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What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:14:07

Level 61
picking faster just becomes part of the strategy for that template. you still don't know how fast anyone else has picked before orders are submitted so you rely on your skill as a fast picker. it's not that complicated
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:15:14

Harmless Creature
Level 52
Strategic? Strategic is a character trait! Strategy is formed based off the situation. A template is the situation, you are the strategic one. Some templates aren’t hospitable to strategic players, but no template is truly strategic itself.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:15:45

Level 63
Faster picks and faster orders make you miss-evaluate the position and do worse orders.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:17:01

Level 65
It has the highly negative aspect that picking as slow as possible also becomes an approach in situations where picks 1, 2 and 3 are obvious, but getting 2 and 3 is preferrable to getting 1. This is where it gets unjustified, because whoever logs in sooner and observes the situation can benefit from this by waiting till auto commit (or close to it). This is a key reason why the strategic community generally rejects no-luck cyclic.

Edited 11/29/2023 18:17:41
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:17:58

Level 61
that's not universally true. ability to assess a map and make smart picks quickly is a skill in itself and can be used strategically to help put you in a position to win. if your opponent isn't as skilled in that area they may be better suited to playing on other templates, but it doesn't mean the no luck cyclic template isn't strategic
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:18:02

Level 65
lol I appreciate your confidence in me but I'd be lucky to win 1 against Dan.

You greatly overestimate Dan, I'm not even trolling when I say you have a good chance of beating him. We need to see it happen, right now this thread is just you two repeating the same points over and over again.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:19:24

Level 65
Another interesting query, will this thread make it to 400 posts by the end of the day?
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:19:25

Level 61
but when you commit orders later you can only see that your opponent committed. you don't know how fast they did it and therefore you have to change your pick strategy based on what you perceive as giving yourself the better odds. whether that's being first or second or whatever is based on the individual strategy
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:19:47

Level 63
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:21:30

Level 61
this thread could have been over long ago if people like Dan and Alex would stop turning their noses up at other people's templates
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:22:13

Level 61
I don't do local deployment or army caps, sorry. not my style!
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:22:20

Level 63
Why did you decline the game? Are you scared of the settings? It even has the airlift card you love.

Edited 11/29/2023 18:22:47
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:24:56

Level 61
your template is strategic despite the fact that I prefer different game settings
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:25:45

Level 63
Is an open seat if anyone wants to join.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:29:45

Level 65
this thread could have been over long ago if people like Dan and Alex would stop turning their noses up at other people's templates

I know how it feels, being belittled by elitists who think they are better than you. Don't let them get to you, I for one thing airlifts are one of the most strategic settings in the game. Dan and Alex are too scared to even play a bo11 against you, yet they are so called "elite" players.

Edited 11/29/2023 18:30:47
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:33:58

Level 63
I'm by no means elite. Alex is elite and i've beaten him once on a template he wasn't massively familiar with.

I'm a top 100 1v1 ladder player. My MTL rating is too inaccurate because of when i last played it many years ago. QM rating system can't use used for reliable skill evaluation.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:35:31

Level 61
he didn't say you were elite, he said you were an elitist.

top 100 on 1v1 ladder would constitute elite in my book tho. rock on
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:46:58

Level 61
In regards to No-Luck Cyclic, I feel that you guys approach this from a wrong perspective.

It's a broken setting. It simply doesn't work the way it was designed to work because it's not always the faster player who gets the advantage.

It's like discussing whether broken connections on a map can be strategic. Eh, maybe, I don't know? Making one connection broken on strat MME wouldn't turn it into a lotto, it probably wouldnt affect player ratings in the long run, but it is an objective flaw, it doesn't add anything positive to the game.
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 18:57:56

Level 61
but pick speed can be used strategically whether you're going for first orders or not.

if you're playing with only 1 starting territory there's no incentive to have 2nd move so that's one example of how it can be implemented strategically without some of the issues presented
What makes a template 'strategic'?: 2023-11-29 21:34:45

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
NLC is broken for a case you have 3 "super" picks on the board that have an even value and controlling 2 of them wins you the game.

In that case a player could start the clock early or take a vacation or both to play the system to get the 2 of this better picks.

Certainly it depends on the given board. The template itself might give in 99% solid 'strategic' options, tho. But the possibility of the event makes it 'unstrategic'

Edited 11/29/2023 21:38:00
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