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super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-10-24 23:09:28

Level 40

Edit: This takes way too long

Edited 10/24/2023 23:23:18
super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-10-25 12:49:39

Level 58
That was going to be my one contribution.
super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-10-27 19:06:36

Level 62
latest update, @cosine for you to copy to the OP <3

unfogged maps
01 tutorial https://i.imgur.com/G68nAx9.png @Xeno#3
02 huruey's castle https://i.imgur.com/UvC6a8I.png @zinthos
03 floating rocks https://i.imgur.com/UKXVpBE.png @otto
04 war of the worlds https://i.imgur.com/w4NkjZE.png @otto
05 ursa:luna https://i.imgur.com/KHyizW7.png @otto
05 ursa:luna [hard] https://i.imgur.com/YJZtguP.png @otto
06 final earth https://i.imgur.com/lTZTknj.png @otto
07 drakemor's world https://i.imgur.com/4gxq1U4.png @otto
08 peloponnesian war https://i.imgur.com/fsRW55h.png @otto
08 peloponnesian war [hard] https://i.imgur.com/pNZo05Q.png @hugge
09 k-px https://i.imgur.com/PWBZp31.png @otto
10 the siege of feldmere https://i.imgur.com/upnjf3E.png @zinthos
10 the siege of feldmere [hard] https://i.imgur.com/JUnbTyJ.png @otto
11 sengoku : rise of oda nobunaga https://i.imgur.com/UnzsX8w.png @otto
12 copper creek castle https://i.imgur.com/fpIOx85.png @small_emp
12 copper creek castle [hard] https://i.gyazo.com/f7311d0a2492c13a3de070543042c412.png @krinid
13 geopolitics https://i.imgur.com/QGCmnl2.png @small_emp
14 breaking green https://i.imgur.com/T2XCtup.png @small_emp
15 far land https://i.imgur.com/iLsR4we.jpg @otto
15 far land [hard] https://i.imgur.com/6EFPXDM.png @it's me i staarted this
16 reconquest 1065 https://i.imgur.com/gQtWEWL.jpeg @small_emp
17 fort harbor https://i.imgur.com/AhwLFuH.jpeg @small_emp
18 europe 1066 ad https://i.imgur.com/rCByu6m.png @3.1415926535 stiched by @small_emp (ugly)
19 ad 1045: roads of silk and iron https://i.imgur.com/G6XnqqS.jpeg @small_emp
20 old town https://i.imgur.com/bw1MgCO.jpeg @hugge
20 old town [hard] https://i.imgur.com/bpwzxlD.jpeg @hugge
21 orbis veteribus notus https://i.imgur.com/btnQV6E.jpeg @hugge
22 scandinavia and the nordic countries https://i.imgur.com/8bueeXd.jpeg @hugge
22 scandinavia and the nordic countries [hard] https://i.ibb.co/KNnjFcX/22b-Scandinavia-Hard.png @geforce
23 asia: population density https://i.imgur.com/Joofzp5.jpeg @hugge
24 africa https://i.imgur.com/ACtMiYb.jpeg @hugge
25 rise and fall of the roman empire https://i.imgur.com/I2sDd3a.jpeg @hugge
25 rise and fall of the roman empire [hard] https://i.imgur.com/s5vlu6U.jpg high res https://i.ibb.co/CJYG3Fx/25a-Hardened-Rise-and-Fall-of-the-Roman-Empire-HD.png @otto
26 australia https://i.imgur.com/lhdEb7M.jpeg @hugge
27 netherlands https://i.imgur.com/Oc1Ejc7.jpeg @hugge
28 china https://i.imgur.com/4AiqDjD.jpeg @hugge
28 china [hard] https://i.imgur.com/0rDZLeg.jpg @otto
29 afro-eurasia gargantuan https://i.imgur.com/5XXLo83.jpeg @napkin
30 triskelion
30 triskelion [hard] https://i.postimg.cc/13GVD7jT/Idle-Warzone-Hardened-Triskelion.png @Cryptic
31 united states
32 europe huge https://i.imgur.com/3cpvaXa.jpg @otto
32 europe huge [hard]
33 regio coquus https://i.gyazo.com/ee005fdd061f928f36b56cfa926b0d37.png @krinid
34 land of bork https://i.gyazo.com/74ae0c8f2710a24c45411581b74e9e82.png @krinid
35 planetary annihilation https://i.gyazo.com/46618bdd5be4de73f59a473f9fadaf89.png @krinid
36 kenorland https://i.gyazo.com/e65f29b52c909606353ef6d23708f0ba.png @krinid
37 potatarchipelago https://i.gyazo.com/6d8a8e629caa25091b11b12a5613aa46.png @krinid
38 plateau assault https://i.imgur.com/GM3dQye.png @Zinthos
39 rise of rome https://i.gyazo.com/e66c7bffa625124a7849e28f5755abda.png @krinid
40 expedition https://i.gyazo.com/0eb66640f9c56e0ad38dc2ce1c186180.png @krinid
41 dodecahedron of doom https://i.gyazo.com/9ad3d6cc8820274b4a5473d5715edbd3.png @krinid
42 the crusades https://i.gyazo.com/ecea8c43701f1ca9891d6c46f88055d2.png @krinid
43 siege of pameromon https://i.gyazo.com/1d67fe47a90858ac84c05965d72e5eb2.png @krinid
44 medieval battleground https://i.gyazo.com/ecfede94e4c3059e5b9c7594ee75157a.png @krinid
45 aklog world https://i.gyazo.com/ce053ea613098dec4e32c48de0d091cd.png @krinid
46 king's archipelago https://i.gyazo.com/ce1ca5f7867abb9c391f01d4c5f309c5.png @krinid
47 seven years war
48 thirty years war https://i.imgur.com/Kwks7CR.jpg @koning/@otto
49 hex earth https://i.imgur.com/6RLnaTb.jpg @otto

