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Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 17:58:59

Level 63

  • Clan Wars should have Coin rewards removed - rewards heavily favour Idle players
  • Ladders should have Idle rewards removed - Idle rewards in ladders are much worse compared to the ones in Clan Wars, unless the Idle player happens to be really good at Classic.

Edited 5/21/2024 19:12:22
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 17:59:44

Level 62
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 18:03:11

Level 58
Why would you not include classic rewards in a classic competition. If ppl need more idle rewards add more idle events. Please !
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 18:03:46

Level 62
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 18:07:19

Level 60
I don't want to make a stance on whether certain events should be focused on certain type of rewards, but I would like to draw attention to how the proposal is framed: "Let's remove X from Y, making Y effectively worse in general".

This is actually true for many other forum ideas, which make things worse in general in the pursuit of some subjective goals.
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 18:15:12

Level 63
@Tacky CW is more of an Idle competition which were drawn in from Idle Areas and later joined a clan to send/recieve requests for armies. They later hear about clan wars and join for the reward.
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 18:17:48

Level 60
as of idle player..
I love useless rewards
I need coins for AP for coins after level
I like the ladder perks for idle
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 18:33:22

Level 63
@pirtuzogno ladder is a Classic competition and coins can be used for anything. Classic players already know about Idle because of it being advertised on the website and in the classic app. The default startup screen in the Classic app is Idle. There is a chance the player has played Idle but find that it wasn’t for them. If the player got a sufficient rank to get a reward then the Idle rewards aren’t useful and don’t have any marketing value.

Edited 5/21/2024 19:21:38
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 18:34:48

Level 63
@tacky If Clan Wars was a Classic competition, Clan League is the better option.
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 19:25:49

Level 63
Idle has its own app, which doesn’t come with the Classic game. The Classic app contains Idle and has Idle as the default start screen.

(I’ve expanded on my above posts).
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-21 23:20:26

Level 63
which doesn’t come with the Classic game

It actually does have it, because due to Arena's and CW, MP is build in. And because Fizzer needs to support the tutorial for Arenas, SP is also build in.

So idle is pretty much the full app, just with everything unacceptable via a normal menu. (Which makes the idle-only app even worse imo)
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-22 00:21:43

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Removing a feature is always a brilliant way how to improve the game. Can we remove the clan cap, please?

Edited 5/22/2024 00:21:57
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-22 08:54:25

Level 63
How you can’t access the multiplayer dashboard on the Idle app is what makes the ladders a Classic event, making the Idle rewards irrelevant.
Clan Wars are accessible on both the Classic and Idle apps (through global chat). Main motivation for players joining Clan Wars in for the Idle rewards. The coin rewards just gives classic players a reason to join but this might not be desirable.
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-22 11:39:58

Level 65
I can't get enough of all the idle rewards I get in classic competitions, for a game I don't play
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-26 18:01:26

Level 63
Idle players don’t necessarily like Classic but are incentivised to play anyway just for the rewards even though they don’t like the game. For this reason alone, both clan wars and ladder rewards should have Idle rewards removed.

Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-26 18:02:35

Level 63
Sounds like youre now just trying to convince idle players to never even start playing Warzone?
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-26 18:05:48

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
What's the harm in getting coins. Hell coins don't have any use outside of idle anyway.

Also the amount of coins you get every 25 days is pretty marginal.

If the incentives are enough to get people to play, what's the harm, obviously if they are playing than the rewards > their dislike of the game. You know, like how people take crappy jobs for wages. They are still better off than before.

I am an adult and should be allowed to have the option to play an aspect of a game I don't care much for in exchange for a reward I do care for. And for that matter why focus on the coins and not all the other and quite frankly more powerful rewards.

As for ladder rewards being much worse unless you are good, yeah, that's why I gave up on ladder after a short stint.

You got issues dude.

Edited 5/26/2024 18:09:08
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-26 18:15:26

Level 63
Hell coins don't have any use outside of idle anyway.

Coins are actually universally useful in all parts of Warzone.

Sounds like youre now just trying to convince idle players to never even start playing Warzone?

No. Arenas already advertise Classic. If they like Classic then they shouldn’t require incentives just to play. Classic already advertises Idle on the website and on the app, but you’re never encouraged to do so, unless aiming for achievements.
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-26 18:15:53

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
Whats the point of using coins at idle. Everything useful is very expensive either way. You want to be fast you spend money, but Warzone Idle is not fast, and with market strat you have to do plenty of operations to finish same levels over and over again. With this "only useful" powers would be Supercharged Inspire Mercenaries and Supercharged Time Warp.
Suggestion about Clan Wars and Ladder rewards: 2024-05-26 18:30:00

Level 63
If there’s any rewards that are given which can’t be purchased, then they should become purchasable.
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