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Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-20 10:57:37

Level 38
that's what i meant sorry (that's why i didn't use E but D2)
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-22 19:57:22

Level 63
how many of the new clans are actually going to field a proper lineup?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-22 20:46:20

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I have 2 rosters already. Both are from new clans.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-22 20:57:47

Level 62
i guess it all depends by what you mean by "proper" JK

Edited 10/22/2022 20:57:59
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-22 20:59:34

Level 63
enough players that they can finish the CL season without getting a load of boots and no-joins, with preferably some idea of how the templates they are playing on work

Edited 10/22/2022 20:59:39
- downvoted post by pooposaur
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-23 04:34:27

Level 63
mmm i love a big fat D....

D division, what did you think i was talking about?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-23 04:51:27

Level 63
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-23 19:41:19

Level 64
VS signs up for CL16

primary contact: DarrenDieHard - https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=82622046

secondary contact: Doga - https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=2422219579
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-23 22:34:53

Nice Guy 
Level 62
mmm i love a big fat D....

D division, what did you think i was talking about?

Since when is D div fat?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-23 23:58:02

Level 58
I wholeheartedly believe there gonna be div E this season
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-24 11:38:41

Level 60
you can't just randomly split new clans between D and E, there shouldn't be a div E
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-24 12:33:02

Level 65
I am delighted to see how many new clans have expressed interest in CL
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-24 14:05:36

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
34 Clans are it at the moment and there are a few more I know of who are working on to get things organized.

As JK said it remains a question, if the new clans can field a roster/lineup in time and dont end up booting out on multiple templates. To expect that every clan plays till the end, would be too much of an expectation for a first season. So if you stick to play, you should do well actually.

Just recently I had a talk and remembered how HAWKS started into Clan League 7. In 3x 1v1 tournaments we booted every single game. At the end we still got 2nd last. That should not be a primary goal for the new clans to start like this. But shows half the part is sticking to it.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-30 21:53:02

Level 27
knyte club retracts its sign up
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-10-31 10:35:56

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62

Due to some clans of last season likely dropping out the question comes up, which clans are moving up instead. This was not described till now. So I do add how I do add how it was managed in the past:

Addition 10/31//2022: Divisions - Clan Dropouts
If a Clan drops out, other Clans are moving up in this order for Seeding: next Clan of below Division promotes, 2nd last Clan stays, next Clan of below Division promotes, last Clan stays, next Clan of below Division promotes, ...

Because we got a high inflow of new clans interested into the upcoming Clan League Season, we need to assign new clans without any seeding criteria into the Divisions.
It seemed no fair way to randomly assign this clans to differently high valued Division D or E or F or what ever.

Addition 10/31//2022: Divisions - Division D in CL16
Division D is split into parallel groups of maximum 7 clans.
From Division D promote as many Clans needed to receive 14 (2×7) Clans in Division C.
Seeding Criteria for parallel groups is in this order: Rank, Ratio of Points to Contested Points (PC%), Tournament wins, Tournament 2nd places ...

How many groups it will be for Division D, cant be said. That depends on how many clans sign up and send in a valid Roster and Lineup too. Currently with 34 clans this would leave 13 clans in D. That would go with 7 clans in D1 and 6 in D2.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-11-01 20:00:05

Level 62
M'Hunters sign up for CL16.
For now, I am the only contact. A second contact might be nominated later.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-11-02 21:05:47

Level 62
Second contact for M'Hunters is krinid:
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-11-03 00:25:55

Level 59
Will M'Hunters be starting from the bottom in Division D or contesting the slot in Division B currently claimed by Optimum?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2022-11-03 04:24:48

Level 65
MH has already confirmed that it will not contest Optimum's spot in B, so I assume it will start in D
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