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Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 10:48:30

Level 54
40 dig speed sounds insane hahaha

0.8^40x100 = 0.01329% of the original dig time
36hrs dig site -> 17.22 seconds

If he adds 13 more dig speed SA bonuses, then he can finish 36hrs dig site in less than a second (0.9470 second)

Edited 6/4/2024 10:59:39
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 11:49:51

Level 62
1824 supers +3900%ap(40x), 60 slots, 40 dig speed, 157000 start ap

I will now take a break from Super ascending, I plan to work on digs and achievements.

Edited 6/4/2024 11:50:08
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 12:12:34

Level 61
A full set of insane artifacts would be nice
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 13:16:36

Level 40
Gratz Ivan.

Too many insanes is a PITA since it takes too long to click all. Took me ~50sec to SA and I was crabby since it was mainly clicking artis. I have still never lost an Insane (yet) and that would have driven me nuts lol.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 14:42:48

Level 60
Number 5

Boon chosen: +25% AP

Total boons: +50% AP, + 5 artifacts

Artifacts carried over:

Army Cache Boost
Alloy Values
Supercharge Army Camp
Army Camp Boost
Time Warp

Next time: probably +1 artifact
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 14:42:48

Level 60
deleted double posting

Edited 6/4/2024 14:44:15
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 17:38:16

Level 63
So. Do we consider WZI a full beaten game now?
it was already fully beaten a long while back. what else could possibly be left to do?

@Morg'th N H'Throg
I almost super ed once and forgot to pick my artifacts
it's sloppy/careless code that's used for that check, as Ivan stated, it warns you if you pick 0-1 artifacts, but if you pick 2+ then it just continues & you toss whatever you didn't select. So if you have 56 slots (i do), select 2 poor artifacts & click Super Ascend, bye bye Insanes. i have 50-something dig buffs, so i get all the digs on clearing Hex, which means a lot of artifacts to go through, so its tedious

Ivan's suggestion makes sense; if # preserved < # slots = generate warning, don't just toss artis (that some players might even have paid for!)

ive tossed a few Insanes before simply because i misclicked the "Super Ascend" button which is at the bottom of the artifact window; instead of clicking on an Epic that i just dug up to select it to carry forward, I clicked the damn "Super Ascend" button; fortunately I had already selected ~40 something artifacts and most of my insanes, so only lost a handful but it was super frustrating, such evil functionality to innocent players

and looks like Ivan just joined the ranks of tosses Insanes ...
Just lost insane Time Warp and supercharger army camp, on super 1510

and not surprising ... when you have fast dig speed, it actually takes longer to select the artifact than it does to finish the level and everything else in Super Ascending, and you mess it up = big ouchie, but its sooooo tedious going through 500 artifacts and upgrading all the Poors, Commons, Uncommons ... i typically just keep the Rares & Epics, keep my own Insanes, Legendaries & toss the rest, but you still have to search through them for the Rares & Epics and select the 50-ish existing Insanes, including the 3 at the bottom which are the 3 active ones ... tbh the 3 active Insanes are the easiest to toss b/c you have to scroll to the bottom of the list in order to be able to select them
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 17:41:28

Level 40
I would be happy with just a select all artifacts button and just clicking on the ones I want to dump (poor/common).
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 17:44:42

Level 63
i'd be happier with the ability to select all artis by level so i could just keep all insane/leg/epic/rare

the # of uncommon+common+poor artis after finishing hex is in the hundreds, it'd be worse to have to unselect them all, but if could unselect all uncommons/commons/poors in 1 click, np

or even better, also add auto-upgrade all of a certain class such as UC/C/P - that'd be great too
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 18:00:20

Level 40
Well that 264 hex digs and dump most artis is an edge case that would affect like 4 players if they go out of their way to trigger it >.>. But just don't use the button for that extreme case :P. The most common scenario is keeping more artis than you dump.

But yea more options is nice but fizzer dev time is a finite/scarce resource. I just tried to suggest something that could be done a few lines + a few minutes for making a spot to make space for the button.

