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manager league season three: 2024-06-29 13:43:17

Truth Dragon
Level 58
Ah damn. So it wasn't a baseless block, but a rightful one.

Sorry for assuming. Yes, completely understandable after how i behaved with him, and no, we have never interacted before.
NC incident doesn't involve you at all. I simply got banned from NL team since i said to be using a VPN before. Nothing more.

EDIT: Glad it's clarified, but sad that i made a fool of myself for it to happen

Edited 7/2/2024 11:44:32
manager league season three: 2024-06-29 18:14:23

master of desaster 
Level 66

stream is starting now!
manager league season three: 2024-06-29 22:02:18

Level 63
i missed it ... where's the recording, Tacky?

but interesting to see that:
(A) i wasn't sold for the least # of coins
(B) i'm worth 4% of Rufus, 42% of stefano

Ok Texx, let's do this!

Edited 6/29/2024 22:12:24
manager league season three: 2024-06-30 01:27:46

Level 60
We at the ML Warden pride ourselves with reporting the most important news. Nothing of note happened today to report on, except for a great update on the corruption worries you all have: Nothing to see, nothing to rule on

manager league season three: 2024-06-30 02:15:52

Level 63
“Kenny and Tacky first players banned from ML” — overlord edge
manager league season three: 2024-06-30 02:52:47

Kenny • apex 
Level 59

Beep made an AI logo so I had an AI make me a team song.
manager league season three: 2024-06-30 20:38:47

Level 63
Is there an official cleaned up list of bids and teams and stuff now?
manager league season three: 2024-06-30 20:58:54

Level 60
Not yet, no. Has been a busy day for me with work. Will get around to fixing it tomorrow.
manager league season three: 2024-07-02 12:57:05

master of desaster 
Level 66
manager league season three: 2024-07-02 13:08:58

Level 65
Thank you, Meister der Katastrophe!
manager league season three: 2024-07-16 12:39:20

Level 60
We at the ML Warden apologize for not keeping our forum readers up to date with the latest news!
Unfortunately, the suspected involvement of our senior editor, Ralph, in a corruption scandal has unfortunately limited his ability to oversee our forum publications.
The office computers have also been off-limits during Edge's investigation, and junior reporters such as myself are, er, not quite paid enough to afford our own office equipment.
We appreciate your patience with us as we push forward through these difficult times.

Edited 7/16/2024 13:14:43
manager league season three: 2024-07-16 14:41:01

Level 60
Sorry for the hold up on the ML Warden reporting on the forum thread. We have been actively producing news, but I have been slacking with the posts. Here is a recap of the events that have transpired over the past couple of weeks:

First off, Rento was fired as a reporter. It turned out he was in cahoots with the enemy: Nations Cup!

Then, we had an interview with Kenny, the manager of Hawk Tuah!

After that we signed a sponsorship contract with Motoki, the manager of team MotoKOIN to the moon. We also had an interview with him! They kindly supplied us with paper for every upcoming issue of the ML Warden

Before I post anything else I would like to stress that MotoKOIN is the best investment anyone can make. BUY MOTOKOIN!*
*I am legally required to post this for every new issue being published

Another interview followed a few days after: Tac(ky)tical manager of Memes & Dreams

Following that interview came perhaps the saddest chapter in ML history so far: both MoD and myself have been banned from leadership of the current and all future seasons of the Manager League. MoD is currently awaiting trial for corruption charges (they are really strict on those things in Switzerland, nobody have ever hidden any money there through secret accounts before)

All hail dicta, errr, leader Texx!

Then came a MotoKOIN endorsement from the favourite and best player in this event, Marcus Aurelius, as well as the start of an undercover investigation performed by Not LND*
*name changed to protect the anonymity of the reporter

Which brings us to yesterdays news: An interview with the now almighty dicta, err, leader Texx, the manager of team THIS! IS!! SPARTEXX!!!
manager league season three: 2024-07-16 16:47:38

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
Absolute cinema
manager league season three: 2024-07-20 14:30:33

Master Ryiro 
Level 63
Lets gooooo!!!

Edited 7/20/2024 14:36:55
manager league season three: 2024-07-21 18:26:15

Level 63
Woop woop

Go memes and dreams!
manager league season three: 2024-07-24 16:49:30

Truth Dragon
Level 58
Some nights, while i roam the forum, i read many uppercased events.
Manager League!
Clan League!

Uppercases serve the purpose, to highlight (apart from highlighted threads) the highlight-deserved threads!!!!!!

WHY did Manager League get downgraded? Who did it? What punishment do they deserve? Feel my pain!!!
A highlighted thread of the best WZ event deserves to have his uppercase letters! Fight me!


Edited 7/24/2024 16:50:10
manager league season three: 2024-09-22 06:13:39

Level 59
Bumpiti bumpicious

thank you mr. fizzer for unlocking this thread <3

Edited 9/22/2024 08:51:56
manager league season three: 2024-09-22 17:04:22

Level 59
Copy of the original auction sheet (not fully updated after trades): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jg1kDTQMGYnOy5vTO4Dh5GtbHNBLWAGIlYPQ1BLqe8U/edit?usp=sharing

Sheet for everything after the auction (including the trades and only the auction results, not it's interface): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xk1MMZo14ujGI823fZLqzK6_4j00x8YZf4GnK_8dvVA/edit?usp=sharing

Google Dashboard for the results: (https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/74bb1839-7678-4576-b1b3-7e152e7cd2c4)

The Dashboard is interactive, try playing around, you can sort via anything you want.

