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Card ideas: 2025-01-24 21:21:54

Pink Velvet
Level 60
I'm gonna make a card that automatically makes me or my team win the game
Card ideas: 2025-01-24 22:30:22

Level 63
Temporary Blockade
Play this card on a territory to got the same effect of a Blockade card, except you retake the territory with the stack with the one you blocked the territory. Can do it also with EMB.
How does the recapture of the territory work? You B/EB some with x units, let's say 300% rate so it grows to a 3x sized WL. You attack the WL with x units and it turns to your territory again, and you have x units there?

What happens if you have x-1 units? Or x+1 units? Is it only recapturable by the player who played the B/EB?

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!!
I'll add the "Card Card" (might have to work on the name tho, lol) to the mod I'm working on. Configurable to provide either full cards or some # of pieces of a card of player's choice.

Anti-Diplo Card / War Card - Ends a Diplomacy Card
I don't think this is possible in the game at this point. I believe the Diplo is enforced by core WZ with no way to get rid of it. I suppose if you ignore the popup that indicates Diplo is in effect and input attack moves anyhow, the mod could intercept the moves and manually process the attack. But you'd still have to deal with the popup that occurs when Diplo is active, don't see any way around that.

Sudden Death Card
The next player who loses a bonus (bonus broken) is eliminated.
Alternative: ... loses a territory is eliminated.

Is played at the end of a turn and counts for the next turn.
An interesting one. Will consider this one. Until then ... similar-ish themed mods that already exist are:
- Better don't fail an attack: bad grammar aside, failed attacks result in the defender losing 0 armies, and the defender captures the attacking armies that would usually be killed, becoming their units on the target territory
- Don't lose a territory: configurable to apply to starting territories, or all territories; if you lose one of these territories, you lose the game; essentially you're asking for a card activated version of the "all territories" version, with option to apply to a bonus instead
Card ideas: 2025-01-24 23:25:38

Level 63
@Pink Velvet

I'm gonna make a card that automatically makes me or my team win the game

Tbh I'm surprised no one has asked for a Lotto card that randomly chooses a winner when played. With configurable settings to created a weighted random decision based on income & army counts.

Though for those that really want a quick game forced lotto but don't want to make a lotto template, there does exist this lovely TBest mod:
"Lotto Mod -> Instant Random Winner": Picks a random winner among all players in the game, during the first turn. AutoDistribution will be turned on by the mod to skip wasteful picking.
Card ideas: 2025-01-24 23:51:00

Level 58
Tacky Card

Start a political discussion nobody wanted xP
Card ideas: 2025-01-25 19:07:32

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
No, your territory is regiven automaticaly
Card ideas: 2025-01-26 13:15:56

Level 63
I'll include that functionality in the mod I'm working on.
Card ideas: 2025-01-26 13:22:20

Level 37
The Watchtowers idea is implemented as Reconnaissance Card+ in Custom Card Package 2. That mod is not currently public. Uses normal recon cards to alter the fog level.
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 11:33:25

Level 63
I'm updating the Nuke card, and I'm adding functionality so you can change the turn phase it impacts it, and choose freely among these options:
Active Cards wear off
Order Priority Cards
Spy-like Cards
Reinforcement Cards
Deploy / Purchase
Bomb Cards
Emergency Blockade
Airlift Cards
Gift Cards
Attacks/Transfers and Order Delay Cards
Sanction Cards
Receive new cards

So you can put the impact in any phase you want. Technically, you can make Nuke a weak card that only does a bit of damage to a single territory and 0 damage to the connected territories & place the impact in the Reinf phase (ie: before deployments) to get the effect you've indicated here.

Do you think that is enough, or do you think there is value in having an actual Explosives card, which would essentially be a clone of the Nuke card with different defaults, and maybe even a bit of functionality removed (no need to cause damage to connected territories). It's not a big deal at all to make it a separate card, and then a host could (if they so desired) use Explosives, Bombs & Nukes all in the same game (which would be pretty excessive, but it's possible).
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 17:14:20

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Oh I just understoud that krinid was making all the cards ! That's a very good thing !

Edited 1/30/2025 17:15:15
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 18:00:56

Level 37
@krind you can use completely custom turn phases as well. you'd need to check the values for the 'normal' turn phases to make sure it's in the appropriate turn phase
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 20:29:37

Level 63
@Dan, that functionality was removed recently. It produced odd results so has been restricted to the preset phases.

