I have +50% from my first 2 supers. I have insane [in the membrane] Alloy Value and Army Cache Boost ]thanks to paying for 8 legendary idle time arties, no regrets
Debating if I should go +25 more to get additional mercs faster or an arti and if an arti, which one SAC is nice for that once or twice a day depending on clam war benies for that quick start Boosted Army Camp for that sort of quick start but more than once or twice a day I personally like Hospital Boost for that late game getting enough armies to finish a level. Discounted mercs because hell on hardened Feldmore I ran out of money even with insane AV, and mistakes can be made, discounted mercs helps on that and on Hex Perhaps inspire mercs, but I have enough on Hex Earth for another run plus whatever I can pick up elsewhere.
Wow, interesting to see 12th super-ascension with no Insane artifacts. That basically confirms that I made a tactical error in my approach, as I’ve been working to get Insane ACacheB (about 3 weeks to go) before doing my 3rd Super. Apparently it would’ve been faster in the long run to not bother with that, as I seriously doubt I’ll ever catch up to your pace even once I have it.
In reality, I may not even bother doing the 3rd Super (or stopping Idle after I do) because I think I’ve accomplished my goals. In the dead time while waiting to get this Insane ACacheB, I managed to beat all the levels between EH and Hex Earth, so there’s really nothing new left to do.
@Morg’th It looks like it took me about 5 months to clear those levels. I had time to kill while building my Insane artifact, so I decided to just start playing them and see how far I got. Honestly didn’t expect to beat them all, but since I have also maxed out all useful advancements (and some less useful ones) while waiting for the digs, that definitely helped.
I do have Simultaneous Levels at 3, but I wasn’t using it for those levels. I was playing one of them at a time, and then using the other 2 slots to play other pre-Europe Huge levels to dig in and so I wouldn’t get bored. Now I am using my 3 levels as: 1 sitting on Hex Earth simply for all its Digs. I also happened to complete the Build All Techs achievement since I had the time. 1 cycling back through the post-Europe Huge levels working on Build All Techs in those. 1 playing pre-Europe Huge levels just for fun
All this to kill time in building an Insane artifact that I don’t even really need unless I just feel like slogging back through it all again with no real purpose.
"All this to kill time in building an Insane artifact that I don’t even really need unless I just feel like slogging back through it all again with no real purpose. "
Yeah after that first super, the rewards of pushing harder seem kinda pointless. Get more stuff so you can more stuff so you can get more stuff.
Finally feel like I have enough slots to make progress on AP% again. It’s taken ages to get to a place where I can carry over 4 Legendary + 2 Epic before knocking the remainder back down for the next Insane.