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Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-26 22:00:46

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Last Reminder
If you like to suggest templates for Clan League 16, you have less than 4 days left from now to suggest templates. (see the countdown below)

To nominate templates: Each clan is allowed to nominate 15 templates at most.
Only the primary or secondary contact can send in the nominations, and they can only be sent by MAIL.
It is up to the clan whether it wants those nominations to be 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3;
we'll be playing 6 1v1's, 3 2v2's and 2 3v3's.
Submitting less templates does not mean the nominations will pull more weight.
The template nominations officially closes at 30th of September 23:59 CET.
Countdown Link: https://countingdownto.com/?c=4302012

Edited 9/26/2022 22:00:59
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-28 11:40:02

Level 62
Le Furie Azzurre is ready to rumble!

Primary contact: Stefano36000

Secondary contact: Nakuaga
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 01:17:06

Level 60
Excel will be participating as well.

Primary contact : Rinnosuke

Secondary contact : Doctor K
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 01:38:10

Nice Guy 
Level 62
I strongly suggest that you consider decreasing the number of templates for the last division so new clans can participate with 6 players without these players playing all 3 slots. Something like dropping the current 18 slots to 12.

Edited 9/29/2022 01:42:41
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 14:26:05

Level 62
Blitz signs up for CL16!

1st contact: Jefferspin https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=6319040229
2nd contact: Lineal https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=8916311526
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 14:43:26

Level 63
@Laser: dropping templates for just Div D? Or for all Divs?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 15:04:58

Level 62
FCC signs up for CL16

1st contact: FalerCZ https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3314771537
2nd contact: TableTrivia https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=2931761975
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 15:46:35

Nice Guy 
Level 62
@Laser: dropping templates for just Div D? Or for all Divs?
Just for D (or E) so newer clans with a smaller strategic community have an easier time filling spots. I guess dropping 3v3s would be the best:
1) newer clans may have bigger boot rate making 3v3 less enjoyable,
2) it would be harder for them to orchestrate training - moreover 3v3 training,
3) leading a 3v3 team is time-consuming meaning that the leader of 3v3 should be only in one or two slots -> 3v3 takes a lot of slots/ players from the clan.

It is far harder to get players to participate in a new event than an event your clan has already participated in. Dropping some slots from the last division would allow new clans to try CL.

Edited 9/29/2022 15:48:38
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 15:49:49

Level 63
yeah, especially cause with the 40 member cap on those new clans, its really hard for them to get enough good MD players that are willing to play (enough) in CL
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-29 20:22:03

Level 64
Blitz retracts its sign up

Edited 9/29/2022 20:24:14
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-30 12:05:04

Level 63
For the clan contacts that are really good at missing deadlines (like me 🙃), you have 10 hours left to submit any template suggestions!
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-30 14:26:53

Level 65

Primary contact: master of desaster

Secondary contact: Rufus
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-30 14:28:38

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-30 14:46:16

Level 60
Sounds like a penalty ;)
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-30 22:04:30

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
The Template Suggestion Countdown has run down!
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-09-30 23:47:28

Level 59
KILL 'EM ALL signs up for CL16!

1st contact: Saleen147 (me) - https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=50101486765
2nd contact: DOG0fWAR - https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=7252266529

Man I've been biding my time for a while on this one, excited to finally play in this! I recognize a few people from when I played in the SE Relegation League (hi Rheumakay)
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-02 17:29:21

Level 64
SPARTA would like to sign up as well!

1st contact: Koning
2nd contact: Jabba

Too late for template selection, so we'll go with what's on offer!
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-10 09:38:19

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Templates for Clan league 16
In the past weeks the Clan League Panel has pruned down the list of nominations to templates that are possible for the CLOT to work with. That excludes templates with member-only perks like Commanders, Bomb Cards and Mods. Further prerequisits are manual distribution and a varying board (no fixed picks or wastelands). And we wanted to exclude the templates of the prior season.

We have gone through the remaining nominations and put in the most often nominated templates per format (marked with *).
The other templates have been picked out of the pool of the nominated templates too, but with the intention to create a good mixture of SR,WR,INSS and Niche Templates. For some partial decisions also a handful of trusted community players have been consulted for their opinion.

And here are the templates. I added the required player level and an example game link.

• Biomes of Americas* - Level 50 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=31596405
• Europe - Level 37 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=26853968

• Final Earth* - Level 41 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=32041379
• Guiroma* - Level 45 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27429424
• Timid Land - Level 37 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=22541263

• ME WR* - Level 41 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27377250
• Georgia Army Cap* - Level 45 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=31913573
• Hannibal at the Gates* - Level 41 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=29858206
• French Brawl - Level 48 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=27467561
• Elitist Africa - Level 41 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=31048632
• Post-Melt Antarctica - Level 45 - https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=31812976
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-10 10:32:59

Nice Guy 
Level 62
CLOT can make templates with bombs and commanders. It was added this year.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-10 13:16:23

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
why you saying so ?
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