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What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 17:40:30

Level 65
You could try changing the kill rates and use something like Timid Lands, where you won't benefit much from airlifting into the way of a stack
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 17:41:16

Level 61
why is it important to maintain the natural flow of expansion in the first place? that seems like a weird thing to want in your games

in any case, adding a disruption to the mix is a strategic move in itself
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 17:41:31

Level 64
That's very true, Alex. I guess there are some other ways too.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 17:47:41

Level 63
Airlift is a tactic, not a strategy.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 18:04:16

Level 61
tactics are part of strategy
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 20:58:22

Level 63
Tactics and strategy are inherently different. Tactics are short-term (like 1 turn) meanwhile strategy is long-term (multiple turns).

So airlifts are a tactic, not a strategy.

Edited 11/28/2023 20:59:06
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 21:28:23

Roi Joleil
Level 60
i dont get why the dicussion about airlifts is still ongoing.
Its so clear that Queef has no interest in actually learning.

Queef, just 1v1 the others with an airlift template, and once you lost you can say "there, its Strategic! the better player won!"
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 21:33:28

Level 63
Strategy is long term, tactics are more immediate.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 21:51:01

Level 63
Has anyone considered bringing in quantum mechanics yet?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 21:55:04

Level 55
1. Add Empire bonus atop of primary bonus.

2. A certain sense of broad land and narrowed land but never too narrow.

3. Ship connections as the wastelands.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 22:40:52

Level 58
I love tactics!
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 22:45:59

Level 58
Simply saying something is strategic certainly doesn’t make it strategic :D
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 23:21:12

Level 61
guys I already explained how you can incorporate airlifts into your strategy. you sticking your fingers in the air and offering no evidence that I'm wrong doesn't mean airlifts aren't strategic lol
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 23:25:39

Level 63
It’s a tactic, something short-term not a strategy (something long-term). If you even looked up the definition you should understand. It’s not a strategy, just a tactic.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 23:39:52

Level 61
yes and tactics are an element of strategy, it's not that complicated
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 23:41:40

Level 63
But tactics aren't strategy.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 23:48:41

Level 61
you can't have strategy without tactics. it's all under the same umbrella. you being pedantic doesn't make me wrong
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-28 23:49:31

Level 63
You can have strategy without tactics
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 00:04:43

Level 61
how are you gonna win without attacking? cause that's a pretty important tactic for any strategy in warlight
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 00:05:07

Level 63
If you disagree, you disagree with ChatGPT:
> Are tactics strategy
> No, tactics and strategy are distinct concepts. Tactics involve the specific actions taken to achieve short-term goals, while strategy is the overarching plan designed to achieve long-term objectives. Strategy guides overall direction, and tactics focus on the execution of specific tasks within that strategy.

> Do strategies involve tactics
> Yes, strategies often involve the implementation of tactics. Strategies provide the overarching plan and direction, while tactics are the specific actions and maneuvers used to execute that plan and achieve the strategic goals. In other words, tactics are the means by which a strategy is carried out.

> Can the word ‘tactic’ be fully replaced with the word ‘strategy’
> No, the words "tactic" and "strategy" are not fully interchangeable. While related, they have distinct meanings. "Tactic" refers to specific actions or maneuvers employed to achieve short-term objectives, whereas "strategy" pertains to the broader plan designed to accomplish long-term goals. They complement each other in the realm of planning and execution.

> Would you say using an airlift card in warlight is a tactic rather than a strategy
> Using an airlift card in a game like Warlight can be considered a tactic. A tactic is a specific action or move aimed at achieving a short-term objective within the context of a larger strategy. In this case, the use of the airlift card is a tactical decision made to move troops efficiently and respond to immediate challenges on the game board. The overall strategy might involve broader plans for conquering territories or achieving specific objectives.

> Can using an airlift card be considered the only strategy in warlight
> Relying solely on the use of an airlift card might not constitute a comprehensive strategy in Warlight. While using airlifts can be a tactical element within your overall approach, an effective strategy typically involves a combination of tactics, adaptability to the game state, understanding opponents, and long-term planning. A well-rounded strategy in Warlight would likely include considerations for territory expansion, resource management, diplomatic interactions (if applicable), and responding to opponents' moves beyond just utilizing airlift cards.

> Are airlift cards in warlight tactical rather than strategic
> The use of airlift cards in Warlight is more aligned with tactics rather than strategy. Airlift cards are specific tools or actions that players can employ to make precise, short-term moves on the game board. Strategies in Warlight usually involve broader, long-term plans that encompass various aspects of gameplay, including territory expansion, diplomacy, and resource management. While the use of airlift cards can contribute to an overall strategy, they are better categorized as tactical tools for achieving immediate objectives.

