The village quickly put their votes forward, and even resisted the urge to change their votes too much! The emperor was very pleased, and better news was to follow!
I will put this out there now in case I get wolf eaten.
When the morning comes, Genghis must die next. For full disclosure, he has not to my knowledge been seered, but his activities paint him as a wolf and the confirmed village is in 100% agreement on this. If you follow the village, they will lead you to victory. If I am wolf killed tonight, Veigar will confirm my words in the morning.
Traintown, that has been discussed and ultimately decided that it would be a waste of time. There is a possibility that the person we're seering tonight could be a wolf and if they are, then we'll kill them before Genghis, but assuming we find a villager, Genghis is the selected target.
Discarding means "putting aside".... Let's see, Taisho and Frank were wolves... and this is confirmed
so, until that moment the strategy of everyone, except wolves, has been trial and error... because nobody knew who was who, (again, except the wolves, who know who they are).
Now the village knows who were wolves, the villagers will follow certain signals or behaviours, similarly displayed by TAISHO and FRANK.. whoever fits the profile that the villagers has in their concious mind, automatically becomes a wolf (in the mind of the villagers).
This is not exact science, but I believe the villagers would get a few wolves this way.
There is the risk that a "fake" wolf might die... but it's the price we must pay.