If Div C has 2 groups of 7 in CL17, what will be the relegation/promotion process of C and B? Not that Harmony has to worry. We’ll be in Div A next season anyway. :P
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-12-26 13:42:07
I consulted a old fortune teller lady. I didn’t tell them I played this game or even my online name. I was just there to ask about how many kids I’ll have and whether my imaginary girlfriend was cheating on me. But towards the end of the reading, her eyes turned cloudy and a blank look suddenly took over her face, and unprompted she said, “Texx, your Warzone clan will score 222 points the upcoming Clan League.” And then turned back to normal and continued on like nothing ever happened.
It’s unbelievable, I know. But I can promise you that’s a 100% true story. As the kids say, no cap. So take that however you like lads. If I was one of those who made a prediction on Alex’s forum, I’d change my Div B predictions pronto.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-01-02 18:42:22
CLOT Lineups I have put in the lineups also in the CLOT. Please check if I did it right.
666 slots have been filled. Originally you need to click on each slot, this loads a list of all registered players (that took ca. 25 seconds to load), then you can enter the player name in a filter, select the right player and click on "swap", this loads the player on this slot (that takes another ca. 25 seconds). Lets assume the assignment of 1 slot lasts 1 minute if you can stay focussed. Do that for 666 slots this will last you 11 hours focussed work. More if you get distracted. So I entered 1/4 of all clans. Yes, that might drove me crazy :D
Luckily Justin was able to speed up the clot by killing most processes that were meant to stabilizethe CLOT while i did the rest. So it was only another 2 hours work . Though I would be surprised if I didnt made a mistake. ^^
Edited 1/3/2023 14:27:57
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-01-03 15:23:28