To make it even simpler it could be coded to auto-select all insanes by default and skip the UI redesign to add the button. I'm probably the only person that actually deleted insanes intentionally since I hated having more than 10-14 artis but most people would not want to chuck insanes away by default.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-04 18:09:28

Level 62
even a simple "sort by quality" button would help alot i guess
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-07 05:19:11

Level 56
Fourteenth Super Ascend!

New bonus: +25% AP
Kept: Legendary AV, TW, SAC, A$B, ACampB, CB, HB, and RCB, MD, Rare HB, SC
Bonuses: +9 slots, +125% AP

I spent basically the entire SA this time looking for an HB and CB as replacements for the ones I was planning to fodder into an Insane A$B. No joy on the CB. Almost no joy on the HB. I was ready to give up looking and just SA, and then the very last dig I intended to complete for the SA turned up an HB. Boom! I'll take it. I'm not too worried about missing the CB, I mainly use it as a baby A$B anyways.

I think I will indeed make the Insane A$B this SA. The part I have yet to decide is whether I'll do it as soon as possible (in ~3 days) or whether I'll wait to the end of the SA. I won't have a backup A$B while it cooks, which will be painful, I think that's less painful on the early levels though.

Next up: +25% AP, rebuilding foddered Legendary CB, RCB and MD (and HB)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-07 07:03:34

Level 63
But yea more options is nice but fizzer dev time is a finite/scarce resource.
i suspect it's more of self-imposed limit; looking at the blog posts, there was an update July 2023, and one April 2024 with mostly minor bug fixes and an engine update for 3D maps, which doesn't really amount to the effort of a developer working full-time on WZ for 9 months. maybe he's gone enjoy-life/do WZ part-time mode on us. fixes/additions like I suggested aren't that difficult, don't take that many lines of codes/time to do and would be np at all if he was still working on the game like he did in the first year when Idle came out, where he was putting new updates with significant changes out each month

agree, a sort by quality would be great, but sort/filter/select option would be even better
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-07 18:43:20

Level 62
I have super-ascended a seventeenth time.

Boon chosen: +1 artifact carryover

Total boons: +175% AP, +10 artifact

Artifacts carried over:

* Insane Army Cache Boost
* Legendary Alloy Values
* Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
* Legendary Army Camp Boost
* Legendary Time Warp
* Legendary Triple Strike
* Legendary Mercenary Discount
* Legendary Cache Boost (upgrade)
* Rare Hospital Boost (downgrade)
* Epic Inspire Mercs (wzib keeper)
* Rare Item Values (wzib fodder)
* Rare Triple Strike (wzib fodder)

Next time: maybe +25% AP

Note: missed my 6400bp target this time
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-10 03:17:50

Level 62
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-10 14:10:31

Level 61
10 supers: +175%AP, 5 artifact slots, 19 days

Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-14 02:25:44

Level 62
took 15 minutes to dig all of hex.

Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-14 02:33:08

Level 63
how long did it take to go through all of those to upgrade them? ive got my dig speed buffs so that 1 Hex full dig takes ~5 mins; the math doesn't quite work out to equal what the buff should be, I suspect the dig switching causes the delay and/or the game can't quite keep up with the dig speed, and if you step away and it times out, you don't magically finish all the digs, it actually stops digging, even if you have enough idle time, and it'll just continue digging when you go back to the level (so even at your speed, you can start the dig, walk away, come back 1 hr later, and will still have ~75% of the digs left from whatever point it paused)

it usually took me longer to go through 1 pass upgrading everything that the actual digging itself did, really wished there was an auto-arti upgrade option
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-14 02:38:10

Level 62
Only felt like 5 minutes but I didn't time it.

I think it might be less effort/faster to get all the insanes from battles/hcc, because I haven't been motivated to clear levels for digs.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-06-14 07:10:05

Level 62
Just admit that you've finished the game already man...

Edited 6/14/2024 07:10:19
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