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Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-07 09:38:44

Level 65
Subs left: 11
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-07 15:03:36

Level 60

Asking for a friend:
- What is the bare minimum that a scorekeeper should do to qualify as a scorekeeper?
- May there be 2 scorekeepers in 1 Division?

Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-07 15:20:44

Level 63
1. membership, 15 minutes of time a week and idealy a laptop/computer
2. yes, but Div C is still looking for a scorekeeper ;)
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-07 19:41:39

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Division C like FiveSmith
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-12 00:42:52

Level 60
GM! makes 2 subs

Template Hannibal 1v1
Player Out: Realtor
Player In: Matrim Cauthon
Subs left: 11

Template 2v2 Final Earth
Player Out: Brittania
Player In: Realtor
Subs left: 10

Edited 2/12/2023 18:29:42
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-12 00:52:21

Level 63
^^ should be 2 subs
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-12 18:28:22

Level 60
Thanks for that. Editing the post now.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-14 10:50:14

Level 65
Substitution by Python
Template: Modified Earth 1v1

Player subbed out: alexclusive

Player subbed in: Licota

Subs remaining: 10
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-15 19:55:18

Princess Jahid Jardin
Level 55
Sub by 101st
3v3 Europe

Player Subbed out: DrowningManatee


Player Subbed In: Mina


Subs remaining 11.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-18 17:33:49

Level 60
Why are clans in CL 16 spreadsheet sorted by the %WR?

%WR is not even a tie-breaker parameter.

Imagine if CL15 Div B results were determined as %WR?

Or am I missing anything?

Edited 2/18/2023 17:35:49
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-18 17:43:11

Level 60
It's sorted by %PC
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-18 17:45:30

Level 60
It's sorted by %PC

Oh, I see now. Thanks for answer.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-18 17:46:58

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Yes, PC% is the relation of the points you already have won to the points you have already contestes (sum of won and lost points). It is the least manipulatable measure. You can manipulate the absolute points by just playing faster. You can manipulate the max points by playing slower. But mid season the PC% is the most saying score.
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-19 21:55:47

Jack Norris 
Level 60
Sub by Optimum

template 3vs3 Europe

player out Patriot https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=3826368329&u=Patriot_1

player in skybluewater https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=41104295535&u=skybluewater_1

subs remaining 11
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-21 08:00:39

Samurai Jack 
Level 55
Yeah, I got busy tonight:

Clan League 16-Update #1 is out now and everywhere:

Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-24 20:54:11

Level 63
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-02-26 11:43:25

Level 65
Substitution by Python
Template: Elitist Africa 1v1

Player subbed out: FALSTAFF

Player subbed in: Beep Beep I'm A Jeep

Subs remaining: 9
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-02 17:04:48

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
The following is an open letter to LF.

Dear LF aka Supreme Leader of Clan League,

It has come to our attention that 101st and Outlaws are clearly in collusion. In the 3v3 game shown here (https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=33413753) it’s quite clear that not only did 101st throw this game, but they did so with direct collusion with Outlaws. Princess Platinum, showcased here, only picks 4 picks. His partner DM did boot in previous games but if you look carefully at this game it’s clear that DM did not boot. Not only that but his profile shows levels of general activity and active games. It’s clear that DM had intentions on playing this game, and Princess Platinum was not having it. So he picked only 4 picks and surrendered on the subsequent turn. Furthermore, DM did not boot on this subsequent turn and accepted his allies’ surrenders. Notice as well there’s no inquiry in public chat as to why any of these actions happened. Outlaws did not need to inquire because they already knew that the game was to be thrown. In a completely shocking turn of events, Princess Platinum is actually the former leader of Outlaws. .

It has also recently come to our attention as well that Bbraw, a former Outlaws member who is in French, has booted vs 101st and had a horrible performance against Outlaws. Bbraw has backstabbed his French allies in favor of the Outlaws.

Therefore it is only right that Bbraw, Princess Platinum, Alexclusive, Quicksilver, and Gakbobo all get tried against a jury of their peers.

If you comply with our demands we may speak about the result in our ongoing 3v3 Europe game.


McDonald’s clan

Edited 3/2/2023 18:26:13
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-02 20:46:10

Level 63
On a scale of 1 to 10, how bored are you?
Clan League 16: Sign-up and Announcements: 2023-03-02 20:52:30

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
On a scale of 1 to 10, how bored are you?

Please refrain from mocking these serious allegations out of jealousy of not being able to be included.

Edited 3/2/2023 20:52:37
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