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Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-03 07:37:06

Level 56
Twenty-first Super Ascend!

New bonus: +25% AP
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, CB, RCB, MD, Epic HB, TS, CD, Rare HB
Bonuses: +10 slots, +275% AP

As expected, Legendary MD was a nice little boost again for the couple levels where it matters. Legendary HB is going to be a significantly smaller boost, but more armies is more armies.

I realized on this SA that with some AP tweaks I could actually just skip right over Old Town and go straight to Hardened Old Town. That will nicely shave off ~4h of waiting for hospitals there as L2 hospitals are nowhere close for that map.

This was the first SA where I didn't need to Ascend even once! For SA20 I could have reasonably gotten away with it as well, but it was slightly faster to Ascend there.

I'm starting to reach the point where digging up one more Rare per SA is getting to be pretty tight, even with good luck on digs. I have been considering taking the dig time bonus to fix that, that doesn't feel very scalable though. Taking another Insane is another option which feels better. If neither of those two, then figuring out some new cadence for artifacts per SA and probably taking a bunch more slots to support it. I am leaning towards another Insane and filling any artifact gaps in the mean time with the CW dig bonus and/or CW artifacts, I think I want at least 2 more Legendaries first though.

Next up: +25% AP, bringing HB back up to Legendary (this SA)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-08 20:08:42

Level 62
I have super-ascended a twentieth time.

Boon chosen: +25% AP

Total boons: +225% AP, +11 artifact

Artifacts carried over:

* Insane Army Cache Boost
* Legendary Alloy Values
* Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
* Insane Army Camp Boost (upgrade)
* Epic Time Warp (downgrade)
* Epic Triple Strike (downgrade)
* Legendary Mercenary Discount
* Rare Money Cache Boost (downgrade)
* Rare Resource Cache Boost (wzib; keeper)
* Uncommon Cache Boost (downgrade)
* Epic Hospital Boost
* Epic Inspire Mercenaries
* Epic Mine Boost (wzib; fodder)

Next time: rebuild the downgrades, dunno about the choice of boon

Note: went at an extremely relaxed pace this time
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-08 20:31:43

Level 31
Posting here since Mathematician isn't reading discord anymore.

29th Super Ascension

Bonus chosen: +25%
Total bonus: +450% AP, 13 total slots

Insane Army Cache Boost
Insane Army Camp Boost
Legendary Alloy Values
Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
Legendary Time Wrap
Legendary Mercenary Discount
Legendary Hospital Boost
Legendary Resource Cache Boost
Legendary Tech Discount
Legendary Bonus Money Boost
Epic Alloy Values
Rare Inspire Mercenaries
Rare Ore Values

The current goal is to upgrade the IM to insane. Will have to take +1 slots in the next two supers to make room for the rares and also dig an extra rare in each super.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-11 06:23:47

Level 56
Twenty-second Super Ascend!

New bonus: +25% AP
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, CB, RCB, MD, HB, Rare HB, ACampB, AV
Bonuses: +10 slots, +300% AP

The boost from Epic HB was modest, but I did realize this SA that I no longer need SAC for Breaking Green nor for for Copper Creek Castle. This means I go to L3 hospitals again with them instead of L2 with SAC, but avoiding the aggravation of having a slot tied up is definitely a factor.

The skip over OT went as planned and was nice, easily shaved off 5 hours.

As was unwittingly foreshadowed last time, digging became a huge bottleneck this time around. I had a series of awful luck on Uncommon digs where four or five in a row (all >80% chance of Uncommon) turned up Common. This resulted in a ~60 hour bottleneck at the end where I was just digging to crunch out the next Rare. I'll be lighting up the CW dig bonus for SA23 for sure, and we'll see when or if I want to take the faster dig SA bonus.

Speaking of awful luck on digs, I also didn't turn up any artifacts I would consider a candidate for Legendary at this time. The closest I found was an ACampB which if nothing better turns up I may bring up to Legendary (or maybe just Epic) to use as a backup while the other copy upgrades to Insane.

