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Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-09 21:33:25

Level 64

Warzone Creator
This Saturday I'll be hosting an Ask-Me-Anything on twitch!

This will take place on Saturday, May 13th, at 11am PDT. See https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=2023-05-13+11am+PDT for the time in your timezone or a countdown.

It will be hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/FizzerWL

If you aren't able to make it but still want your question answered, you can post your question in this forum thread and you can watch the replay after the event.

Hope to see you there!

EDIT: It's over! Watch the replay here: https://youtu.be/LBejBESzua8

Edited 5/13/2023 21:28:36
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-09 21:55:10

Level 63
– API: The GameIDFeed API now only returns games in the last 30 days for the 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 ladders.

Could you elaborate on why this new limit? Will it still be possible to get all ladder games like we used to?

Its not used often enough and asks a lot for the server. Players that need the full list of games can mail Fizzer and ask for it.

Edited 5/13/2023 20:00:37
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-09 22:55:20

Level 63
For people that like clickable links: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=unix+epoch+1684000800
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 05:09:28

Level 64
Nice that ladders have been moved to the Multiplayer tab, from the Community tab, and you can join/leave ladders anywhere in addition to the website, but I think you forgot to shrink the Community tab's scroll range in the standalone client after moving the ladder leaderboards.

Also, will mega games be playable in Single Player someday? At least for setting a Custom Game in single player. E.g. 1 vs 399 bots

PS: The stream link has a typo
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 06:21:02

Level 65
Short boot times incentivize stalling to see if your opponent gets booted. Your main argument to shorten the boot time, despite exorbitant and almost unanimous opposition from the community, is to disincentivize stalling. Please explain your thought process to us to help us understand.
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 07:43:53

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 07:53:28

master of desaster 
Level 66
Will the ladders page be more visually appealing? Why are my highest ladder rating and rank gone?
Will the seasonal ladder be affected by the update other than the shorter duration? What i mean to ask, will the boot time also only be 1 day (please no)?

Edited 5/10/2023 07:55:51
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 08:31:50

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Will the seasonal ladder be affected by the update other than the shorter duration? What i mean to ask, will the boot time also only be 1 day (please no)?

Please, don't be ridiculous. There neither is nor was such a thing as a 1-day boot in ladders. Currently, it is 1d + 1 hour.

Source: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=34360327

Edited 5/10/2023 08:33:30
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 08:39:47

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Also, there is a bug with Clan Wars last slot (https://www.warzone.com/Clans/War?ID=31&Timeslot=4747), there were 31 players on SE1W, 4 of the from Le Furie Azure, however, one person from Le Furie Azure didn't get a game.
The same happened in Combomb (7 players, 2 from Polish Eagles).

Edit: the same happened in slot right after the update (https://www.warzone.com/Clans/War?ID=31&Timeslot=4745, SEAD, 2 players from KILL' EM ALL, 31 total).

Edited 5/10/2023 08:44:29
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 09:20:28

Level 62
Kal, the no-games were because their Clan rating is low and their clan start getting matchups low in the matchmaking order. If there aren’t enough matchups from clans with lower ratings, it gives some of the players no-game. This can be a big problem in itself.

Fizzer, take a look at SEAD in the slot linked below. It was the first day of the current season, the last slot of the day. Knyte Club, who had just migrated to an uncapped clan, were struggling to get games due to the clan’s low rating and had 6 players get no-games on the last slot of the day.

This is just 1 slot. There were plenty of other slots with no-games where Knyte members couldn’t return for a later slot. Overall, Knyte had 14 less games on Day 1 compared to Day 2, meaning 14 players couldn’t play CW. This issue was resolved when their rating got high enough and they spread their players around the next day on many templates, but this is still an issue for smaller clans with low ratings like the examples that Kallisti linked above.

In fact, it also happened to Prime on the first slot of Day 4. Despite having 25 opponents to match up their 13 players who registered for SEAD, they got 6 no-games because the matchmaking started them too low.

Edited 5/10/2023 09:28:08
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 09:28:16

Graaf Reinoud I 
Level 59
Dear Fizzer,

I have a question regarding creating new games.
Iss it possible/feasible to get a randomizer for the amount of players and team option?
This can work in 2 ways:

Manually select the amount of players (for example 24 players) and then randomize the options: 12v12, 8v8v8, 6v6v6v6, 4v4v4v4v4v4, 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2, or FFA (you can imagine if you have 400 player games that there're quite some options for teams)

Another option is randomize the amount of players and teams, amount of players based on what is suitable for an map (you cannot have 100 players on a map with 80 territories, I recommend amount of territories/4= max amount of players, so for a 100 player game is minimum 400 territory map required) together with the option if you want to create a Mega game or not for this randomizer option.

This is my question but it is good to check the interest in the warzone community before making any change (to avoid unneccesary work for you)
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 09:33:19

Graaf Reinoud I 
Level 59
Another question

Can the Warzone clanwars time slot be shifted with the summer/winter time? For example the CET was in the winter the slots available at 1AM, 5AM, 9AM, 1PM, 5PM and 9PM which was ideal (especially the 9PM), but now the summer time this has all shifted with +1 hours, making it hard to player for many teenage players in Central Europe/European Union (it is 6PM and 10PM now, which is not ideal).