@Rex, not all of them, but a bunch of them. Notably the ones that either seem interesting or align with stuff I'm working on. Some of the suggestions are actually just additions to some of the cards I'm working on (like Leon's Explosives one, it's really just a weaker Nuke, so really easy to make that).

StereoTunic9039 is creating some (he's considering the Retry Card suggestion and he's making a Landmine mod now). Dutch makes stuff all the time so think he's too busy on those to implement these changes.

Following are the one's I'm working on & will publish in the Custom Card Package A mod. The first 3 are refreshes of dabo1's Custom Card Package mod that implements Nuke, Pestilence, Isolation. I'm updating them to be proper cards, upgrade the the UI so they're easy to use (Nuke can click on territories to activate instead of selecting territory name from a list, etc).

Done / final tweaks in the works:

Working on next:

Working on in the future (after first release of the Custom Card Package A mod):

So if there are any suggestions which are essentially variations of any of these cards, where it makes sense, I'd just add a configuration option for that - like making the Nuke card fully configurable to activate in a different phase. Default will be BombCards phase.
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 20:38:28

Level 65
That's great, krinid!
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 20:41:55

Level 37
that functionality was removed recently. It produced odd results so has been restricted to the preset phases.

When was that removed? I don't remember seeing anything about that mentioned on blog or change history.
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 20:43:05

Level 66
What about a card which makes it where your opponent can’t hold cards for a few turns
I don’t know if anyone has already thought of this since I am a little out of date with this forum
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 20:46:16

Level 37
^ that's possible but not at all intuitive. you wont get the normal message of having to use cards when making orders. what would happen is cards being discarded on you or your team's behalf as the turn advances, instead of last player on team being forced to play/discard them

edit: actually it can be intuitive if and only if players running the mod are using the absolute latest version of the warzone app/standalone because of the new orders committed hook. still would need to validate that the cards have been played/used in server advance turn and discard any cards held to really make sure that no cards are being held

Edited 1/30/2025 20:52:28
Card ideas: 2025-01-30 21:37:20

Level 63
@Dan, don't think it was announced. Dutch found the change when the game spawned an error on code that formerly worked (specified +1 on an existing WL turn phase). Not sure which update it was, just that it was recent.

@MetalGear, interesting ... so instead of preventing them from playing them, it prevents them from holding them. It forces a play/discard action. And if they're being Card Blocked at the same time, it forces a discard. It seems too powerful, lol, but I guess that's up to the host to manage game settings.

Got a good name for this card? Card Hold? hmmm

Would probably make sense to implement it as configurable item for # of cards permitted to be held for some # of turns. And I guess leaving it an open value means you could decrease or increase it from the base setting for holding # of cards, so you could for example make base # of cards holdable = 5, then set the Card Hold card to 10, so play it on yourself to hold more cards than usual. Or set it to 0 to force play/discard of everything in hand.

As Dan said, it definitely requires the latest client versions to be able to prompt @ Commit time, or players would potentially get unknowingly wrecked when the turn advances.

Note - This would only work on whole cards. There's no UI to allow players to discard card pieces. Then again, the game puts no restrictions on card pieces anyhow, only whole cards. You could have 9/10th's of 10 cards (equivalent of 9 cards) on a game with card hold limit @ 3, and have no problems keeping them all, so fine to continue in this vein on this topic.

Edited 1/30/2025 21:56:40
Card ideas: 2025-01-31 10:06:54

Level 61
Bwoah, this is cool! Excited to try some of these out. You should get a cut of the memberships this will drive haha.

Yes, your proposed “flexible” Nuke card seems like a very sensible implementation to me. I’m curious if others come up with ideas on some of the more exotic sequencing options as well.
Card ideas: 2025-01-31 14:42:12

Rex Imperator 
Level 57
Yeah, very good !
Card ideas: 2025-02-02 14:14:43

Level 65
Weed card
Playable on templates with multi-attack on. After the card is played, for one turn, the enemy armies get slow and can't multi-attack (regular attack works).
Card ideas: 2025-02-04 13:58:03

Level 46
Switch Card

only works in a game with at least three players
switch territories with another player but distribute your existing armies on your new territories. same goes for the player you switched with
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