Case and point. Airlifts are tactical, not strategic.

> Does adding airlift cards to a warlight game add to tactical or strategic depth?
> Adding airlift cards to a Warlight game can enhance both tactical and strategic depth. Tactically, players can use airlift cards for precise troop movements, responding swiftly to changing situations on the board. This introduces a dynamic element to immediate decision-making.

Strategically, the presence of airlift cards influences overall game plans. Players may need to consider when and where to deploy these cards as part of their broader strategy, affecting long-term territorial control, alliances, and resource management.

In summary, airlift cards contribute to the depth of both tactical maneuvering and strategic planning in a Warlight game.

> Does the inclusion of airlift cards in warlight remove strategic depth
> The inclusion of airlift cards in Warlight doesn't necessarily remove strategic depth; instead, it introduces a different dimension to strategy. Airlift cards can alter the dynamics of gameplay, requiring players to adapt their strategies to the new possibilities and challenges presented by these cards. While they add a tactical element for specific troop movements, strategic depth remains as players must consider when and how to deploy these cards within the context of their overall game plan. It can enhance the complexity of decision-making rather than diminish strategic depth.

> Does the inclusion of adding airlift cards increase unpredictability and therefore increase randomness
> The inclusion of airlift cards in Warlight can introduce an element of unpredictability to the game, potentially increasing randomness. Since these cards allow for specific troop movements and responses, they can lead to unexpected shifts in the game dynamics. This unpredictability may impact strategic planning and make outcomes less predictable.

However, whether this increase in unpredictability is viewed as positive or negative depends on the preferences of the players. Some enjoy the added challenge and adaptability that randomness brings, while others prefer games with a more deterministic outcome based on strategic decisions.

> Would you agree that airlift cards in warlight are significantly more strategic than tactical
> The classification of airlift cards in Warlight as significantly more strategic or tactical depends on how they are used and the context of the gameplay. Generally, airlift cards have elements of both strategy and tactics.

Strategically, players need to consider when and where to deploy airlift cards as part of their overall plan for territorial control and achieving long-term objectives. Tactically, the cards allow for specific, immediate troop movements, influencing the outcome of short-term engagements.

In summary, while airlift cards have strategic implications, their significance in strategy versus tactics may vary based on how players utilize them in different situations during the game.

> Can you roughly predict armies airlifted in fog level equal to or higher than normal fog?
> In strategy games with fog of war, predicting the exact number of armies airlifted can be challenging, especially when fog levels are equal to or higher than normal fog. The higher the fog level, the more limited the initial visibility, making it harder to anticipate the specific troop movements of opponents.

While you may have information about your own territories, the lack of visibility into your opponents' territories makes predicting their actions more uncertain. Fog of war is designed to introduce an element of unpredictability and strategic uncertainty, emphasizing the importance of scouting and intelligence gathering.

In summary, predicting armies airlifted becomes less reliable in higher fog levels due to the restricted visibility of the game map.

> How would you make their airlift card more strategic than tactical in warlight
> To make the airlift card in Warlight more strategic than tactical, you could introduce additional elements that require thoughtful planning and long-term considerations. Here are a few suggestions:

Limited Airlift Range: Restrict the range of the airlift card, forcing players to strategically choose destinations and prioritize territories for reinforcement. This limitation adds a layer of strategic decision-making regarding which regions to focus on.
Strategic Objectives: Tie the use of airlift cards to achieving specific strategic objectives rather than immediate tactical needs. For example, players might gain bonuses or advantages by airlifting armies to certain key territories, encouraging a more strategic approach.
Variable Airlift Capacity: Make the airlift card's capacity variable or dependent on certain in-game conditions. This could introduce a strategic element where players must time their use of the card based on the evolving state of the game.
Resource Cost: Introduce a resource cost for using the airlift card, creating a strategic trade-off between investing in airlifts and other aspects of the game, such as troop recruitment or territorial expansion.
Limited Uses: Allow players to use the airlift card only a certain number of times during the game. This limitation encourages players to reserve its use for critical strategic moments rather than relying on it for every tactical move.
By incorporating these elements, you can shift the focus of the airlift card from immediate tactical advantage to a more strategic tool that requires careful planning and consideration of the broader game context.

Edited 11/29/2023 00:34:33
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