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UFO"s diary: 2022-12-18 17:35:45

Level 58
I've been pretty impulsive in creating forums posts for modding and the such. So I've created this thread to document my thoughts (mostly programming related) and to general discussion.

Edited 12/18/2022 17:41:22
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-18 17:43:35

Level 58
I've had an idea for personalised commanders. So a player can pick from a list of images at the start of the game, and that becomes their commander image for the rest of the game. Problem is that variety will be low due to limit of 5 special unit types.
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-18 17:55:09

Level 58
Credit to JK who somehow saw into the future of what I was gonna write next and made it better:

Also the fact fizzer went silent after saying he's gonna go quickly and deal with some technical problems, what if i was the technical problem?
What is life about, if not to program stupid stuff.

Edited 12/18/2022 17:56:46
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-18 18:24:24

Level 58
Back to my personalised commanders idea. I've already got an image from the modding discord ( https://discord.gg/hqGkVXagyt ) that I really want to use to represent aliens. Here is the template img: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/ufo.html .

Any other image ideas would be helpful. Will probably create another forum for suggestions so people can have a say :p.

Edit: this is last post for today from me. Goodnight world.

Edited 12/18/2022 18:24:46
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-18 19:17:10

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
I would like this as my commander
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-18 22:08:15

Darth Grover
Level 52
Wouldn't it be weird if UFO actually was Fizzer's alt and we've been fooled this whole time?
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-19 05:56:37

Level 58
Fizzer's crazy cousin
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-19 07:57:39

Level 58
So the new Update released. Some notable changes to mods:

– Mods: Added TerritoryModification.RemoveSpecialUnitsOpt to make it easier to remove special units.
– Mods: Added GameOrderCustom.OccursInPhaseOpt to allow mods to specify which area within a turn custom orders are allowed to occur.
– Mods: Any IncomeMods that refer to a bonus the player does not have any territories in will now be skipped, since it would be impossible to deploy otherwise

The ability to remove special units is a big W for mods as this was hugely problematic before

Also the QoL change of less notifications is very nice

Edited 12/19/2022 07:58:11
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-19 14:39:32

Level 58
I had a plan to create a really impressive looking UFO image for my mod idea then post it here but I got distracted so here is a smily face instead:

UFO"s diary: 2022-12-19 14:46:34

Level 58

The update finally dropped, people sigh relieved breaths as they realise I did not kill kill Fizzer, of course I wouldn't... he's a warzone account, ofc I can't kill it.

Nobody has asked the true question. Why did the account go silent for 2 days, and is Randy Ficker alive?
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-19 18:03:31

Level 58
the ability to remove special units is great but i donnt wanna update my meteor mod to aaccomodate this :'(
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-20 12:35:41

Level 58
I think I'm gonna use this as one of the images, will need to colour it in tho:

Edit: or maybe I should do a full body... hmmmmmmm

Edited 12/20/2022 12:36:19
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-20 12:41:37

Level 58
Update: couldn't find much for full body images... however I've found another two images:



Edit: Spartan

Edited 12/20/2022 12:45:17
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-20 12:50:09

Level 58
Finally: I present the wizard

UFO"s diary: 2022-12-22 14:13:35

Level 58
Dear diary...
Day 4.

I'm seriously annoyed that I cannot access my code rn.
People expect me to fix mods that I cannot fix.
When shall the pain end
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-22 14:15:34

Samek ●
Level 57
Sidenote : Samek is strangely less Fancy today. Will continue to observe...
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-22 14:17:51

Level 58
To show my frustration, I have used chatGPT to make the previous post in haiku format

haiku for code woes

Code not accessible
People expect quick fixes
When will pain end?
UFO"s diary: 2022-12-22 14:37:05

Level 58
Why is Samek less fancy today may I ask?

Also my current modding plans are (in order of priority):

Quick update to meteor strike so it can kill special units

Bug fix for Villages when it displays settings

Personalised commanders mod

CivLightV2 content, which may include (some of these may be split into seperate public mods first just like with CLV1):

  • custom structures (if fizzer releases the update)
  • 3-4 special units that generate on structures (pick a structure when you capture a village, it will generate a certain unit)
  • watchtowers: capture a watchtower to gain constant surveillance on an bonus area (subject to change, not thought much about yet)

    Also if anyone has any ideas just suggest them!

  • Edited 12/22/2022 14:40:55
    UFO"s diary: 2022-12-22 14:38:56

    Samek ●
    Level 57
    Further sidenotes : A sleep deprived Samek yields peculiar results. More tests necessary, maybe after my awesome mod coding!
    UFO"s diary: 2022-12-22 14:42:21

    Level 58
    Samek is sleep deprived because he codes too much

    Keep coding, surely you will get better!

    (Coding is fun but sometimes you forget the time)
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