing AP/artifacts combined with the recent change to force Aborting of multilevels in progress before Ascending makes the grind real and hard. I think that 100 AP reward may be targeting the ability to Ascend after doing a SAsc to earn some AP before doing the new levels? Not sure though. Not sure if the new levels are easy levels, logical extension (ie: tough but not Hardened) from EU Huge, or if they are of Hardened class difficulty.

This may be where I tap out, at least until more info is revealed from those are SAsc in the near future (ie: you, Parsifal). (;
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-26 09:09:32

Level 63
dunno mate, your guesses are as good as mine
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-26 12:01:33

Level 63
ive now decided to retire from idle
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-26 12:03:03

Crimson King 
Level 65
I just super ascended. Kept my 3 legends: bmb, ts, tw
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-26 20:48:27

Level 60
as SAs are not happening often, we need to make sure this thread doesn't die so just post something random every once in a while.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-28 15:47:50

Level 62
as SAs are not happening often, we need to make sure this thread doesn't die so just post something random every once in a while.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-28 17:55:34

Level 60
Curious what the new maps look like, not sure if anyone has seen them yet. I like exploring new maps.

I have been thinking that an interesting way to keep things going is with expansion packs of levels that you can unlock, each with their own sets of challenging tweaks.

For example, a set of 10 maps with no mercenary camps, or a set with no mines, or a set where you could only use auto features. Ideally they'd be new, unique maps, but if Fizz wanted to keep things simple, he could just copy a few of the current maps and turn off the feature.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-11-29 17:06:28

Level 63
Maybe the new maps have some of this, but no one knows b/c first you have to SAsc, then reclear all levels to EH with no Adv/AP and limited Artifacts before you can reach them. So it'll be a while before we have real intel on them.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-12-05 03:09:40

Level 62
as SAs are not happening often, we need to make sure this thread doesn't die so just post something random every once in a while.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-12-05 03:11:58

Level 63
i retired from idle for one month already

(yes, something random)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-12-08 18:48:31

Level 63
Pls add me in with a 0. Same as you. (;

Though technically we're probably actually 0.9, meaning we could SAsc at any time we like, just are doing preparations before doing so.

Edited 12/8/2021 18:49:20
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-12-08 19:23:26

Level 63
I propose renaming it to Descension. That's what it feels like.
I even caught myself clicking only on territories I have at least two connections to, even though I don't have Joint Strike at all yet.....
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2021-12-08 19:53:42

Level 63
HAHA @ Descension. Super Descension at that.

It will definitely revert to the slog.

Was going to ask you ... but just realized you wouldn't know yet ... what happens after you finish all the new levels? Ascend again, and if so, does it still hinge on finishing EH? And does that lock Huruey through EH, or Huruey to EH and also all of the new 17 levels and you need to SAsc again to re-unlock them via another SAsc?

But yea, guess I'll have to ask in 2-3 months, b/c don't think anyone is in position to know this yet.

Edited 4/4/2022 01:19:19
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