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Biggest Idle Request: 2024-04-28 13:39:24

Level 62
Have there been a bigger one?


Luckily, I am sitting on HEX, so it was filled within seconds after posting :D
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-04-28 13:41:42

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 62
I believe Hunter had a request over 100B
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-04-28 13:45:15

Level 63
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-05-02 19:40:32

Level 40
I can currently do 87B w/o any sac. JK has proof 😏
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-05-02 19:41:31

Level 63
Looks like Xeno is back into idle, and he appears to be rather bored by the lack of ultra-ascension!

Edited 5/31/2024 16:35:57
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-05-02 19:56:38

Level 40
Forgot 30% Bonus from phone AD :(.

For the record according to my spreadsheet if I get a free SAC from the daily door, remember to use my phone bonus, and use my sac arti then I would hit 9M troops per second. Then if I close/open the CR window till a lucky roll that should be around a 235,620,228,412.8 request.

I'm not wasting more than the 2 free sacs on this tho lol.

@JK I login now and then but yea after getting all artis to insane got bored so I just started idling in 1 level and upgrading stuff lol.

Edited 5/2/2024 19:57:43
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-05-29 01:21:36

Level 40
I think JK_3 is asleep so he can't post it. I managed to get a free SAC on the daily door so used that + sac arti.


The original request was 246B but came as 245B in chat. I forgot to take a picture of the original request so spammed the button till I got a similar value but ended up a tad higher 😂. Spammed the button for 5 minutes and did not get anything higher than 247B :(. The theoretical max for my production is around 254.7B so not bad, I guess.

I was really unlucky since I did not check every day, but it took almost a month to get a free SAC.

Edit: As an interesting addendum it shows as 246B when filled instead of 245B as per chat.


Edited 5/29/2024 01:32:03
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-05-29 15:45:48

Level 63
brooooooooooooooo thats wild!!!!
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-10 04:11:01

Level 40
Last try to hit 250b with only the 2 free SACs failed. Upgraded my AC a bit from last time but difference is minimal.


Theoretical max is now ~255.26B.

Edit: I kind of liked this one since there was no funny rounding and it showed as 247B in all places.

Edited 6/10/2024 04:14:16
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-10 04:51:18

Bahamut Rojo
Level 61
i like how the max he can request is 255B, yet he has like 77T on reserve. how many months have you been amassing troops lol
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-10 05:00:54

Level 40
Started this level:174 days 3 hours ago
Session age:229 days 23 hours

I just left this map open to fulfill clan requests. While at it I maxed out all Army Camps, Hospitals, and Mines. Tried requesting for laughs but the only thing I can do now to make it bigger besides getting better luck (already within 4% of max) is to use non-free SACs but using 5-10 SACs feels silly.
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-12 01:32:57

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
Xeno, I think all requests in Clan Chat are 1 lower than what we click on in the request window, (rounding error)

(However, I always *fill* from the Clan Request window, because it seems to *fill the number that I click on* )
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-12 01:44:42

Level 63
247B, nice, a new record! the 132B record stood for too long anyhow, lmao; assume that's on HEH? or HT? certainly no Hex (or any SAsc level) b/c it's garbage for income from army camps

this made me laugh tho, as if you don't have tons of SACs just laying around doing nothing, never to be used again ... we must see the 255B req! surely you can get higher my upgrading the crap out of the army camps?
I'm not wasting more than the 2 free sacs on this tho lol.
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-12 02:55:54

Level 40

It's not strictly always lower. It seems that on the clan request window he uses normal rounding but for whatever reason it truncates in clan chat. So a 247.3B request will show as 247B in both chat/window while a 247.7 will show as 248B in window but 247B in chat. This is just my observation.


>we must see the 255B req!
The 255B max request is just with 2 SAC. Fizzer basically multiplies a deterministic value based on your army production per second by a random value which I estimate to have an upper bound of 1.3. Only way to hit this max is just by spamming and getting a different random multiplier but hitting the max is realistically impossible so I'm satisfied to be within 4% of the max. In ~10 minutes of purely spamming the clan request button I have hit 247b twice and 246b twice and hilariously although I have not counted them, I probably been closer to the lower bound since I have gotten some relatively tiny numbers.

>surely you can get higher my upgrading the crap out of the army camps?
I censored the levels and production as to not spoil how high they can go xD but here:

As I mentioned I have all army camps, mines, and hospitals maxed. I forgot to mention I have all techs, all non auto-advancements, and also have all 41 artifacts maxed. I cleared all maps so I also have couch potato for the 30% extra army production when I watch an AD. There is really nothing left to upgrade since I believe this is the level with the highest army production. Each extra SAC would add about ~60B (varies since AC have different values at max) to the CR so I would do ~300B with a 3rd SAC.

I went ahead and for laughs calculated the biggest possible CR which requires to SAC every maxed army camp and hit the max rng multiplier. The result is 2,312,385,849,802.08 so 2.31T CR if I waste a metric ton of SACs. So this record could easily be beat if someone decides to spam a lot of SACs while not having everything maxed.

>this made me laugh tho, as if you don't have tons of SACs just laying around doing nothing, never to be used again
xD no SAC are rare and my only source of getting extra above the 5/5 cap is basically raffle. I have 300+ TW since WZIB gives free TW/FC/IM but there is no free SAC that goes above cap outside of CW/raffle/Ladder/Fizzer Tournament which I don't really do any of these. I checked and I have 12 SAC powers >.>.

Edited 6/12/2024 17:41:44
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-15 20:56:13

Level 63
was that HT or HEH?

don't you at least do daily spins? from spins & raffles & who knows what else, i have a ton of all powers except ML

so maybe if i get bored ill do the deed and take the record, lol

i forget what the level limit on army camps is ... seem to recall 30, and they get into 10T+ near the end so probably need the discount army camp arti to finish some of those off

trying to think if there's any other buffs you've left out; maybe a CW/ladder special buff? been so long since ive played, i don't recall ... but i think they only buff army camps in challenge levels no in standard WZI play

don't recall if you had the SuperCamp? i seem to recall you being a member of the "proud of spending 0 money on games" crowd (; so probably not, don't think it'd factor in much to the equation anyhow since they can't be SAC'd

Edited 6/15/2024 20:59:12
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-24 05:11:49

Level 63
alrighty well just gonna throw this out here . . . (;

Edited 6/24/2024 05:22:28
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-24 06:00:40

Level 63
wow! 👀
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-24 16:24:28

Level 58
I didn't even bother checking the size of the request or who it came from. I just click buttons :)
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-24 19:59:50

Level 58

That actually made a tiny dent in my armies, congrats @krinid!
Biggest Idle Request: 2024-06-24 20:22:45

Level 40
heh, how many SAC you wasted? Now do 1 with 2 sac xD
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