Next up: +25% AP probably, artifacts TBD
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-13 18:43:41

Level 31
30th Super Ascension

Bonus chosen: +1 slot
Total bonus: +450% AP, 14 total slots

Insane Army Cache Boost
Insane Army Camp Boost
Legendary Alloy Values
Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
Legendary Time Wrap
Legendary Mercenary Discount
Legendary Hospital Boost
Legendary Resource Cache Boost
Legendary Tech Discount
Legendary Bonus Money Boost
Epic Alloy Values
Epic Triple Strike
Epic Army Cache Boost
Rare Inspire Mercenaries
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-16 14:53:24

Level 58
Super #15

8 +25 AP
7 bonus artifacts
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-17 00:56:26

Level 62
Super Ascension 1!

+1 artifact (total 3 artifacts)

Kept Artifacts:

Legendary Army Cache Boost
Legendary Alloy Values
Legendary Triple Strike


Wow, it's been 1486 days since I started, can't believe that I finally super ascend!. Big thank you to everyone who helped me in my journey, sharing information, filling reqs, making guides, just being awesome.

Special shout out to :

jonhybd, best teammate anyone could have ever ask for
Shin, (second) best teammate anyone could have asked for (just kidding)
John Smith, ultimate coolness

mr_fancy_pants, vast wealth of knowledge, couldn't have done it without you bro
sarahxxoxx+Hatter+stonemender, most consistent clan requests

Hatter (again), thank you for your generosity to donate coins so I could reset AP at the end.
JK_3 ultimate TLA, thank you for your generosity for coins. 'JK_3 speed'.
LND also ultimate TLA, thank you for your generosity for coins
Sapk, thanks for lending me your coins, I'll pay you back as soon as possible

and of course, Fizzer, for creating the game. Despite all of its flaws and CW being a giant hot mess it's still a pretty well designed game, a novel concept unlike other idle games. well done Fizzer.

Time to forge ahead to play hex for first time!!!! and get all achievements

Edited 8/17/2024 00:59:22
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-17 16:54:09

Carrot Wax
Level 56
My first super ascend. Chose +25AP, Leg AV and Leg TW.

At first I was skeptical about the TW, but previous posters were honest that it really helps gain arifacts more quickly, especially if you're in a clan that gets 4 territories.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-17 18:17:39

Level 56
Twenty-third Super Ascend!

New bonus: 20% faster digs
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, CB, RCB, MD, HB, Epic BMB, IV, TS
Bonuses: +10 slots, +300% AP, 0.8^1 dig time

The time has come. I finally took a bonus other than +%AP or another slot. I worked through a couple artifact cadences other than the Legendary every other SA path I've been following thus far and it just seemed too slot intensive to be worth it at the moment. Even with the CW dig bonus and good luck on digs I ended up bottlenecked on digging this time around (waiting for the Uncommon to Rare upgrade, technically). I think a couple dig speed upgrades should let me stall until the next Insane anyways, which will once again massively reduce the slot pressure for awhile. It'll be a little sad to not have more AP this time, but reducing that dig bottleneck is worth more at this point.

I decided on BMB for my next Legendary. It's still upgrading to Epic, haven't used it yet. We'll see how that goes.

I was able to skip directly from HOT to HRome this time, which was weird and nice. I didn't really miss 4th boy as it comes so late anyways.

Next up: 20% faster digs, Legendary BMB (this SA)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-17 18:32:30

Level 63
@Carrot Wax
TW is good for artifact digging, artifact cooldowns, quickly mining/smelting/crafting, accumulating a bunch of armies from army camps/drafting (this one not so much, only good if under certain conditions like using SACs/etc, and typically if you don't need too many b/c these are weak methods of generating armies) and of course it's an absolute necessity in Idle Battles
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-20 12:31:23

Level 62
I have super-ascended a twenty-first time.