Edited 12/19/2023 16:21:47
super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-11-21 14:42:35

Level 62
technical bump
super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-11-23 09:10:17

Level 63
Sweet, thanks for the updates everyone!

@pkmx could you update some of the missing links on your site? EH is still pointing to Muli's map for example
super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-12-19 16:18:46

Level 40
o.o (bumping useful thread)

@cosine became (deleted).
super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-12-19 16:46:21

Level 63
now it would be really cool if all of these could be updated on https://pkmx.github.io/

tho perhaps we should scale down the resolution on some of these images?
i know things have to be readable when unfogged, but some of these use more memory than my potato phone has...
super-fog screenshot(s): 2023-12-20 22:16:35

Level 58
What phone do you have that can't handle a picture?
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-05 14:19:31

Level 63
handling the picture was fine, but for some reason the WZ app kept restarting every time i switched back to it after looking at the picture, so i guess i was out of memory or something

i dont know what map that was, might just be my phone acting up, its been doing other weird stuff lately
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-05 14:35:32

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62

EDIT: Whoops misread

Edited 1/5/2024 14:35:47
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-07 13:57:18

Level 63
haha, thats pretty funny LF
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-10 18:10:03

Level 10
Just found this, wow, thank you very much, very helpful!

Does anyone know if there is something like this for the tech trees?
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-10 18:35:54

Level 59
https://pkmx.github.io/wzi-levels/ is a great general resource that includes tech trees.
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-10 18:39:08

Level 10
Sweet! Thank you Deskbot000
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-15 07:39:59

Level 31
Almost unfogged version of Seven Years War (whole map and central part for readability):


Don't have the ML advancement unlocked to refill FB so only used 1 superpower fog buster which reveals 1500 out of 1769 territories and should cover most of the important parts for cache surfing.
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-15 08:03:55

Level 31
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-17 01:22:59

Level 63
Any maps still left to do?
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-17 21:02:43

Level 63
According to otto's post:

30. Trisk
31. US
32A. HEH
47. 7YW
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-25 05:52:01

Level 60
I'm at 265 / 3065 (8.65%) Territories captured on US.

I just dropped 10 fogbusters to clear it.

I'd like to contribute to the super fog maps (yes I should have done it at the very start but didn't).

What's the best way to do this? send screen grabs to someone to stitch it or is there an "easy" way that I can stitch them?

I saved 45 x *.JPG files at ±500Kb each [total 13Mb]
resolution ±1440x2070

I used the Windows Snipping Tool on my 27" portrait monitor (1440x2560) full screen in Chrome.
I carefully left about 15% overlap so the stitch tool should be able to landmark each image. (labelled 1-45.jpg)
I keep the zoom level, Maxed, for every snip for consistency sake and also because this map is hard enough to read every territory even at the max zoom!

Hopefully someone can work with this. I don't have software to stitch.
Let me know. if it works, maybe later I could fix the west side of the map so its not all blue...

Edited 1/25/2024 06:47:05
super-fog screenshot(s): 2024-01-30 03:41:42

Level 57
I used 'paint', a PC app, to make my own half ish superfog map for US and Triskelion. Maybe you can try using the same
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