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Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 20:23:31

Orcinus orca
Level 60
Re ladder teams: Beep, Octane, and ACL all topped the ladders with alt teams. I'm pretty sure the "Only gold is real money" "Bitcoin is real money too" accounts are alts and they got north of 2k if I remember correctly. So that's 4 off the top of my head.

I'm certain there are many players that would do just fine with alts who chose to play with other players instead.
Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 21:07:28

Level 65
Alright Kenny, I have an idea. Why don't we play a BO11 (Or less games if you feel that's too much) on 3v3 Europe with me using my alts and you using two teammates who are WORSE than you at the game. Of course, I'm sure you'll find an excuse to not play me because deep down you know you'll get exposed when you don't have someone else making moves for you, but I'm making this offer just incase.
Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 21:27:08

Level 59
Before Kenny shockingly decides to say no or his whatever excuse. Please remind yourself of his quotes so far.

  • How many times yall gotta predict teams I’m on to go 3-3 until you learn we’re locked for 4-2 or better?
  • I'll just put in the work again and shut the doubters up again.
  • I lead every Apex team for 3v3s and burned myself out doing it.
  • I have nothing to prove to you idiots because I've already done more than most of you will ever be able to do in this event.
  • I'll just keep winning, you'll keep crying and asking me to do more to prove something I don't need to prove.
  • Am gonna tell it like it is. If they’re gonna be delusional then I’m gonna call them delusional.

    The comedic value of this post will exponentially go higher once he says no or gives his excuse.
  • Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 21:52:50

    Kenny • apex 
    Level 59
    I don’t need to prove anything and don’t want to play games that are far beneath me to play. You’re the ones making dumb predictions and reciting stupid taunts. Just go beat my records if yall think it’s easy.
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 21:54:24

    Level 62
    <3 Kenny

    This was all good and fun until Octane's fanboys came running in here. Phobos got bullied out the game by the same Nauz that Bonsai was making fun of.

    Bonsai is essentially Kenny 2.0 but without personality.

    Plat likes to start shit and I can respect that.

    Octane is just following through, which I have done loads of times so I can't judge.

    Kenny took exception to your prediction. I found them all fairly accurate but people are competitive and will argue against it. Fucking Bo11s are stupid as fuck. Beat him in CL if you want to prove him wrong.

    I will be cheering for Kenny.

    Edited 12/28/2023 22:01:47
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 21:59:36

    Level 60
    "This is beneath me" has got to be one of the most frequent phrases in Bo11 refusals
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 22:06:29

    Roi Joleil
    Level 60
    if you guys continue the beat down on kenny, he will quit CL as "he doesnt have to prove anything anyway"
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 22:06:39

    Level 68
    Plat’s message should be sent to all of Kenny’s 3v3 opponents. A 1-5 or 0-6 score would be funny
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-28 22:41:32

    Level 65
    Yeah yeah, it's only beneath you once I throw out the BO11 offer. Nevermind the fact that you have written 5 paragraphs defending yourself, and this all only started because you started insulting me over nothing but a prediction. Anyhow, see you in clan league, unfortunately you are playing with Timi as your teammate in our only game, so I won't actually be able to see what you can do on your own.
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 01:06:44

    Kenny • apex 
    Level 59
    I mean playing you in CL is also pretty beneath me but I don’t really choose who makes it to A. Just gotta beat you guys to help speed up the process of getting you back down to B.
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 01:36:07

    Beren Erchamion 
    Level 64
    It’s up to "Kenny" to decide what games he wants to play and there’s no reason he should feel pressured into playing games he don’t want to play, but saying playing Octane is beneath him when he’s widely considered the best American player in the game is a bit silly. Unless it’s a troll in which case, good for you!
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 01:46:22

    Level 62
    I think it was an obvious troll.
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 03:31:44

    Level 65
    Can someone please tell me some interesting things to compensate for the brain cells I lost reading this?
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 03:54:35

    Roi Joleil
    Level 60
    Did you know that Python was named after the British comedy group Monty Python?
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 04:13:05

    Level 65
    Of course, I created the clan. To mislead people, we use the icon of the Python programming language instead.
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 07:26:56

    Level 58
    “Lol what” a troll!
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 15:22:27

    Level 63
    I am out for 2 months and this happened?
    Everyone Merry Christmas!

    Ho ho ho.
    A lot of you used my game name, thanks for this my reputation still grows, you elite players!
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2023-12-29 20:40:56

    Photonic Symmetry 
    Level 60
    CL17 Div A Predictions

    1. Masters (will win by a significant margin)
    2. LuFredd (sneaky good lineup; will be close between them, ONE, and USB for 2/3/4)
    3. ONE (relying on Rak and Buns to do the heavylifting)
    4. USB (clan to watch; capable of winning it all and relegating; largest margin of error here)
    5. Optimum (weaker lineup than I was expecting; Octane and fork will deliver but I am dubious of the rest - they have just enough to avoid relegation though)
    6. Python (will have a torrid outing this time around)
    7. Blitz (lack of depth spells trouble; need another merger)
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2024-01-03 01:17:15

    Orcinus orca
    Level 60
    Python relegating and LuFredd in 2nd is certainly a take.
    Clan League 17 Prediction Thread: 2024-01-03 01:46:50

    Corn Silver 
    Level 62
    only thing im confident about, Kenny will go no better than 2-4
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