Innovations for Clan League 17: 2022-12-12 05:29:46 |
Level 65
In this thread, I would like to address and discuss ideas on how the design of Clan League can be improved. I’ll start with concerns I observed and propose possible changes. All suggestions are for Clan League 17 onwards; I am not suggesting to do anything about the upcoming season.
Concern 1 Almost all clans struggle to fill their team slots, (first and foremost beginner clans, but) including the most stacked clans in Division A. At the same time, some players don’t make it on Division A line-ups because better players are available and they have no team experience whatsoever. Those players would be fielded if more 1v1 templates were available, which would improve player pool diversity. Additionally, there are far more 1v1 templates with high strategic value than is the case for team templates. Having so many team templates does not adequately represent what people like to play outside Clan League at all. On top of all these things, as per my experience, very few players are up to the commitment which a team slot in Clan League requires.
Proposed solution Decrease the number of team templates by 1 each (one 3v3 instead of two, two 2v2s instead of 3) and drastically increase the number of 1v1 templates by the same number of slots (+5). This will keep the number of players required the same, but offer a much more beginner-friendly (and grandfathered clan-friendly) distribution, to which I would assign at least 80% of clans participating.
To be perfectly honest, not a single clan that would suffer from this readily comes to my mind. Even the clan that benefited the most from team templates in the past and won a CL season based on their team game performance, Fifth Column Confederation (management now part of Blitz), advocates removing team templates from Clan League altogether. I suggest a more moderate approach to address the same, that wouldn’t change the character of the competition.
Innovations for Clan League 17: 2022-12-12 07:48:15 |
Level 64
Even the clan that benefited the most from team templates in the past and won a CL season based on their team game performance, Fifth Column Confederation (management now part of Blitz), advocates removing team templates from Clan League altogether. That's just something I've said, I doubt everyone in Blitz and/or FCC share this opinion. Having said that, I think your first solution is a very reasonable suggestion, and one that I endorse. On top of all these things, as per my experience, very few players are up to the commitment which a team slot in Clan League requires. I can also attest to this, having been privy to the organisation of 11 clan lineups from CL9-CL15.
Edited 12/12/2022 07:49:50
Innovations for Clan League 17: 2022-12-12 09:04:56 |
Level 64
Regarding the suggestions of alex, I think we should introduce more 2v2s rather than having less 2v2 games. The name of this whole thing is "Clan League", by clan, it is expected people work as teams rather than individuals. (1v1s) Although from what I've seen, for 3v3s, it's more of like the templates are being repeatedly introduced while only one (sometimes two) name(s) picking & telling others what to do (Like LF -- He tanked quite a lot in team games so HAWKS stays alive for the past seasons), so the number of 3v3s can indeed be reduced to 1, or if not, improve the variety of templates, so people can be avoid from completing some high quality tasks. I do believe more brilliant games can be distributed if more 2v2 games are presented.
Although, I think the problem people start to feel that team games are unnecessary is there are limited amount of strategic 3v3 templates.
Edited 12/12/2022 09:06:05
Innovations for Clan League 17: 2022-12-12 10:34:02 |
(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!!
Level 62
Innovations for Clan League 17: 2022-12-12 11:18:49 |
Level 62
Good idea for a thread, good timing too. Almost all clans struggle to fill their team slots, (first and foremost beginner clans, but) including the most stacked clans in Division A. Having so many team templates does not adequately represent what people like to play outside Clan League at all. From my experience both statements are true. But here's a question: Is this a problem? Or is it just a challenge that clans need to overcome to succeed in CL? And the second question: What is CL supposed to be? The number 1 top competition in the game, or one that is a complementary to the other community events? Because if it's option number one then I agree, more focus on 1v1s would be benificial. If it's the second option, then CL really needs to stay as the only real team-focused competition on the site. Personally, I think that CL should remain a team-focused event. However it's not like the current 2:1 ratio of team slots to solo slots has been introduced based on some unquestionable scientific data or something. Turning one 2v2 into two 1v1s would switch the ratio into 10:8 still in favour of team games. I wouldn't be against that. But I'd be heavily against removing a 3v3. We have Europe and its clones, multiple INSS templates and we need room for new invetnions in case any appear. That's too many options just for a single slot.
Innovations for Clan League 17: 2022-12-12 13:12:10 |
Level 63
^ I’m not sure if CLOTs are allowed create modded games. Modded QM templates are only allowed non-experimental mods iirc.
Innovations for Clan League 17: 2022-12-12 16:41:47 |
Level 63
To the argument that it's "Clan League" and therefore needs "Team" games - I'm confused by this. If that's the argument, the we should just do 10v10 and 20v20 team games.
It's not "Team League" (or Clan Team League), just Clan League, meaning players from a clan band together to win/lose/rank as a single clan (team), not specifically play in teams. Pardon the comparison, but look at Clan Wars - same idea with focus on MD strategic templates instead of less strategic RT. Win/lose/rank as a team, and there is a team template in the mix, but mostly 1v1's. The idea should be that it is a clan-wide effort, not just a small handful of
But to Alex's point ... just do a survey. Ask people what they want (presumably that's what we're putting into CL templates - what people want to compete on?). I would surmise from looking at what clan members play excluding CL preparation games, that they like 1v1's more than 2v2's and 3v3's by a factor of 10x or higher. 2v2 & 3v3 are more niche templates. And when looking specifically at efforts to fill CL rosters, it takes about 10x the effort to fill the team templates from players 1/5 as interested as they are in the 1v1 templates.
καλλιστηι's point about letting people use alts could help the problem (being difficult to fill, players not really interested really just agreeing to b/c someone has to do it). But then, is it really a team game anymore? Without having some limits on how many players/how many alts/how many instances, this could just end up as all to most team games for a given clan being played by a single player. But with some limitations in place, this could definitely reduce the effort required to fill team templates.
To Beren's point, this is one of the competitions where team templates matter. Fair - but why are they here in CL? Do people really want them here? If so, why - simply b/c they don't exist elsewhere? What's stopping someone from organizing a clan team tourney (or league). It could be entirely team games.
As it stands now, there are 6 1v1 templates and 5 team templates, or stated differently, 6 slots per team for 1v1 games, 12 slots per team for team games. So an argument could be made that CL as stands now _is_ in fact Team League with some 1v1's thrown in. Should it be? Should they be separated? Or should the ratio of slots required for team vs solo games be adjusted? Goes back to Rento's question of what is CL actually meant to be? What is it we want it to fulfill for the community?
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