Also here it is good to check the opinion of other warzone players
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 09:52:57

Level 60
some time ago I launched a small campaign together with other mod / custom scenario creators about using mods in the custom scenario builder. I started a uservoice idea and we created a forum thread about this. You quickly asked the question what kinds of mods we would want to be used in the custom scenario builder and why it would be useful.

Now it has been a while since all of that, you've been busy with the update and I have been busy with my study. But did we manage to show you why we think it is important and why it is useful? And if this does not apply, what are the things holding you back from adding it to some update later on?
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 09:59:23

Graaf Reinoud I 
Level 59
Hi Fizzer,

I've some more questions, or at least something which is good to make it easier for Warzone players to pick maps.

We've at the moment 2700 maps which is incredible and I don't think there's any other game in the world which can be played on so many different boards/games, and thanks not only to you Fizzer who made this possible but also to all the Warzone map creaters!

This many maps gives also quite some challenge to pick a map, especially for players like me who want to test as many good maps as possible. I see the filters are already quite extensive and the sorting options are good as well, but I have some suggestions for improvements:

On the website every page for picking the map when creating a game has 50 maps, this means 54 pages possible, in the start (when selecting all maps) you only have the option to get to page 1, 2, 3, 28, 53, 54, if you want to go to page 20 for example it is quite a challenge to get there, my question, is there another option to scroll easily through the map pages?

Another thing to add for selecting a decent map, It would be nice if there's an option to only show maps with a rating/territories/bonusses of minimum X (x can be filled in by the warzone player itself) or in a range (between X and Y).
I don't know if this is technically feasible, sometimes you see of selling websites this option as between X and Y prize as an filter.

Maybe also an option to select maps for local deployment filter (they should not have an overlapping bonus)

And for players who lost their way in the forest of maps (like me) and want to try a new map, a randomizer button to select a random map would be nice (please use the minimum rating in this option, to avoid players get low rated maps when pressing on a randomizer butten, this will determine the succes or fail or this option)
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 10:06:14

Graaf Reinoud I 
Level 59
Regarding the post of Just_A_Dutchman_

I think the options would be extensive with custom scenario + mods.
On the positive sides this can give a really nice gameplay if everything went technically smoothly
On the negative side I don't know if (all) mods can be combined with custom scenario and the many bugs this can create in a warzone games (90 mods has to be tested then)

So I'm just wondering if it is feasible, if yes then it will improve the possibilities in creating games even further. But I do understand this can take a while before it can be deployed in an update
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 10:15:21

Level 60
On the negative side I don't know if (all) mods can be combined with custom scenario and the many bugs this can create in a warzone games

You're right @Graaf Reinoud I about the possibility that some mods cannot be used in the custom scenario. But the way to allow mods to be used in the custom scenario builder should be achieved by adding a new mod hook imo. This way, old mods will not be able to be used in the custom scenario builder until they are updated (and when they are updated, they should have been tested and thus should be working fine).
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 10:29:01

Level 60
To extend my first post and explain it, the main reason we want this kind of feature as a mod creator is because of the difficulty we have currently by not knowing the map details when the player configures all the settings.

Me and other mod creators have numerous, amazing mod concepts that require some configuration with the need of knowing the map details. If mods were able to have the map details before the game is created, we could extend the possibilities of making modded (custom scenario) games by at least a multiple of 1000, if not more, by only updating the already current available mods!

To give you an idea of what we can do with this, you can think of things like variable kill rates per territory (which can be configured for each territory individually by the game creator), having manually placed objectives over the whole map (instead of adding them only randomly, what our only option really is now), adding 3 customized dragon units to a territory that the Targaryen slot will start with in a GoT game (yes, technically this already possible, but it would be so, so much easier for me and game creators to do this), etc... The possibilities will become endless, really!
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 10:33:04

Level 60
can the Warzone clanwars time slot be shifted with the summer/winter time?
please no. that would just make time slots far more confusing than necessary. daylight saving is bad and confusing (and time wasting, who wants to waste time shifting ALL their clocks to pretend to save time) don't bring it to warzone. and please take a moment to consider anyone who does not use that system, for example, me. it would just be purely confusing for players not using that system and it would also make fizzer look like he only cares for European and North American players tbh. just my opinion lol

Edited 5/10/2023 10:39:03
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 10:51:51

Nice Guy 
Level 62
The problem with summer/winter time is, that it is not consistent across countries. Two countries can move clocks on different days.

About daylight saving time: several studies were conducted on how much electricity consumption is changed. Studies weren't able to agree whether the consumption after time change increases or decreases, but they did agree, that the effect is ~0.1%. The main reason is, that lightbulbs nowadays spend very little electricity and more time in summer when you are in a building and the sun is up = more air conditioning expenses. Hospitals report an increased number of hospitalizations right after the date change, so Day Light Saving Time is obsolete and should be abandoned.
Ask Fizzer Anything: Saturday, May 13th: 2023-05-10 13:29:13

waffle 1.0 
Level 56
Could you give an option to change the date format from MM/DD to DD/MM? It really bothers me that it isn't an option, and that I can't have the standard date format used across the world, and instead I'm forced to deal with the fringe one only used in a few places.
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