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Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 15:25:10

Level 63
Why did he delete his account? Come back please! So what if there’s a little drama, just makes things interesting. You’ve done so much for the community and me personally, I implore you to return and become the elite player you’ve tried to become. I’ll buy your LTM, rly sad to see you delete your account friend
- downvoted post by Morg'th N H'Throg
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:06:40

Level 63
Don’t call Dan a douche please, what a loser thing to say after he deleted his account. He can’t defend himself.

Sure Dan took things a little far, was mean to some people, but he did good things too. Dan will be remembered for many things, and for me personally, I want to thank him for the mods he made and the LTM he provided for many prominent members of our community

Tbh I’m not really happy to see anyone go, but especially Dan is big loss (imo)
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:08:19

Level 62
I agree with tacky wholeheartedly
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:11:43

Truth Dragon
Level 58
Dan seems like a conscientious person.
Meaning, he did what he thought was right. And in return, what did he get?

A guy he loved enough to buy a LTM betrayed him
A thread he made to warn people of an alt, became a poor dragon stalked by the masses without his intention
The community he loved suggested him to be imparted justice and get banned for his bad reaction to a betrayal

He deserved a better ending than his accounts <deleted>
He deserved a happy ending
- downvoted post by Morg'th N H'Throg
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:15:13

Level 62
I am thankful to DanWL as well for helping me with my LTM and for his many others contributions to the community (including trying to keep lotto away from CW).

It is sad seeing him gone.

For the records: https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9522268564&u=(deleted)_2428
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:30:52

Level 61
This could be the first time I agree with Tacky.
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:31:34

Level 59
Welcome to the club danwl.

On your 2nd account you learn to blocklist internet bullies seeking the validation their parents didn't give them.

Wish you the best in life.
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:32:12

Level 60
Firstly, to those of you that have your personal issues with Dan, keep it to yourself. He's not here to respond to any criticism you have of him. Only a coward shit-talks others behind their backs.

Secondly, I never had any issues with Dan. He came across as someone very helpful. I know there were someone people who had personal issues with him, but that's none of my business and it's none of your business either unless it was specifically you that he had the personal stuff with. Even then, that's between you and Dan, so keep it to yourself while he's not here to defend himself.

Thirdly, some of you are talking about him as if he's dead, he's not, he's deleted his account, that's all. He's under no obligation to stay active in this community. If he feels there's something that's happened that made him want to delete his account, that's up to him. Give him some privacy.
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:42:26

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Firstly, to those of you that have your personal issues with Dan, keep it to yourself. He's not here to respond to any criticism you have of him. Only a coward shit-talks others behind their backs.

I did it to his face on the forum so, what you are saying is not true, unless you are talking about anyone else.

Also the personal issues I had with him and the way he spoke to me on the forums is my business. Also there is nothing that I said that really required "defense" I posted my opinion, it's my opinion. As the part about his commentary is a matter of public record and he had plenty of chance to "defend" it on the forum but instead he doubled down on it.

I find the downvoting on my comments to be rather sad and pathetic. He is gone so for some reason I am to just forget how he attacked ways of playing the game that he didn't like but other people enjoyed which more importantly had NO impact on him. That he would dismiss opinions of people unfairly.

Forget that.

Of course one of his fan boys who he probably bought off with a free membership will down vote this because apparently now that he is gone I am supposed to ignore everything he said on the forms go on my knees and let him use my soft and womanly mouth?
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 16:59:41

old yeller 
Level 59
once more we really don’t know anything. we assume dan left because of conflicts with other players but for all we know he had a moment of realizing that he hasn’t been enjoying wz for a long time. maybe his therapist suggested he step away from the game, maybe he decided to quit the screen and get some fresh air.
my point is non of us actually knows anything about rl dan, it’s all assumptions.

i am sad to see him go but i’v said goodbye to more friends irl than i can remember so i don’t dwell on it. i hope he’s happy and wish him gl hf.
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 17:03:33

Level 61
Dan always stroke me as a good guy. Doing his best to be helpful and saying what he thinks is right.
I can see how he gets into some drama tho, a little too stubborn and easily baited by trolls :D

I find the downvoting on my comments to be rather sad and pathetic.

I agree that you should be free to state your opinion, even if its a negative one.
However, your opinion is pretty trash and it seems fair to express that opinion by downvoting yours.

dan, good lad, loss for the community.
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-11 17:42:42

Level 63
RIP DanWL, 2013 - 2024

It's sad to see someone that contributed so much to the community go. A rightful winner of several awards, applauding the effort he put in the community as a whole. Always willing to help, training newbies, making mods, userscripts, guides, updating the wiki, the good things he did as a moderator, and so many more things.

However, Dan did start going crazy (for lack of a better word) over the last year or so, and its sad to see that it ended with him deleting all his accounts. So whoever has only a negative view of Dan in this thread probably only experienced the recent Dan, and not the "Warzoner of the year" Dan. Which is really unfortunate, cause Dan is actually a nice person who is sometimes just struggling with life.

I wish him the very best, and I hope that once whatever is going on with him now is over, he will return to WZ!

Edited 7/12/2024 06:56:19
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-12 04:28:36

Level 64
Dan was the literal best. This is pretty devastating to me.

But at the very least we know that if this site or it's people were causing him stress then its all gone from him now. Hopefully he can be happy.
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-12 05:45:54

Level 63
I was shocked and sad when I saw he deleted his account ... he was someone who actively contributed to the community

But presumably he did this to save his own sanity, things were getting to him, so hope he's able to move on

But if he changes his mind, I'd welcome him back
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-12 16:26:46

Level 58
Im back from the dead to offer my 2 cents.

I was also surprised to hear he deleted his account as he is someone who has done a lot for the game, it will be a shame to see him gone and while i dont know about the recent drama i hope he does come back.

However, what i dont understand is why did Dan go to the trouble to delete his mods, all his years of progress gone in an instant, by my understanding mods done get deleted when an account is deleted.
- downvoted post by Johnny Silverhand
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-13 10:16:37

Level 58
Is Dan still there downvoting all replies which don't praise him without restrictions? ;)

Can someone make a userscript which hides upvoted posts and automatically expands the downvoted ones?

Edited 7/13/2024 10:17:28
Where is DanWL??: 2024-07-14 17:50:20

Truth Dragon
Level 58
Where is DanWL?
Will the future warzoners ask "Who is DanWL?"
Will DanWL come back?
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