The Hex Earth is no more, since there is now enough +AP% to super-ascend simply by doing the hardened levels twice. Most levels don't require hospital upgrades at this point.
The goals for artifacts are getting the core legendaries (AV/MD/SAC/TW/RCB) to insane now, but that only works if I can get a matching epic from WZIB battles, because I don't want to lose the legendary during 10 days of upgrading.
For supers, it will still be taking +AP% for a while so I don't have to hardened levels twice. I also hope to do HCCC to get to phase 3, and skip over Geopolitics, Breaking Green and Far Land directly to Hardened Far Land.
Right now I'm getting less than 2 days per super, and honestly idle is starting to become not so idle at this phase.
@Pkmx, the irony of Idle is that it's not really Idle at all, it rewards you for not being idle, for doting on every action, whether it's a capture, smelting/crafting to minimize downtime, maximize efficiency, etc