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Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 14:55:17

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
The main problem, that I think you tried to fix with #2 and #6, and Moros tried to fix with the logo, is that the image doesn't fit the dimensions of the icon. So I prefer 2.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 14:57:55

Level 61
Overall I like 6, but I wonder if when you scale it down to app size it will be hard for the casual/new user to identify what they are looking at. It's easy here on the computer... just for snorts and giggles maybe try inverting the land masses to white and darkening up the water a shade to make the contrast between the 2 "pop".
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 15:00:37

Level 56
Well, you just keep improving it...

Number 6 is now my favorite because the texture in the background makes it more interesting, but it's very close.

I've got no idea what could improve it now...
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 15:36:01

Level 59
I still don't like it. We've heard others' opinions on the new icons, but I'd like to hear yours Fizzer. What the hell is up with the black territories? This to me represents either that we're moving to black territories instead of grey ones, or that it's false advertising. I feel like the grey is so much better, because it sells the brand, because it represents what WL actually IS. My biggest problem with games and stuff these days is when you see the previews, and it's like "Actual Game Footage" and it's a cutscene. That's what I feel like you're doing here. It's not actual false advertising, but it does feel like a sleight of hand.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 16:09:39

Level 59
Ok...that last post didn't come across how I planned. I didn't mean to sound inflammatory, demanding, or accusatory. I'm simple confused as to the reason for the color change. It seems to me that either the Grey should be used as it represents the actual game, or you're conceding that the black territories looks better. If it is indeed more appealing, then it seems like you're saying WL currently looks sub-par, and therefor should be updated in the same way.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 16:15:09

Level 58
^^ that is why I suggested an icon of medium earth. Isn't wl all about medium earth?
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 16:20:57

Level 59
Medium is for competitive, but Small is easier to see and shows the roots.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 16:58:53

Level 56
I disagree Eagle, it doesn't mean warlight looks sub-par (in my opinion) - it's great to have the grey simplicity for actual gameplay, I think graphically the game is right - but if this icon is for the app, it should surely be as attractive as possible to attract new players.
(You may be right about the 'sleight of hand' though)
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 17:37:08

Level 54
6th one looks best and i think whichever one is chosen the word warlight should be shown.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 18:08:19

Level 50
How about this one?

Obviously needs lots of tweaking as I used a terrible resolution picture of the WL letters, but it's an idea.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 18:31:06

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
I like the idea of Moros' design, but obviously it would have to be made sleeker. Out of Fizzer's choices, my favourite is 6. He seems to just be improving them as he goes along :D

I think the best idea would be a small section of 6 (like in Moros' design) with the WL logo. It seems strange (agreeing with Min34 here) to have no text on the icon. Not being a designer or any kind of expert with any graphical software I can't illustrate what I mean (which frustrates me a lot :D)To me having no text seems like having a screenshot of the game; not an icon. With text the picture looks less like a (false?) screenshot of the game and more like an icon.

All the icons from 2 up are very aesthetically pleasing though; good job Fizzer!
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 20:07:19

NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 
Level 59
To respond to the issue of having no text on the icon:

All apps (at least for android devices) have the title of what the app is anyway, so have no text on it should not be an issue.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 21:36:43

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
I know that Noobschool but having no text on the icon (or at least some sort of logo) makes the icon seem 'amateur' for want of a better word. The icon should feature something similar to my/Moros' idea because at the moment the icon isn't really a logo.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 21:54:39

Level 55
I like 2 the best still; it catches the eye the best.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 22:48:54

Level 49
The first one is fine, but I like the third one the most. 2,4,5 & 6 are too bright and have too much contrast; they look a bit cheap to me. Or maybe it's that particular hue of blue (esp. in 4 & 5).
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 23:29:36

Level 64

Warzone Creator
having no text on the icon (or at least some sort of logo) makes the icon seem 'amateur' for want of a better word.

The only app that I use that has its name in its icon is Kindle. Look at Twitter, Facebook, all of Google's apps, all of Apple's apps -- none of them put the app's name in the icon. You're calling all of these companies amateur?
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 23:44:57

Level 64

Warzone Creator
just for snorts and giggles maybe try inverting the land masses to white and darkening up the water a shade to make the contrast between the 2 "pop".

That's basically what #1 is. But I'm thinking something along these lines too, as the black landmasses really don't stand out when viewed on a device. You can barely see them:

Icon Comparison: 2013-07-14 23:54:31

Level 64

Warzone Creator
In #7, I tried inverting the colors - light landmasses on dark background. I'm not sure I like the icon more when viewed large, but it's *much* more recognizable that it's the Earth when viewed small (like on a phone.) I also reduced the horizontal size of the frame so that the map could be made slightly bigger. What do you guys think?

On device:

Icon Comparison: 2013-07-15 00:01:04

Level 58
Maybe u should consider making an separate logo or a simpler one letter or word icon that will be more noticeable. As the icon is now it has too many details for such a small size and the blue won't show enough on darker backgrounds.
Icon Comparison: 2013-07-15 00:03:33

Level 63
On device #7 looks pretty good.

I took my Ipod and looked how many games had names on it (WL also is a game, not a social network that is world famous) 12/56 had their names on it, but the names are indeed also under it. I, myself, prefer it with a name, but without is ofc ok and very acceptable.
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