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Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-02-13 05:07:11

Corn Silver 
Level 62
ty ty ty - great work!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-02-13 05:13:00

Level 58
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-02-13 10:17:59

Level 65
That's great, thanks guys!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-02-15 19:02:32

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
We just introduced a new feature that dramatically reduces page load time. Pages on the site used to take around 10 seconds to load and now most of them should load in less than a second! Hopefully this makes it much easier to interact with the site.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-02-15 19:42:26

Level 63
Does this update mean it no longer takes a while for viewing a player's profile to load? Feels like used to load every profile even if wanting from specific player.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-02-15 19:43:23

Jacoþ thε Restle§°ⁿ³ 
Level 65
everything basically insta loads.. NICE!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-02-16 02:24:45

Level 65
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-01 05:07:58

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
You may have noticed some anomalies on the ladder in the past few days. This was due to a significant refactor and database migration that has led to a little bit of instability. It's possible there might be a few hiccups in the coming days, but I'm hopeful that the worst is behind us. Much thanks to MarkusBM and Quicksilver for bringing several of these to my attention.

In addition to this major migration behind the scenes there are some changes that some of you may have noticed:

  • Displaying template settings on the template page
  • Displaying the template creator on the template page. This is very incomplete, as I only filled out the templates I was very confident of that were created by players who have been on the MTL. I would greatly appreciate help from people who know who created any of the others.
  • Increased the number of games shown on a player's profile from 10 to 15
  • Displaying the trophy on the profile of players who have earned it.
  • Improved logging
  • Improvements to the test server
  • Fixed a bug that wasn't deleting games that have been declined
  • Fixed bug in player statistic/leaderboards that broke ranking streaks if the ladder had downtime even if the players were joined through the downtime

    Check out the changes here: http://www.warlight-mtl.com/

Edited 3/1/2024 05:11:02
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-01 23:18:23

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I am trying to track down the creators of the templates on the MTL. If anyone has any insight into this I'd love to hear about it. This is what I have so far and some of it may be inaccurate:

Atlantis                  - RA?
Australia                 - ?
Austria Airports          - ?
Baltic Sea                - ?
Basileia                  - ?
Battle Islands V          - ?
Battle for Middle Earth   - ?
Belarus                   - Farah?
Biomes of America         - QB?
Black Sea                 - Pulsey? (based on first comment on map page)
Blitzkrieg Bork           - Beren
British Raj               - ?
Cat Fight                 - ?
China                     - Gui?
Cosmo Land                - Frankdeslimste?
Discovery                 - ?
Earthsea                  - Beren
EA&O                      - ?
Eberron World             - ?
Elitist Africa            - master of desaster
Fast Earth                - Deadman/Buns? (based on comments in this game https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=15033274)
Final Fantasy 7           - Sephiroth?
French Brawl              - Deadman
Gelvien Islands           - ?
Georgia Army Cap          - Beren
Gravic Swamp              - Nackickwind?
Great Lakes               - Ursus
Greater Middle East III   - Gui
Greece LD                 - Gui?
Guiroma                   - Gui
Hannibal at the Gates     - Cloud Strife
Laketown                  - ?
Landria                   - Rufus/master of desaster
MA Battle Islands V       - ?
MME MA+LD                 - Fizzer
Macedonia no split        - ?
Malvia                    - ?
Master Mania              - QB?
Númenor                   - Timinator
Oxfordshire               - ?
Pangea Ultima             - ?
Phobia                    - ?
Post-melt Antarctica      - Aura Guardian?
Qina                      - Gui
Rad Osil                  - Sirius?
Randomized Strat ME       - Fizzer
Red Dead Redemption       - ?
Saudi Arabia              - ?
Snowy Mountains MA        - Kenny
Sri Lanka                 - ?
Strat ME                  - Fizzer
Strat MME                 - Fizzer
Strategic Greece          - Gui
The World of Warhammer    - ?
Timid Lands               - Timinator
Tor-ture                  - ?
Treasure Map              - ?
Turkey LD                 - ?
Unicorn Island            - Timinator?
Volcano Island            - ?
Yin'angzhou               - ? (this came out of one of the template competitions if we can find the thread)
Yorkshire Brawl           - Beep
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-01 23:38:58

Level 63
Gravic Swamp template creator is said on the map page, I remember seeing it there years ago.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-01 23:43:45

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
@DanWL I don't see it there. Can you tell me what you mean?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-01 23:49:01

Level 63
Template ID 911000 is left in a review of the map.

(Can’t link map, on mobile)

Edited 3/1/2024 23:49:20
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-01 23:54:20

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Unfortunately the template linked there is very different from the retired Gravic Swamp template.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-03 13:02:07

Level 60
For Yin'angzhou.
Should be Gustave
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-03 16:50:01

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Thanks, Chris, I think that is correct.
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-03-03 17:02:16

Level 63
That same thread also suggests that ps is responsible for Post-Melt i think?
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-04-06 00:50:48

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Some big updates are in the works on the MTL that will hopefully make it less intimidating for newbies and more fun for people who think there are too many templates they don’t want to play. In conjunction with this, there will soon be a template competition to help to refresh the template pool.

Get excited, and join the ladder!
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-04-10 03:29:51

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I'm excited to announce that the MTL website is finally using https!

Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-04-10 03:30:27

Level 60
Very cool
Join the Multi-Template Ladder (MTL)!: 2024-04-11 00:53:08

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
Would anyone be willing to do weekly update like these: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/216823-multiday-ladder?Offset=360 or https://www.warzone.com/Forum/216823-multiday-ladder?Offset=543. No need for a long-term commitment, but reporting regularly on the ladder would help to get people engaged in the ladder!
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