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Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 13:32:23

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Wherefore Marcus got penalized for?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 13:35:05

Level 65
Marcus was penalized for creating circumstances that could allow for players that aren't in the match to help by streaming gameplay on their clan server. I understand the criticism towards Platinum, but I don't at all understand the comparison.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 13:38:04

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Maybe I remember it wrong, but I thought he was not penalized. Thats why I am asking.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 14:05:05

Level 65
He was penalized, the whole thing was somewhat unfortunate because it was evident to everybody that Marcus was not indending to cheat
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 14:37:25

Level 62
Polish Eagles make a sub
template: 1v1 hannibal at the gates
out: Menda
in: pafka13
subs left: 10
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 15:08:25

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
He was penalized, the whole thing was somewhat unfortunate because it was evident to everybody that Marcus was not indending to cheat

This is more or less the comparison. Marcus had no intention of breaking a rule, nor did he think what he was doing was wrong since the game was in his eyes and his opponent's eyes already over.

Platinum threw his game away because in his eyes they were gonna surrender on the subsequent turn anyways. My point is that if Platinum just made 24 standard picks that the game had a chance to be playable. Idk if DM would've booted later in the game, but he was clearly present for pick stage and the subsequent turn or he would not have made 24 picks and accepted his own team's surrenders.

IE: Marcus streamed his game and by rule definition cheated. Platinum picked 4 picks on a playable game and by rule definition threw the game.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 15:14:47

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Better keep dicussing in the A thread. Else I am going to miss subs. ^^
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 20:55:18

Level 60
I have been punished enough having to surrender to LuFredd and Python. Losing 10 points for my team on a critical 3v3 EU tournament.

Asking for more punishment just seems unnecessary and adding more salt to injury.

The time spent preparing for those two games were ultimately pointless because my teammate disappeared and was practically unavailable. If my teammate was unavailable in a 18 day period to change his picks which is 30 seconds of work, it's not feasible to play on. I made a strategic decision to save my energy and focus on games that I had reliable teammates on.

It happens plenty of times in professional sport you cut your losses and prepare for the next games. Lu Fredd and Python games were sacrificed for a better performance in the remaining four games. I am on 3 slots so that was a factor in my head also.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-03 22:24:15

Nice Guy 
Level 62
What is wrong with making 4 picks?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-04 01:26:12

Level 57
kallisti with the important questions here
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-04 15:52:45

Level 59
Vikinger make a sub
template: 3v3 Europe
player out: PNat https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9871258066&u=PNat_1
player in: cj13 https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9357351102&u=cj13_1
subs left: 11
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-05 21:39:25

Level 63
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-05 22:21:34

Coronel Gavilan
Level 59
USSR make a sub
template: 3v3 Europe
out: Coronel Gavilan
in: Eoinób
subs left: 11
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-10 17:00:32

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Midseason Registration
Is open now!
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-11 02:53:29

NoName 2.1
Level 61
Lu Fredd will adds a new player in his roster:



Thank you LF
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-11 02:57:44

NoName 2.1
Level 61
Lu Fredd makes a sub:

2v2 Guiroma

Player in: KaitoS

Player out: We ride!

Subs left: 11
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-11 15:58:02

Level 59
KILL 'EM ALL makes a sub:

Template: 1v1 Post-Melt Antarctica

Player In: Jartton

Player Out: DOG0fWAR

Subs remaining: 11
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-11 16:21:43

Level 59
Vikinger make a sub
template: 1v1 ME WR
player out: amerlafrance https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=847206205&u=amerlafrance_1
player in: GOATFINGER https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=663978610&u=GOATFINGER_1
subs left: 10
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-15 11:25:16

Level 60
Harmony makes a sub

Template: 2 v 2 Final Earth

Player in: Bechaa

Player out: Hypnotic

Subs remaining: 11
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-15 14:32:50

Level 62
Polish Eagles make 2 subs

Template: 2v2 Timid Land
out: Rento
in: samraj

Template: 2v2 Guiroma
out: Gumisio POL
in: Semper Fidelis

subs remaining: 8
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