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are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 05:16:00

Level 63
the Winkies are leading S58 again. They were winning earlier, then MB went ahead a few, and now the Winkies are in #1 spot again

Are they finally going to end the tyranny of 30-ish straight season wins?

Cheering for you Dom, Xeno, Texx, Buns, Rufus, Ursus, Nick & team! Take the crown
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 05:23:21

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 62
They both have a wee bit above 40 players. Why didn't they make a push like this before, not as if the new rule set makes a real difference.

But it would be good to see a bit of a competition for top spot.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 05:38:55

Level 63
100% with you, nothing in the recent change that enabled this; they took the yolo approach of gathering talent from several clans

this is essentially yolo v3 (Winkies) taking on yolo v2 (MB)

what this shows is that in order to vie for top spot, you have to pilfer from existing clans

Edited 12/25/2024 05:39:37
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 05:51:17

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 62
I would have thought when OP made their various pushes that they would have tried to grab some talent from elsewhere.

I guess they didn't push it, push it real good.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 08:35:03

Level 58
I would have thought when OP made their various pushes that they would have tried to grab some talent from elsewhere.

I guess they didn't push it, push it real good.

are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 10:36:01

Level 62
@morg the new rule set does make a difference, you only need 25 players per day now instead of 40 before.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 19:55:17

Level 61
Too early to tell, MB has proven they got plenty of fight in them. Should make for an exciting season finish.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 20:00:06

Confessions on a Dance Floor
Level 41
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-25 20:48:50

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 62
Norme. I was thinking more salt and peppa

But they both have just over 40 members by a few, so the results would be the exact shame under the old rules,
Seems they need 40 just to get the 25 games a day, plenty of players on both teams not playing every day.

Edited 12/25/2024 20:49:11
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 08:00:55

Level 63
Fair point, OP tried on the 40 player era and couldn't do it

Now with only 25 required, I expected them to make another run for it but guess they're CW'd out, even a few bolted for Winkies

But yea with 25 required per day and a 40-ish roster, it gives the ability to drive activity and results from a different set of 25 players each day, so easier to find motivated players

Basically 40C25 vs 40C40, the first is clearly easier to manage, and 15 get to chill each day
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 08:05:22

Level 63
The real question though, is if the Winkies actually win, will they add this to their clan profile?

"We wanted to prove that anyone could win Clan Wars. We thought it would be easy- and it was (S58)."
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 09:01:22

Level 62
It’s not just Opti, krinid. There’s a significant number of non-Opti players.

Morg. In the MB vs Opti fight last year, both clans averaged more than 37 games p/day. So 40 players aren’t needed to hit 25 p/day. Both clans are actually stopping at 25 to avoid penalties and are intentionally holding back people from playing. Plat is even kicking underperforming players. Is this what Fizzer intended?
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 13:48:28

Doctor K 
Level 62
Both clans are actually stopping at 25 to avoid penalties and are intentionally holding back people from playing. Plat is even kicking underperforming players.

Is this what Fizzer intended?


Seems there might be some "unintended consequences"

Edited 12/26/2024 13:52:50
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 14:17:54

old yeller 
Level 60
the fact the race is this close shows that mb cannot be beaten unless something drastic happens. winx is a one time thing and then we’ll go back to normal. as for mb, winning has a way of keeping teams togethers.
this is a fun experiment but nothing more imo. it’s a proof of an unsustainable concept.

having said that, it makes smile i’m happy someone finally got on this horse and did something different.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 15:54:01

Level 60
“Is this what Fizzer intended?”

I thought it was clear from Fizzers AMA that his vision were clans aren’t a community and rather something like in clash of clans in that they are a means to an end (ie getting idle requests met or exist to play in CW like this clan). So I’d argue that yes, this was his intention
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 16:07:53

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 62
Pretty sure Fizzer complained that some people were being shut out of Clam Wars due to the 40 limit [which if happened must of been rare and people who waited till deep into a season so were no keen but whatever].

I doubt people signing up for clam wars but being told not to play is not much of an improvement.

It was my understanding, not that I put too much thought into it, that more games than 25 are fine as long as the win rate stays up. But I could be wrong.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 16:11:21

old yeller 
Level 60
a few players were kicked out of harmony after multiple seasons of playing under 5 games and many warnings. i have no problem with that.

you can play over 25 if you keep up the win rate but if you have a 20 win day at game 25 the odds of maintaining that are not great.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 16:46:35

Level 61
Getting best 25 available from a roster of 40 is a completely different beast than having a roster of 40 and telling them to play as often as possible.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 17:21:27

Level 63
Is this what Fizzer intended?

Yes, it turns CW into a strategic contest instead of an activity contest.

You're just maximizing the clans output in points/day while working within the limitations set by Fizzer. And if that strategy involves getting rid of bad players and farming free wins, then so be it.
are the Winkies gonna win CW S58?: 2024-12-26 17:49:58

Level 61
Yes, this would not have been possible before

MB are a strong clan in our own right and are the only strong clan built-for-purpose to play CW. We are further supplemented by individuals who are themselves interested in CW but play for clans (Groups?) who aren’t interested in CW. There was no reason for these “alt accounts” to join any other clan before because MB would inevitably win and they could earn more rewards playing for MB. Simply put, in the old world, >50% of “good” players who were willing/able to play RT games on CW templates 6+ times a week played for MB or would play for MB when there was a legitimate opponent. OP tested this theory on multiple occasions and came up short every time.

In the new world, it is no longer a requirement to play 6+ days a week. This opens up the field to many more “good” players. The pool of players has changed. The definition of “good” has changed. MB no longer has >50% of “good” players. We are vulnerable.

There’s a weird sentiment that MB are angry or upset which seems misaligned to reality. The vast majority of MB thoroughly enjoyed when OP pushed hard and we had a credible threat. We are strong strategic players who have put in a great deal of time to learn the ins and outs of Warlight and the CW templates. We enjoy playing worthwhile opposition. CW is more fun when it’s about winning games rather than pure participation.

I would love if there was a decent permanent opponent (or opponents) to play against. I personally advocated for many of the exact CW changes that occurred for exactly this reason. It’s good that we are moving away from clan caps, that we are allowing for ‘vacations’ without the need to boot members, that we are eliminating the extreme need for participation and replacing it with a need for win rate.

Regardless of who wins this season I hope that some collection of players returns to challenge MB in future seasons. Playing high quality head-to-head games against OP and Winky and scoring 50%-50% is fun. Thrashing Harmony 75%-25% when the “real opponent” Prime plays 40 SEAD games is not fun.
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