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Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 07:59:36

Harvey Beck
Level 14
This might be hypocritical because it must be how you lads felt when me Cazza and Rob showed up…. But Viking Slayer, Bubble Wrap 2.0 and Maniacial have GOT to go.

I want to switch sides in their stupid cringey war, Grover is based and should be king of the whatever it is they’re mad about him being king of, roleplaying chopping their heads off and feeding them to crocodiles sounds funny, I want to roleplay stomping their heads in and garrotting them (in minecraft), they’ve got Cazza banned again who makes us all laugh, they throw a pathetic puritanical hissy fit and act like you’re a bad person if you swear, they’re getting right on my bloody wick and I’m going to leave the match, and I think a new one should be started with the added condition that if they lose they have to stay out of the off topic forums forever and that not only should Grover be their king but also their dad and discipline them.
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 12:28:29

Level 61
So Cazza made the same faults, then he also knew that he would be banned again. He didn't control himself enough and then you have to pay the prize. Cazza is the only one who you can blame, NOT the others. There are for good reasons rules on the forum and they are in use for everyone.

You and Robert should be nice and then there are no problems. You 2 should learn from the fact that Cazza is banned again and do not make the same mistake as him.

Yes, it's sad for you and Robert that your friend is gone again, but it would be worse when you and Robert make the same mistake
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 12:46:03

Harvey Beck
Level 14
Hi Vena I didn’t read your essay past the first line (pay the prize?), but I think it could do with a basic spellcheck before handing it in to your teacher, stick with it and I’m sure you’ll get top marks! Don’t forget the apple to put on the teachers desk tomorrow you obnoxious, pedantic little freak
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 12:51:07

Harvey Beck
Level 14
How dare you try and derail my thread??! Seriously, how dare you? How DARE you do that, unless you want to agree with me get lost
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 13:18:05

Level 61
Huh, read the whole thing man. There is also some helping in it
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 14:37:02

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Hmmm. I wonder why Fizzer hasn't created a swear filter yet. Nothing extra, but could at least change the most common no-no words into acceptable words.
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 14:37:29

Viking Slayer II
Level 55
Lol I don’t feel bad for you
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 15:07:03

Harvey Beck
Level 14
I do feel bad for you Viking Slayer, I genuinely feel sorry for you and your special needs lifestyle you motor neurone moron.

And Vena... That's no comfort man, if Cazza can't get unbanned me and Rob are gone from this game meaning less entertainment for you and less money for Fizzers bloated pockets.
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 15:14:34

Level 61
It is (and was) fun with you guys, but you only need to follow the rules of the forum. I hope you and Robert can stay, Cazza may have ruined it for himself for the second time.
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 15:16:12

Harvey Beck
Level 14
If Callum comes back I'll talk to him and make sure he doesn't do anything to get banned again but if he can't repeal it and come back the rest of us will be gone too, we don't want to play without our best pal
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 15:16:24

Nice Guy 
Level 62
If you guys want, I can make a program which rickrolls you every time you write a no-no word.
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 15:16:46

Harvey Beck
Level 14
We were talking about playing a big game with you all, it would've been really fun :(
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 16:38:30

Becky <3
Level 25
Harvey the asshole playing the victim again
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 17:52:31

Level 59
@Bubble Wrap 2.0

Are you seriously taking offense in 2022?


you know how harvery is. he wouldn't hurt a fly. cussing is just his thing.
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 18:35:27

Level 61
He is playing the victim again. But he stupidly forgot he must have thought earlier about this. It's really bad and annoying to act like the victim when yourself are the real cause...
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 18:38:29

Level 61
Berdan, you can be annoying as a troll, but you're between the rules. So, that's no problem for the admins. Harvey and Cazza takes it much further. And I did not report anyone

Edited 2/4/2022 18:43:43
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 18:40:46

Nice Guy 
Level 62
I seldom try to report myself when I want to edit my messages. Shockingly, I am not allowed to do that.

Edited 2/4/2022 18:41:18
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 18:42:09

Level 61
Wow, why Czech guy?

Edited 2/4/2022 18:42:24
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 18:47:01

Viking Slayer II
Level 55
It’s funny because just a few forums down there are forums called welcome back Cazza and what not. How long was he even back before he was banned again?
Serious problem on the forums: 2022-02-04 18:55:45

Level 61
Yes, it took at most 2 weeks or so. And it would not surprise me when Cazza isn't the only one. A spelling mistake can be enough to annoy Harvey enough to swear against me (I said prize instead of price and he sweared that I was basicly nothing. They do not learn from earlier mistakes it seems. Keep it calm and do not swear
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