Oh and also there were leftover tournaments, the winner of which got a kiss from sloppy and 1 point for their team
  • https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=58316 Fogless Fighting
  • https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=58315 S1v1
  • https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=58313 SE1W

  • Edited 10/7/2024 05:03:37
    manager league season three: 2024-09-22 19:13:03

    Level 59
    alright ima explain everything that is happening in https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/74bb1839-7678-4576-b1b3-7e152e7cd2c4 once and for all

    Modelling the event:

    To sum up what we already know, there's 6 managers that drafted players from a pool of 71 players. All 77 players were tiered into 7 tiers in terms of strength. The event consists of 10 templates, 7 1vs1 and 3 2vs2, and each manager can have up to 3 players double slot. That means out of the 13 slots (7 1vs1 and 6 2vs2), each team has a minimum of 10 unique players. For the auction, an artificial currency called "nohhams" is used, with each manager having 400 nohhams to spend (total market capacity 6x400 = 2400 nohhams).

    Each template is a RR bo1 tournament, meaning there's a total of 15 games per template, which translates to 105 1vs1 and 45 2vs2 games. each 1vs1 win is 3 points. Each 2vs2 win is 4 points. As such, the total points add up to 105x3=315 and 45x4=180 for 1vs1 and 2vs2 respectively, adding to a total of 495 points. (67% from 1vs1 and 36% from 2vs2).

    Since the total market capacity is 2400 nohhams and there's a total of 495 points, each point is technically worth 2400/495 = 4.84 nohhams.
    So for a 1vs1 template,
    - 1-4 performance -> 3 points -> 14.5 nohhams
    - 2-3 performance -> 6 points -> 29 nohhams
    - 3-2 performance -> 9 points -> 43.5 nohhams
    - 4-1 performance -> 12 points -> 58 nohhams
    - 5-0 performance -> 15 points -> 72.6 nohhams


    Team Performance Evaluation:

    - Points Graph: Bar graph of total points per team
    - Points Won vs Points Contested (where PC is max points a team would have at any time if they were undefeated. In this event that adds up to a maximum of 165 points)
    - Points Won vs Number of Completed Games (practically using total number of completed games as a time unit)
    - Win Ratio vs Number of Completed Games
    - Percentage of Completed Games vs Number of Completed Games


    Adjusted Points Calculation for Individual Contribution

    In team games (2vs2), its lowkey impossible to quantify each player's individual contribution to the team's performance. To address this, I calculate Adjusted Points for each player based on their expected win ratios from a model.

    Expected Win Ratios per Tier:

    • Tier 1: 0.8822
    • Tier 2: 0.7022
    • Tier 3: 0.4978
    • Tier 4: 0.3667
    • Tier 5: 0.2306
    • Tier 6: 0.1156
    • Tier 7: 0.0528

    For a team game where two players earn a certain number of points together, I allocate the points to each player based on their expected win ratios.

    If Player A (Tier 1, Expected Win Ratio 0.8822) and Player B (Tier 5, Expected Win Ratio 0.2306) earn 8 points together in a 2vs2 template, their adjusted points would be:

    • Player A's 8x(0.8822 / (0.8822+0.2306)) = 6.34
    • Player B's 8x(0.2306 / (0.8822+0.2306)) = 1.66

    It's just a rough estimate for each player's contribution to their team's success
    manager league season three: 2024-09-22 19:20:16

    Level 59
    Metrics Used

  • PPG is total adjusted points divided by number of games played
  • IPI is extent of a player's contribution to their team's overall performance.
    IPI = adjusted points of player / total points of team
    quite simply percentage of team contribution
  • W/L D just wins - losses
  • contribution to cost ratio -> where contr ratio is players points / teams points, and cost ratio is nohhams sent / 400.
    the higher this is the more someone contributed, offering more value relative to their cost
  • ROI or actually adjusted ROI is just adjusted points/nohhams spent. investment efficiency index - how cost effective a player is.

  • MII is an index on whether a player was overpaid or underpaid based on the allocation their manager did. = (nohhams spent - expected slot value) / expected slot value. >0 means manager spent more nohhams than the expected slot value which is calculated for each template. So if manager Y buys the player nick as a tier 1 very expensive player but fields him in a slot vs only tier 1s, rip money, bad allocation of resources. MII>0 is badly allocated, MII<0 is good allocation. MII>0 also means overpaid for what they provided, opposite for <0

  • EOI is how a player's actual performance compares to their expected performance.
    = (adjusted points - expected points ) / (expected points).
    >0 means overperform
    <0 means underperform

  • The combination of EOI and MII can be used to research whether someone was placed in a wrong tier, since for example, high MII and high EOI means the player is stronger than their tier suggested.
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