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manager league season three: 2024-06-18 15:38:37

Level 65
You'll be worth a looot more
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 15:42:16

Level 63
I'll sign up as a player. For kicks to see how low I'm rated and how the managers fight to trick each other into signing me on someone else's team.

What you need to know about me:
- I'm just a guy in the world
- I won't boot
- I might win a couple
- There is nothing else notable about me

Any questions?

Edited 6/18/2024 16:33:57
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 15:56:53

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Player namer: LF
Opinion/Thoughts: Can be good with motivation. I'd prefer no-weird 1v1s. If motivated I am up for practice games. I joined AWP series this year first time. Did ok so far. ^^ Better than expected. But probably had the luck on my side. Old Ladder seems to be a template in ML, on that I did well in that AWP Series. But never really liked, but could do it. I dont know how well I could be put on team games. It depends on the teammate and how much is brought in from the teammate. But preferably I would play 1v1s to avoid this uncertainty. I will lose interest directly if I am paired with a teammate who is not responding and/or wanting me to change order in the last hours before boot. No matter how good he actually would be.

Strength: no boot risk. Ok player.
If motivated: too much thinking/ chatting text walls.
If unmotivated: Thinking too less. Wanting to finish game too fast.
Generally underestimating myself. (regretting to have said that. Now you will expect too much).
Oh yeah and I am no discord player.

If I dont get what I want, I will threat to chose bad templates for CL18. And I will blame JK.

Edited 6/18/2024 20:23:24
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 16:32:00

Orcinus orca
Level 60
I'll sign up as a player.

Strengths- can play really well at times

Weaknesses- can play really badly at times
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 16:34:31

Level 62
I want to be in as a player.
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 16:35:27

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
I can bid on some clowns. I’m already negotiating with Rufus’ agents to figure out what salary he’ll be asking for next season.
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 16:55:34

Level 63
Hi id love to play. I can manage but would prefer to stream or do something else to help. I’ve played 1 season of manager league before it collapse and 3 season of captain league.

And before ppl sleep on me, don’t forget what happened in 2016


Strength — I’m tacky

Weakness - I’m also tacky
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 16:59:18

Level 63
Also I have one of the highest peak 1v1 ratings ever, like 2450

I have won the 3v3 ladder with 4 different teams

Peak on MTL of 1800

Peak of 2k on 2v2 2nd place :(

Peak of 25th on seasonal

Might be able to get me for a steal, could win you some nice games for a cheap bid ;)

Edit: Kenny if you’re reading this I suck don’t draft me

Edited 6/18/2024 17:01:32
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 17:20:28

Level 65
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 17:46:50

Level 68
Interested as a player

I’ll happily play any of the below.

* 1v1s
Strategic Greece (Vanilla)
French Brawl (LF + vanilla)
Strat ME (WR)

Can play the template below, but it’s meh and I’m more motivated to play the ones above.

Timid Land (Weird)

Zero interest in playing any of the templates below.

Ursa Lunacy (Weird)
Strat MME 2v2 (Vanilla)
Biomes 2v2 (INSS)
Landria Earth 2v2 (Weird)
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 17:52:03

master of desaster 
Level 66
Buns you should play the new and improved Local Deployement, Multiattack, Light Fog template. I created it just for you
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 17:52:21

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I’ll play. However, be warned, if put in a team game slot I will likely non-join all my games in protest unless you team me with one of my long time ladder teammates: Deadman, mod, Holdway, Peixoto, or Don [Ω].
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 18:03:02

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
I am signing up too <3
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 18:36:04

Level 58
New clear #1 pick

More obvious than Zion Williamson in 2019
- downvoted post by (deleted)
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 19:37:36

Level 63
I'd like to play as a player.

Strengths: Conflict resolution, Musicianship, positive attitude,

Weaknesses: Public speaking, Hearing in noisy environments, going on Holiday for 22 days in August (Hopefully should have internet sporadically though)

I am good at most templates and great at very few templates. I am bad at Timid lands.

I'm happy to team up with Beren despite his complete ineptitude in meeting new people. I think I could win him around with a coy smile and that inviting glint in my eye <3

Edited 6/18/2024 19:38:27
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 19:42:02

Level 61
I’d like to sign up as a player.

Strengths: I have good streaks against good players on different templates. I check in once a day mostly.
Weakness: I often play too fast which costs me victories and means I get bad streaks against good and bad players. I mostly check games i feel like I’m winning (-and then screw up bc i play too fast) or games that are within 1 day boot ^^
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 20:28:20

Level 61
Will sign up as a player.

I'm not pitching myself. Managers can do their own DD.
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 20:28:51

Level 62
Beren Erchamion is missing from the signed up players list
manager league season three: 2024-06-18 21:04:38

Truth Dragon
Level 58
(Deleted message showing resignation to not cause problems)

Edited 6/18/2024 21:27:30
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