I think such social boilerplate is just decreasing efficiency in convos.
It has personal benefits to use these, but only for the individual rather than the society.
An example:
Female friend of mine asks me how i like her new pants.
i have 2 options:
1. tell her i like the new pants (lie).
2. tell her i dont like the new pants (truth).
Rational choice is 1., because only effect on me personally is the effect on my social connection to her.
This is also how this social boiler plate comes into existence, its generally just the better option for the individual.
Obviously, quality of communication goes down, because we arent getting the truth across (-> not good for society as a whole)
Something like a handshake or a "gg" maybe doesnt decrease communication quality as much (its just useless boilerplate),
but it comes to exist in a similar way.
Initially, a sign of respect, has meaning, and boosts your social status.
But then everyone does it - its no longer really a sign of respect, but rather its a sign of disrespect not to do it.
So we are at the same situation as before the "gg" or handshake, just with some added boilerplate that now everyone has to follow to not be perceived as disrespectful.
Personally i ve come to value directness and honesty over trying to follow social norms (allthough you maybe cant always tell if the person is honest or just following a norm).
When I say gg after I win, it carries the meaning of an expression of respect regardless of the game result much more than a rating of the game quality.
If your respect goes out to literally anyone, independent of basically all parameters (maybe except for getting insulted during the game? :D), then your respect isnt worth anything. I also hardly believe that you truly respect every single opponent you ve played. You are just following a social norm.
Edited 6/8/2024 06:36:42