Boon chosen: +25% AP

Total boons: +250% AP, +11 artifact

Artifacts carried over:

* Insane Army Cache Boost
* Insane Army Camp Boost
* Legendary Alloy Values
* Legendary Supercharge Army Camp
* Legendary Time Warp (rebuilt)
* Legendary Mercenary Discount
* Epic Resource Cache Boost (upgrade)
* Uncommon Money Cache Boost (downgrade)
* Uncommon Cache Boost (sidegrade)
* Epic Hospital Boost
* Epic Inspire Mercenaries
* Common Bonus Money Boost
* Common Territory Money Boost

Next time: continue rebuilding, probably +1 artifact

Edited 8/20/2024 12:31:36
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-22 09:53:10

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
summer 2020 : start of the game ("superascend zero")

~20 juin 2022 : superascend 1

10 juil 23 : superascend 2

01 janv 24 : superascend 3

22 august 2024 : superascend 4.

I have 3 insane artifacts (i waited to dig , i was able to superascend since some weeks) : alloy value, army cache boost, triple strike. This time, I choosed to dig faster. (previous : more AP, and +1 artifact)

I did not see where my superascend are stored in memory. So I write all that here.

Edited 8/22/2024 09:55:49
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-22 14:02:39

Level 62
Alright so I have 5 Legendary artifacts (Army Cache boost, Passive Army Income, Time Warp, Triple Strike, Alloy Values) and +50% AP

Had been planning on getting more artifact slots but nothing really leaps out as super useful for speeding up ascensions. Is it better to work on boosting AP for a bit to speed up my ascensions and then reduce dig time etc via super ascension rewards? Or better to free up artifact slots to chip away at getting insanes, accepting that my ascension rewards will come in slower?
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-22 23:19:15

Level 62
It depends what your end goal is for idle.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-23 04:10:47

Level 61
Get the Insane Army Cache Boost to free up slots. Work on boosting AP. Do not bother reducing dig time.
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-24 00:29:37

Level 56
Twenty-fourth Super Ascend!

New bonus: 20% faster digs
Kept: Insane A$B, Legendary AV, TW, SAC, ACampB, CB, RCB, MD, HB, BMB, Rare MCB, SD
Bonuses: +10 slots, +300% AP, 0.8^2 dig time

The extra dig speed work as I hoped and completely cleared up the dig bottleneck I've been running up against the past few SAs. Granted, this was the easy case (1 extra Rare), but even that had been a problem in some previous SAs. The next SA will be the more difficult case (2 extra Rares), which I expect to shove along by injecting my CW artifact winnings. Hopefully by SA26 I'll be in the clear.

Speaking of digs, I managed to find an MCB, which will most likely be my next Legendary.

My BMB was upgrading (first to Epic, then to Legendary) for a good chunk of this SA, so I didn't get to use it that much. However, the Epic did feel impactful for the couple levels where I did use it, so I'll be interested to give the Legendary a whirl, especially on the earlier levels. That won't happen this SA though as it's still upgrading for another 4 days.

I substantially reduced my IM burn rate this SA (from -5 net to -1) through a combination of running Hex only twice instead of thrice (2x basically gets me to the end of P4 already) and working out a 1x IM path instead of using a 2x IM path.

Next up: 20% faster digs, Legendary MCB (next SA)
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-25 16:19:02

Level 61
13 supers: +200%AP, 7 artifact slots;

14 supers: +200%AP, 8 artifact slots:

Edited 8/25/2024 16:19:11
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-26 04:49:30

Level 62
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-26 23:02:10

Level 63
11th SAsc for mein dudez …another +25% AP leaving us at 125% AP boost and 7 artis: ITW, IIM, ISAC, I$B, IA$B, IACB, IAV

Up und at them!
Super-ascension leaderboard: 2024-08-28 15:00:26

Level 63
@Aimix are you keeping efficient crafters as part of a strategy or just because it’s an epic?
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