Kamikaze card You attack with your entire stack available in that territory (as in no-split mode) and have a 50/50 chance to either kill your opponent's stack in full or kill nothing. Your stack will be eliminated in full for sure. However, you can attack a much larger stack with a much smaller stack, even as little as one army.
Final days card Every turn from now on, an ever increasing number of player territories becomes neutral. The last player to stand wins. Essentially, you now have to hold as many territories as possible for as long ss possible, irrespective of bonuses.
Friendly fire card All transfer moves of your opponent the following turn will behave as attack moves. Armies will be killed, but no territories change ownership in this way.
Platinum card Instead of AbbAAbb, the move order behaves in a random way of half As and half Bs. Sometimes it will be BABABABA, sometimes AAABAABBBB etc.
Multi-transfer card Allows you to transfer in the multi-attack way for one turn. If the streak is interrupted by an attack, further transfers are not possible.