Inspired by krinid's "ascension leaderboard" thread.
Comment below on how many super-ascension did you do.
Current ranking:
∞: Xeno, Ivan0
Note: By "∞", I mean that the player spent at least 1340 super-ascensions on the +100AP bonus. The player now starts with at least 134k AP after each super-ascension, which is enough to unlock phase 4 (requires 1k+8k+25k=34k AP) and then spend 100k AP on phase 4. So the player can instantly super-ascend again and again without playing any levels.
This is Ivan doing super-ascension within 3 minutes after 1500 super-ascends, with 131700 starting AP:
318: krinid (retired)
59: here*
50: Zinthos
39: PkmX
34: Mathematician
29: mr_fancy_pants
24: awaythro
20: Senecar
17: Mindori
16: otto, Aimix
14: Tulsi 2020
13: TheGreatLeon, Senecar
12: ChillHouzVanHoutn
8: Hugge
6: Master Jz, DH
5: Gunk, Jeff Trait
4: Ragnar Lothbrok, colossus, Jeffo8, Lord Pal'horde., Doctor K
3: MWL, The Gunslinger, geforce, Cosine Malady, panieri, Howie, SapK, koning, swchanghee
2: TR-8R, L.L., Norme, Gincompetent, Morg'th N, JK_3, nupogodi, asdfgh
1: Parsifal, Olja, graemes, Z, Juan, laurent987, Darryl Chow, Lefty, MGO, Lord Pal'horde, Costanza, aw1908, Mr_Perfect, SlapChip, 1410c, mdg22, WarTog, DieVertaler, stiffmeister, drillerk, 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375, R, Meow/], Tom Brady, jajonnz, El steveo XIII (THeCo), Golebievicus, el conquistador, Killcreek2, [V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !, MonkeyShines, Santa Claus, JV, accountkon21, riskboy88, Carrot Wax, zixtuq
* Probably here currently have a lot more super-ascensions as indicated in the table. They haven't updated their count for a long time. Maybe they lost count or something.
Edited 10/1/2024 22:00:05