I think its great that some people on here have manners and feel its necessary to say "hi" or "hey" when they first join a game. However, i would be lying if i said it didnt annoy me. Clicking into the chat screen just to read a useless pleasantry is annoying. Especially in a real time game. I know the thoughts there with good intentions and all, but this is warlight not pleasantrylight. Anyone agree with me or am I just a stick in the mud?
I've always held the opinion that it's okay pre-game. I have no issues with it, personally, and I often find it sparks some discussion for those interested. It does get quite annoying when people are throwing up bland "Hi"s during game, as this often interrupts any meaningful chat, as well as bumping the game with an unread public chat message.
Public chat should be for trash talk like "Get ready to get plowed" or compliments to the host like "Youre a grand old Poon? Great title for a USA Map." It's very annoying to me when my chat thing flashes red and it's just some bozo saying "hi"
I feel like joining the game is basically everyones way of saying "hi". Death, literally anything other than a pleasantry is something with substance and just because you dont "get" someone's sense of humor doesn't mean you should take issue with it. Learn to be more tolerant brother.
BTW Death don't think anyone has forgotten that you like to diddle children haha (seriously whats wrong with you) anyways in the thread the person after you said "hi" and you responded and said "saying hi is pointless"
Honestly PoonCrew, get smashed (preferably by several two ton boulders). If you can't handle someone saying Hi, or GL-HF or anything like that...leave. It isn't annoying. To me its like oh cool, someone said Hi may as well say it back, maybe it'll lead to something cool.
Honestly, I've seen several threads about your clan whining and complaining. Here's the door. Promptly leave if you don't like simple pleasantries.
And again, what the hell kind of name is Queefballs.
I *hate* it when people say hi or something similar. I don't want to learn to know them, I just want to win the fucking game. Luckily, the forums are much more accommodating to my sense of decency.